
Ariana’s Party-Part 3

Maya's POV

"Hey, Rich, don't waste your chance, go to Ariana right now." I suggested to him, and he turns his head in Ariana's direction and I felt so excited for them.

"Okay, wish me luck, I think it is long overdue, I need to tell her how I felt since I can't take it anymore." He replied.

"Go!" Lisa and I stated at the same time and we both laugh, and Rich said goodbye to us, and he pulls out of the pool, and I suddenly feel so lonely, how I crave nothing change with Adonis's feelings towards me, and I avoided my gaze from them since I can see Cassandra is now trying her best to gets closer with Adonis and I got so jealous, and it is now my turn to make my show, and as I was about to get up from the pool when I saw muscular arms extended towards me, and when I look up, I noticed Christopher standing in front of me, he looks so handsome and adorable with his board shorts. I can't deny the brother of Beatrice is beyond hot and athletic.

I remember my sister's words, I can't disagree with her since she has a point, if I want to be happy, I need to go for someone who is not complicated. Christopher is the safest among the boys around us because he is not Rich, he is also working on the farm of the Monleons during summer and school break. But he has ambitions and I admired him for his hard work.

He is a Varsity Scholar in one university in the country, he was a basketball icon in our school during his High School days, and many of my classmates adore him. He is not only good at basketball, but he is tall, handsome, and has strong sex appeal, and I know many wealthy girls from the circle wants to have fun with him, but most of them don't take him seriously since it is against their beliefs and code of ethics.

They only continue for rich kids too, so it is better to choose him over James and Adrian, both attempted to ask me to go on a date with them, but I avoided them so many times, aside from the fact I only have eyes for Adonis, I felt nothing towards them, but Christopher is different, I know he always steals glances at me, but I never paid attention to him because I am so busy looking at the Monleon heir. Maybe it is time to give him a chance, Chris is safe, and I think there is a chance I will fall for him.

I take his hands and he pulled me up like I weighed nothing.

"Thank you, Chris!" I said, I know I felt guilty for doing this to Christopher because deep inside me, I am doing all this to make Adonis jealous, and I am not even sure if he will feel that way. For two weeks he ignored my texts, and he didn't text me back, and I don't receive any phone calls. It only means one thing, I am nothing to him. But I need to do this for myself also, I am tired of being humiliated, and it is about time to enjoy myself. And when I turn around I saw Lisa talking with Jake, and they are having a good time, and I realized at least my best friend is not alone.

"Can I get you some soda?" He asked, and I looked up at him, for he is towering over me, and I think he is as tall as Adonis.

"Sure!" I responded, and when he offered his hand to me, I take it without a second thought. He sits beside me on the bench and he opens the can and handed the drinks to me.

"Thank you." I said, and I smiled at him and I got so conscious that he is staring at me.

"You are so beautiful, Maya, and I wish I can talk to you, I mean, I found out the rumor." He spoke, and he stopped.

"Chris, please continue what you want to say, and I will give you an honest answer. You know rumors can sometimes deceive, and mostly they are not true." I suggested to him, and he smiled shyly at me.

"I heard Adonis is courting you, but it looks something happened between you two, so you turned him down?" He asked and I laugh. How can I tell him that Adonis courted me and I plan to accept him as my boyfriend the moment he gets back, but it shows he already changed his mind and heart?

"No, it was not true, you know Adonis, I am just part of his stupid game, you see it was his forte to annoy me." I replied, and I can say his whole face lights up.

"Does it mean, I have a chance to know you? I want to be honest with you, Maya, I wish to court you for a long while now, but this is the only chance I got the courage, I know I have nothing to offer you like Adonis Monleon, but I can promise you I will do my best, so you can be proud of me someday." He said, and I can't stop myself from laughing, and I don't expect that he will be so serious, and it was already late, I laugh loudly that almost everybody at the party heard me, and they are looking at me. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adonis's fists at his side, and he expresses so angrily. And I wonder what is wrong with him.

"What is so funny?" He asked, and he looks so cute.

"Nothing, Chris, I am just amused that you look so serious." I said.

"Of course, I am sincere about you, Maya, and I want to know you, I hope you will give me a chance." He said, and I looked up at him, and I suddenly realized I can't use him since he is too good and serious, I can't break Christopher's heart.

"I am not yet sure if I am ready to be in a relationship, Chris. You see, I am always at the farm working, so I can save some allowance for this coming opening of classes." I said.

"Well, I can wait, Maya, I just want you to know I like you very much, and I hope when you are ready it would be me." He said, and he touched my hand and I didn't take it from him, I just let him caressed my palm, and I wish to feel that it is so nice that someone will care for me, but at the back of my mind I am still wishing it was Adonis who is holding my hand right now.

"Thank you, Maya, for giving me a chance to talk to you, you have been in my mind for so long now, and when I saw you arrive wearing that yellow dress, I realized I can't take it anymore, I need to tell you how I felt." He said, and I felt glad he released my hand.

"Wow! I don't know what to say, Christopher, I am flattered." I replied.

"It is enough that you know how I feel, but I realize I have many rivals, and I am uncertain if I can win your heart, and I can state even now, Adonis is looking daggers at me, we are good friends, and we always play basketball together, but he never looked at me that way, so it only means one thing he is really into you, Maya." He said.

"Don't be silly, Christopher, I realized you have a wild imagination, the Monelon heir doesn't fancy me the manner you think, and I don't have any suitors, you are the only one, so stop talking nonsense." I said to him, but I can't hold the rapid beating of my heart, hoping what he is saying is true. But I don't want to look at Adonis, for I felt so afraid because I am now on my first step of forgetting him. And I am so glad that Christopher is there to help me.

"Thank you for telling me how you feel towards me, Chris, and I hope you will not get bored with me, I mean I can't guarantee that we can be together in the end, but you cause me felt so happy tonight. And you make me feel so special." I said, and I looked at him, and I felt nervous now that he is looking at me with intensity.

"Of course, you are very special, Maya, I take my chance even though I recognize I have a slim chance of winning your heart." He spoke.

"Why you are so sure about that? Don't be so negative, Chris." I replied smiling at him.

"I perceive where I stand, Maya, I can never surpass Adonis Monleon." He responded.

"So, Beatrice told you?" I asked, and I felt so small, and Christopher nodded.

"Hey, don't look so sad, Maya, of course, she informed me I can never have you as my girlfriend because she learned, and all your classmates knew that Adonis Monleon is your forever crush." He declared, and I got so shy.

"Yeah, but I am only nothing to him." I said weakly.

"You are so wrong, Maya, do you trust me?" He asked, and I am confused by his words.

"What you mean by that?" I asked.

"There is only one way to find out your theory, and just trust me." He said and unexpectedly, Christopher cupped my face, and he kissed me on the lips passionately in front of everyone.

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