
Chapter - 14

I stared into the source of the smoke, my heart stopped. My face was drained of color and filled with the purest fear imaginable. There was fire, no ordinary fire, a special fire which meant death was coming for our lands once more. No dragons would attack now only something that was much, much worse. We did not know what to call this new enemy. They were like nothing we had ever seen before, we didn't even see them coming. But they came like a typhoon on the wind, they were ruthless, deadly, and fearless. Their faces were hidden behind a mask of iron. their bodies were filled with strange black markings, some had dragon heads on their arms and some had strange winged creatures that I had never seen before all over their backs and chests. They wore little to nothing besides an iron helmet upon their heads, iron vambraces, and short pants made of strange leather.

I ran towards Asta and shook her violently "Asta! Run! Sound the Warhorn!" Asta stared at me confused for a moment before her senses came back to her. She turned and ran as fast as she could without saying a single word. I ran back to my house to grab my weapon so I could fight. All around me I heard screams, women and men alike. I looked back and saw more of these strange men pouring into the village, there must have been at least thirty of them. As I reached my house I heard the warhorn start to blow. My father burst the door open, he had armored himself and was ready to fight. "We must go, boy! Hurry!" my father screamed to me as he ran towards the attackers. I rushed inside and grabbed my helmet and ax, I rushed back towards the village. While running back I saw Asta and her father running towards the battle as well, I ran towards them, "My lord! Who are these people!" I asked our chief. "I do not know boy, but what I do know is they will die! Here and now!" With saying that the chief raised his ax and shouted at the top of his lungs "To war!" All around us battle cries rose up, I felt something inside me start to grow as well, it felt almost primal. Something deep inside me had begun to awaken. With this new feeling rising up inside me I let out a battle cry of my own, as I let out the cry I felt that feeling grow more and more. At that moment, all I heard in my head was the same word repeated over and over again. Kill...Kill...Kill. I felt as if I were a savage beast charging into battle. Nothing could stop me now.

We finally reached the attackers, I was ready to fight with everything I had, we were a small army of about thirty warriors. They had twenty-five of their own. We stopped as we saw them, our weapons ready, the chief walked forward to address this new enemy, "Who dares attack us this day. Who are you!" he roared with a threatening and powerful tone. A large man, with the head of a dragon imprinted onto his neck, he came forward and spoke in a weird tongue that we did not understand. he then raised both of his huge, muscular arms up to the sky and shouted. "Death!" His warriors cheered as he said it. He then pointed his ax at our chief and his warriors began their charge. Our chief raised his ax as well and shouted: "For Valhalla!" We began our charge to battle, and all at once, a battle cry rose up from all around me, every single man and woman beside me gave out a ferocious battle cry. I took a deep breath and let out one of my own, that feeling returning to me now, only much, much stronger now. I charged towards the battle with no fear, no hesitation, the only thing I could think of at that moment was that one word... Kill...Kill...Kill!

I locked my eyes onto one of the attackers, he was a massive man filled with strange markings, I charged towards him like a cornered bear. He let out a battle cry and charged towards me as well. He swung his mighty ax at me, but I was faster than he anticipated and sidestepped to the right and dodged his attack, I saw an opening and I took it. I brought down my ax onto his back with all my might. It drove into his back with tremendous force, his screams and his blood filled the air. Hearing him scream out in pain made that feeling within me grow stronger. I pulled my ax from his spine, I looked at this man who was now trying to crawl away from me, his blood staining the ground around him a deep red. All I felt was rage, I lifted my ax and drew it down once again, my blade crashed down onto his head. The sound of bone breaking filled the air. "Kill...Kill...Kill" I whispered to myself. I ripped the ax from his skull and cried out "Kill! Kill! Kill!" I could see from the corner of my eye, Asta, she was fighting one of the men. She slashed at his chest and arms without restraint. As she was fighting one of the men I saw another start his charge towards her. My heart stopped. I looked at the man who was charging towards Asta, my body acted on its own, I charged towards him with unimaginable speed. While running I kept screaming "Die! Die! Die!" over and over again. He didn't see me coming, I crashed into him with my shoulder and knocked him to the ground. He was scrambling to get his sword, but before he could he looked up at me. He looked into my eyes, and even though his iron helmet I could see the fear in his eyes. He was filled with pure terror. I brought my ax down and drove it deep into his neck without hesitation. I would not let anyone hurt my Asta. The battle raged on. I was still in a trance, cutting down enemies left, right and center I was unstoppable. After a long and bloody battle, the attackers retreated. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around, my ax was raised above my head and I was ready to strike. Asta stood there, covered in blood. Her face was red with the blood of our enemies. I lowered my ax and stared at her for a moment. Now that I was regaining my senses, I examined her, and I thought at that moment while she was drenched with blood, I felt even more attracted to her. The blood on her body made my heart go wild. I loved seeing her like this. I turned around, the village was mostly burnt, Houses destroyed, the ground red with blood. Bodies littered the village, most of them the enemies, the smell of blood in the air. For some strange reason at that moment of chaos, I felt the happiest.

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