
[Side Stories] Chapter 43 [You Tasted Divine]


Archdemon Empress Luna


Now, Luna was feeling thirsty.  The Vampire King's frame appeared harmless as a sheep even if the remaining iron cuff on one of his wrists with its chain attached to the wall failed to make him look like that before she made him drink the anaphrodisiac.

Just as she thought, Hecate's potions were the best.

Luna licked her lips and Apollyon's blank gaze lasered in on the gesture.

Every time she glanced at him, his dark lashes looked so thick that they made him appear like he was closing his eyes.

As she focused on their breathing mingling with the  'pitter-patter' of the rain in the background, she felt his large hand relinquish his hold on her neck before it dropped to the bed. 

Had he really lost his libido?

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