
New Member

Natsuki: First of all... How dare you worry us like that?! Don't ever think of doing something so stupid again!

All along, Hestia was nodding to everything Natsuki said. The lecturing went on for a good thirty minutes, to which Ad couldn't help but actually think about how he acted from then onwards. He knew he couldn't just stop himself from helping people, but he'd have to be much more careful when doing so.

Adawulf: *sigh* I'm sorry ok? I will be more careful from now on, and I won't risk my life like that.

Hestia: Good. Now, as to what happened since you fainted...

Ad found out that he had slept only for a day, as he had hit mind zero. During said day, many things happened. He was visited by the party that they saved, which ended up being from the Dian Cecht Familia. Dian Cecht, the god from their Familia, decided to give the Hestia Familia a seventy percent discount on all their producs, for as long as the Familia exists. They also promised to give them the request for certain drop items on the floors they visited.

He got to know that the Astrea Familia was requesting a meeting with them, the reason being unknown. He knew it probably had something to do with the two girls whom he knew form the time in the village, but he still felt curious as to what Astrea would want from them.

And lastly...

Iman: My name is Iman Gupta , and I am the new member of the Hestia Familia. Please treat me well from now on, darling!

All the while, Iman kept hugging Ad's arm, which made Hestia glare at the girl with jealousy. Natsuki, on the other hand, had a huge conflict about what to do. She wanted to be closer to Ad, but the way she was raised prevented her from being as straight-forward as her Goddess or Iman.

Ad could feel both of them, so he asked Iman to release his arm in a manner that she wouldn't take badly. He then put a hand on Natsuki's head, while he said that there was no reason to hurry. Then he looked at Hestia and hugged her with his other arm, saying that he would never leave her, no matter how many women were around him. As long as she had faith in him, he would stay by her side.

Iman just hugged him from behind, pressing her huge breasts on his back. Ad was thinking about the situation and realized he had the three totally different girls on his bed. Hestia was the cheerful, caring and slightly bashful one. Natuski was the shy maiden, who had a hard time advancing. And lastly, Iman was a very loving and air-headed girl, who seemed to want nothing but to be by his side.

As she hadn't gotten her Falna from Hestia yet, Ad said that this one was as good a moment as any. He intended to leave the room, but Iman beat him to it and told him to stay, as everything she was, was his. As little as he knew her, he felt touched by the amount of trust and love he felt from her. It was as if she knew him for the entirety of their lives.

The result was shocking. She had been in a Familia for a short while, when she was traveling to Orario. But that was not the shocking part.

[Name: Iman Gupta

Level: 1

Strength: D - 612

Endurance: D - 605

Dexterity: C - 703

Agility: D - 689

Magic: B - 831

Innate Skills:

·Al'iiman Al'aemaa (Blind Faith): This skill can only be activated when Adalwulf Blågrønn is close to the user. The more faith the user puts in Adalwulf, the stronger the effect will be. It increases the power of spells chanted by the user.


·<Medicine (A)>: Increases the effectivity and easiness with which the user treats injuries. It also strengthens healing spells. "How could someone heal my wounded heart, is something I am wondering to this day."

·<Swimming (C)>: The movements of the user while swimming are more fluid and a few innecesary movements are not done anymore. "The way you moved in the water, felt like a dolphin gracefully passing by."


·Daw' Alshifa' (Healing Light): A circle of light appear under the objective, healing them from injuries and replenishing their stamina.

Chant: "Oh, light of hope, I beg of thee. Please aid my beloved in his ordeal. May his path never be hindered by hardship, and if there were, allow me to be by his side when he clears it. Bring clarity to this world. Erase pain and cleanse the body."

·Alhawa' Almuneash (Fresh Air): Creates a current of air that brings with itself a renewing force. It heals those in the area from status ailments, such as poison or frostbite.

Chant: "Breeze of winter in a sunny day, you bring tranquility to mind. It is the cold air that purifies the lungs. You who breathes life into things in tranquility, and erode stone in your eternal rage. This one time, fulfill my wish. Bring your cleansing purity to this accursed place."

Development Skills: <Healer>(Locked) <Air-headed>(Locked)]

Adalwulf: She is a full on support, and her Magic stat is very high.

Natsuki: You are going to be a very huge help in the Dungeon, Iman!

Hestia: You are literally what Ad needs right now, someone who keeps on healing him. But...

While they were talking about Iman's stats, the girl herself was just hugging Ad while rubbing her cheek on his arm. The reason for her sudden clinginess and happiness was the Innate Skill she had, "Blind Faith".

Hestia: To have a skill centered on Ad-kun himself... how far have you decided to give yourself to him?

Iman: Everything, for as long as he wishes.

The pure feelings of love, trust and devotion Ad felt from her were almost as big as Hestia's own, which actually made Ad think that there really was something wrong with Iman's head. She even could develop the skill "Air-headed".

As they were at it, Ad wanted to have his Abilities updated. His growth shocked Hestia and the girls to the core.

[Name: Adalwulf Blågrønn

Level: 1

Strength: A - 874

Endurance: B - 799

Dexterity: A - 856

Agility: S - 999

Magic: S - 982

Innate Skills:

·Vánagandr Ofvöxtur (Fenrir's Overgrowth)

·Skuggaþrjótur (Shadow Trigger)

Chant: "Shadow, thou whom swallows all of creation when they fall under the blanket of Nott. Answer mine call, and aid me in mine quest."

·Samkennd (Empathy)


<Fishing (B)> <Swordsmanship (A)> <Nimble Body (C)> <Tracker (S)> <Magic Affinity (C)>

Magics: -

Development Skills: <Swordsman>(Locked) <Hunter>(Locked) <Luck>(Locked)]

Adalwulf: This is nice, but I will wait until I grew a bit more to level up. I want to see how far my Overgrowth will allow me to go.

Hestia: I really have gotten a cheat...

After seeing his sudden growth, the girls became so happy that they forgot for a while of the things that they still had to tell to him. In the moment of celebration, no one thought of how his sudden increase in power would bring even more attention to their Familia.

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