
Red Line

Quickly binding the knife to a simply wrapped handle Leo went over to his whetstone running the blade across the grey stone making the dull blade sharp. Finding the practice calming Hiko took his time to clean and polish the blade, testing the twelve-inch blade the well-forged steel cut through three bricks in one motion.

Satisfied with his first blade Hiko tossed it into his inventory, he was about to being again when a knock at the door stopped him. Opening the door Nami walked in covering her eyes at the heat, " We're about to reach the Red Line, I thought you might want to say goodbye to Lapis. " Hiko nodded closing the door behind him and the wind on deck was a great relief from the sweltering heat. As if knowing he was thinking about her Lapis shot out of the water placing her front flippers on the deck making the ship tilt slightly, Lapis had grown to the size of a blue whale calf at 7 meters long. Hiko had constantly fed her Royal Jelly to increase her Nen, so far the only outcome had been her rate of growth.

Walking up to the dragon Hiko scratch under her chin as he talked, " Lapis we have to go are different ways for now, what I need you to do I go through the calm belt and meet us at the island with two giant white mountains. We'll come to find you soon alright. " Lapis groaned like a child who was just told to clean their rooms, but eventually the Levithan dropped into the sea splashing everyone on board as a laster as she swam away. Sigh Hiko waved his hand gathering the water soaking him and his women thought he didn't mind how their shirts turned see-through.

Nami glared at Hiko, " You spoil her too much, just imagine what your kids are going to get away with. " Hiko raised an eyebrow, " Kids, where did that come from. " Nami blushed as she nodded righteously, " I want kids, your kids not now or anytime soon but I want to start a family at some point. "

Hiko had to resist his instincts to strip Nami down right there and grant her wish, shaking his head to get rid of the thought Hiko coughed, " W-well, I'm going back to my forge, tell me when we get caught in the current. " Before he could walk away Tashigi stepped in front of him holding her sword, " Can we fight again, I want you to see how far I've come. " Hiko thought it over for a second before he grinned, " Sure why not, I could use a bit of practice with my Karate." Tashigi nodded as she distanced herself from the group walking ten meters away, drawing her sword Tashigi waited for the signal.

Cracking his knuckles Hiko stretched, " Alvida start whenever. " Nodding Alvida swiftly raised her hand before lowering it signaling the start of the fight. Disappearing and reappearing in the air behind Tashigi Hiko sent a kick flying at the back of Tashigi's head. Hiko felt Tashigi send out her En and when it reached him the swordswoman ducked letting him fly over his head. Smiling Hiko foot slammed into the ground before he pivoted trying to kick Tashigi again, taking the blow on her arm Tashigi infused it with Nen softening the blow. Retreating Hiko looked at Tashigi's Nen, ' She's already mastered Ko on her own, she probably a one in a million talent.'

Pointing his fingers at Tashigi a small drop of water formed on his fingertips before it was launched like a bullet, unworried Tashigi sliced the bullet in half with Shigure the blade ringing from the impact. Splaying his fingers Hiko started to shoot a volley of water bullets, he could see Tashigi's grip tighten before she started to deflect and dodge his bullets.

When he stopped Tashigi's clothes were torn in some places revealing his white skin, noticing his gaze Tashigi looked down at her rags before she blushed and ran into the hold of the ship to change. Grinning Hiko felt three pairs of eyes bore into the back of his head, pretending not to notice Hiko coughed, " How long until we reach the Red Line. " Nami sighed as she summoned her traveler's map enlarging it to display the entire East blue, " We have about thirty more minutes before we enter the current. "

Hiko nodded, ' I don't have time to start another project I guess I'll read, that book on metal folding was pretty interesting. ' Sitting down on the spot Hiko pulled out a thin book as his eyes started to follow the text. ' Folding is a good way to increase the durability of the sword but the weight might be a problem, that might be a good project. Creating a blunt sword, I would have to use steel, iron would be too weak. '

Taking out a notebook Hiko started to draw up some diagrams when he felt the wind change subtly. Frowning Hiko got to his feet, " Has it already been thirty minutes, It's going to be a pain to guide a ship this large up that channel, [ Nami tell everyone to get up on deck, we entered the current. ] Soon after he sent the thought the women started to appear from below as the ship started to lower its own sails. Standing near the front of the boat Hiko grinned, " Hold on, this isn't going to be pretty. "

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