
Game Over

Elysia had recovered, but she remained on Cherub's back while Alisha advanced for close-range combat.

*Boom!* *Bam!* *Clang*

Alisha's heavy blasts destroyed that giant white feathery ball's first transparent barrier layer. But that was still not enough to injure her opponent.

<| 255 Lv. | Seraph of the End HP: 15,623,100 25,000,000 EP: 10,900,500 11,100,000>

<| 300 550 665 666 STR: | AGI: VIT: INT:>

Elysia gulped her saliva because she was a little tense, but she still assisted Alisha from a distance. Their opponent was an entity at God-level, and that stats were top tier, worthy of being called a final boss.

After the second barrier layer shattered, a giant golden eye peeked out from its feathery wings and stared straight at Elysia.

'Why do you inflict a destruction on me, mortal human?' A question was asked in a neutral tone. It came to Elysia's mind directly like telepathy.

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