

Musik und Bands
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Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin are in a relationship since high school. Taehyung is a big business man , one day ... LETs see what happens and what their past will in their calm present

Chapter 1CHAPTER 1~

The sunlight came in through the windows spreading the light in the room , the alarm clock was ringing continuously indicating that it was 7 in the morning . Taehyung slowly opened hi eyes and smiled when his eyes landed on the most beautiful human on earth who was sleeping in his arms , his angel his fiancé . He pecked his forehead and slowly whispered in his ears "wakey wakey my dear chim " and Jimin just cuddled closer in Taehyung's chest, murmuring something "5 minutes more" Taehyung just chuckled at the cuteness of his angel.

"come on Jimin we have to get ready for work " he said " its your fault that i am still tired how am i suppose to get ready for work when my back is in terrible pain" Jimin said " i am sorry sweet heart was i too rough last night?" Taehyung said "yes very, but i loved it" Jimin said "i knew it" Taehyung said with a smile . "wanna shower together" Taehyung said "i would never say no to that" Jimin replied "Then what are we waiting for lets go" Taehyung said with a smirk and picked Jimin in bridal style and carried him towards the bathroom.

when they were done with their shower and had their breakfast Taehyung told Jimin that he would drop him to his dance studio.

Soon their car stopped in front of the a dance studio knowns as sunshine dance studio which was the most famous and the biggest dance studio in seoul and Park Jimin was its owner while Jung Hoseok was its co-owner. Jung Hoseok was a good friend of Jimin since middle school and he was also interested in dance like Jimin so they decided to open a dance studio after they graduated high school.

Jimin kissed his fiancé and said bye to him and got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the dance studio. While Taehyung watched him as he walked inside the dance studio. When Jimin disappeared out of Taehyung's sight he drove his car towards his office building .

The Kim Taehyung was the owner of the biggest fashion company in the world Guccie . He was cheerful and friendly person and deeply cared about the people he loved he was kind person . He was also a very forgiving person ,he never really holds grudges against anyone and does not have hate feelings towards anyone except one person him. Not only Taehyung but also Jimin who was a social butterfly a total sunshine an angel the most loving kind and gentle person becomes absolutely enraged when a certain person's name is mentioned .

Both of them wished that they never ever in their life cross path with that person because they themselves don't know what they might do to him.

Soon Taehyung reached his office parked his car in the parking lot and went inside the office building he was greeted by all the employs , soon he reached his cabin and was met by his hyung who was waiting in his office "Taehyung finally you came" his hyung said "good morning hyung" Taehyung greeted "good morning Tae" "whats the matter hyung" "today we have a very important meeting with Mr. Jeon i hope you are prepared" his hyung said "yes Namjoon hyung i am totally prepared for this meeting" Taehyung replied "good then this meeting is really very important for our company we have to make sure that no mistake is made " Namjoon said , well he was a person with a high IQ and was a perfectionist , he was calm person who hates to make mistake. A responsible and trusted person . Taehyung really admired his hyung and looked up to him and he knew that he can totally depend on his hyung

"yes hyung i made sure that there is absolutely no mistake so don't worry, i assure you that this meeting will be successful" Taehyung said

"good then we should get ready the meeting is in 30 minutes" Namjoon said and walked towards the meeting room.

Taehyung and Namjoon were sitting in the meeting room waiting for Mr. Jeon to arrive . Soon the meeting doors opened and Mr. Jeon walked in. He was a man probably in his late forties , he looked as a calm and collected person , Mr. Jeon had a very good reputation in the business world he was a well respected man , he was known as a very disciplined person and never tolerated any irresponsible behavior one of the reason why Namjoon was nervous about the meeting .

"Hello Mr. Jeon its an honor to meet you" Taehyung said "The pleasure is all mine Mr. Kim , i have heard a lot about you , you have achieved a lot in such a young age which very impressive" Mr. Jeon said "thank you very much for your kind words Mr. Jeon now we should proceed with the meeting " Taehyung said , and Mr. Jeon said sure.

Soon the meeting was completed successfully without any problem and mistake . Mr. Jeon looked clearly impressed with Taehyung and there was no doubt that he was ready to do business with Taehyung .

Mr. Jeon, his assistant ,Taehyung and Namjoon were the only ones in the meeting room now after signing the contract Mr. Jeon wanted to talk to Taehyung about something "what is Mr. Jeon that you wanted to say" Taehyung asked " i would like to ask for a favour Mr kim" Mr. Jeon said and Taehyung looked at Namjoon who also looked confused "what favour Mr. Jeon" he asked

"well you see Mr. kim i have a son who is really a trouble maker and never listens to me i want him to learn something about business, but i can't find anyone worthy to teach him because he is really stubborn , so i want you to take him under your wing and teach him a thing or two about business and since you are of his age i think you can clearly understand him and help me to knock some sense into him. please Mr. Kim its a request." Mr. Jeon said .

Taehyung now didn't really what to say so he looked towards Namjoon for some help "Mr. Jeon we would ike you to give us some time to think about it and we can tell you by tomorrow" Nmajoon said

"okay then i will contact you tomorrow to know your answer" Mr. Jeon said and with that he walked out of the room leaving behind taehyung and namjoon .

"i think you should say yes Taehyung this can help to strengthen our relation with the jeon corporations ." Namjoon said "i know hyung but i don't know if i am capable of being someone's teacher besides i don't know his son at all" taehyung said .

"i have heard that his son is only two years younger than you and you don't have to doubt yourselve taehyung because i know you are more than capable but there is one problem" he said "which is?" tae asked "i have heard that his son is extremely egoistic and arrogant he is really cold and stubborn and never follows any rules" Namjoon said "that sounds like a challenge " Taehyung said with a smirk

"yeah maybe that's why Mr. Jeon approached you because you are nearly his age and maybe you can understand him" Namjoon said

Taehyung was quiet for a while thinking about the offer he, surely is he helped Mr. Jeon then it means that their relation with the jeon corporation will become strong but from what Namjoon told him Mr. Jeons son is a brat , and Taehyung didn't really wanted to deal with a brat he does not have good experience with brats and if what Namjoon said was true that Mr. Jeon's son was arrogant and egoistic then its going to be more difficult because Taehyung absolutely despised those kinds of people , but he can't really let his personal feelings interfere with his works , and also Mr. Jeon had personally requested him and he really didn't wanted to reject him after all Mr. Jeon was a respected man.

With a sigh he said "okay Namjoon hyung I will help Mr. Jeon," Taehyung said "that's amazing Taehyun i'll go and tell this Mr. Jeon okay" Namjoon said "but hyung what about Mr. Jeon's elder son, jaehyun why can't he teach his younger son " Taehyung said "well tae from what I have heard Jaehyun is currently in America " Namjoon said and Taehyung nodded in understanding .

Namjoon then went out of the office and went to contact Mr. Jeon's assistant leaving Taehyung alone in the office , thinking about how he is going to help this brat but he forgot to ask Namjoon hyung about what was the name of that brat.

Taehyung still thinks that no matter what people say this boy won't be as bad as what people are saying about him , he can't be worse then the demon Taehyung once knew who nearly destroyed his and Jimin's relationship , just thinking about him makes Taehyung's blood boil , he clenches his fist as he remembers his past all the memories of those days in high school are still fresh in his mind , afterall no matter what he can never forget that demon disguised as a human.

Taehyung takes deep breath and tries to make his anger goes away , he can't let those memories affect him ever again he will never that boy affect him and Jimin ever again.

And if in future he ever crosses path with that demon Taehyung will make sure to make him regret for all the misdeeds he had done to him and Jimin in the past and show him that Taehyung never forgets anything and you should never get on Taehyung's bad side.

After his anger calmed down he went back to his desk and started working , also thinking about his dinner tonight with Jimin , just the thought of Jimin was enough to make all his anger and uneasiness go away and his face was covered with a pleasant smile.

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Nova_Shadowsky · Musik und Bands
162 Chs