

One week has already passed from when I found that Beth and her family were forced to escape from their farm.

On the second day, I spend some time thinking about myself, Eric Jarl the leader of the Station, and not Eric Jarl the teenager. I begin to realize that there are people that need me and trust me with their lives. When I finally realize that, I decided to return to my duties, I still didn't forget to pray for her safety even if I was busy the whole day.

This week, I managed to mature so much that I wasn't even bothered by the amount of work I had to do just so that we can live comfortably.

On the eight days, something really interesting happens to me. While I was praying, I suddenly felt like I was watched by someone or something, but when I turned around and I didn't found anyone, I decided to forget and continue praying. When I was done with my prayers, I heard a voice speaking to me.

"Your kid is really interesting. You managed to impress my father with your love for that girl, thus earning yourself the right to become stronger than your average human. Even if you aren't a full-fledged Asgardian, you could still become strong."

"I don't know if I should be happy that I will get more powerful or scared that someone can speak in my head and I don't know what motive he may have."

"Don't worry, kid. I, Thor, son of Odin want to make you a warrior. I can't give anything other than a good boost to your regeneration. You won't be able to regrow parts of your body, but you will be immune to most of the illnesses and poisons. Also, you will be able to recover faster than normal humans. Zombies can still kill you if you are bitten by one of them. Just be careful and lead your people to a better life."

"Just to be sure, I get this power-up without giving something back?"

"Yes, you don't need to anything to gain this. Just remember that once you die, you will visit us in Valhalla."

"So basically, I will become a Viking? And fight for glory and my people?'

"For your people yes, glory? You can't eat glory, it won't matter if you die just so that you will get famous. Your life is your treasure, don't throw it away like that. Many good warriors lost their lives for that bullshit. It will hurt, just so you know. See you in Valhalla son."

After that, I lost consciousness. While I was passed out, my body starts to change. My muscles compacted making my good-looking body even better .Evering inside my body become better than it was before.

When I wake up, I decided that I had enough rest and that it was time for us to clear the next station just to be safe.

Walking out of my room, I was surprised when I saw Paul looking at me.

"Morning Paul."

"Morning, boss. How are you?"

"I'm still sad, but the Station needs me. I can't lock myself in my room and do nothing.'

"It is good that you managed to recover from that shock. All of us were worried about you."

"I know, that's why I decided to get out of my room and get back to work. Go gather twenty soldiers, also tell Andrew to prepare the armored car. We have a station to clear."

"Are we going for an expansion? Or just checking the next station and then block the tunnel?"

"Block the tunnel for now. We don't really need another station yet, but I would like to get to the center of the metro system ."

"Alright, boss. I'll gather the men, you go check the armory and get yourself ready for the expedition. Oh, by the way, you should check your little bear. He's getting bigger, he even cried when you locked yourself in your room."

<Beth POV>

Our house was overrun by zombies and we had to leave. Uncle Otto, his wife, and Andre died protecting us while we barely managed to escape thanks to the new group that we helped.

"Beth, how are you?"

"I'm recovering, Meg. How's your boyfriend doing? He got himself hit by that man."

"Glenn's alright. Fortunately, Rick managed to kill that bastard. You miss Eric?"

"Badly, I miss him and his little bear. I'm sure he freaked out when he found what happened to our farm."

"Yeah, Eric is probably worried now that he can't see you anymore. We also don't know where his base is and with the winter that will soon come, I don't know know if we will be able to meet him soon."

"Unfortunately, I can't send him a message or contact him somehow. Meg, we should go and meet with the rest of the group, we need to find a new home now."

<Rick POV>

"Hershel, do you know where Eric could be?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know that. He didn't tell me where his base, but I'm sure that he's looking for Beth and soon he will find us. You managed to get past your betrayal?"

"Yes, I still couldn't believe that my ex-wife would sleep with that bastard, she even pointed a gun at me just so that I will let Shane go. It still hurts, but I'm glad that both of them died."

"How's the boy doing? Knowing that his mother is dead."

"Andrea is taking care of him. Carl likes her and her sister while she considers Carl a son. From what I heard, Andrea and Amy were taking care of Carl while his mother was sleeping with that bastard, forgetting her own son."

"Say, Rick, if we find a place to call home, will you make a move? She's a good woman and the boy needs a mother."

"I don't know, she's better in every aspect, but I don't know if she will accept a relationship in this world."

"My daughter found her love in this world, surely you will be able to do it."

"We'll see. Say, Hershel, is there a place nearby where we could settle down?"

"The only place that I know and will provide us a decent defense is a prison, but I don't know how bad it is there."

"We should go and check it. We can't be nomads when the winter arrives."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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