
It worked

Isabella's pov:

The door behind us broke with a loud thud and the men shouted behind us. 

It was time to run without looking back. 

Who can do it better than me? 

So I did it.

The tunnel's walls were just sand and I was afraid they would come down on our heads any minute. I wonder what keeps them from collapsing. If death wasn't approaching us I would never have entered a tunnel. The path was illuminated by Sandi's phone's flashlight and she was in front of me pulling me with her. I couldn't see Raven and Alex but I could hear them telling us to run fast close by. 

"I am going to look for an exit, you stay with the girls." I heard Raven's voice somewhere and I just wished there was an exit and it was not just a dead end trap. This thought alone shook me from inside. 

Alex slowed down his pace to catch up with us while Raven went ahead of us. 

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