
Part 8: contract between the living and the dead

The same night while I was sleeping in peace, my mother dearest swings my door open causing it to bang waking me up in an unpleasant manner; I shot her glare for waking me up like this and she steps back a little, that's when I notice what I was doing, then quickly switch back to normal.

I could see her trying to make out what just happened so I just get off the bed and stand a few feet away from her.

Me: " welcome back mother-"

Mom: " how dare you disrespect your uncle? "

Me: " Is that the reason you harm my door and interrupted my sleep?"

Mom: " Is that the reason?! He is your uncle and your father's brother you'll show him respect."

Me: " so what your telling me, is to respect the man that owns all my inheritance and the decisions of a family that kick me out of the household I was born and raised in when dad was alive? Is that what your telling?"

Mom: " your uncle getting the inheritance was the right call and you could have stayed in the main house if you had just accepted the engagement stepmother gave you "

Me: " and get married to my cousin Josh?! I rather drop dead-"

Before I could even finish she slaps my cheek.

Mom: " all you had to do is marry the boy and we wouldn't have to worry about a job, money, and power. But no you didn't listen to me and turned it down, raven your nothing but a child yet you never listen to me and keep doing everything your way!-"

For the first time since the day was born, I slap my mother back.

The mother who gave birth to me and once loved me, who tried to kill me and harm me just to please that woman who never once accepted me.

Yet I have never once blamed her for it because I used to think that there is a chance I'll get my mom back and now it's clear to see that was nothing but a pipe dream.

Mom: " y..you slap me?... GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"

As she said that, bell quietly came into the room with a dark smile on her face right behind mother.

Bell: " Madam!"

Her body physically jumps at the sudden sound of bell's voice, and I can't say I'm not surprised she didn't have a heart attack.

Mom: " you, who are you again? Your name "

Bell: " it's bell"

Mom: " okay bell, your right on time, take this ungrateful child and throw her out! She no longer a child of mine "

Bell: " I can't do that miss monnie "

Where's the popcorn when you need it.

Mom: " excuse me?! "

Bell: " your excuse "

Bell answered her in a special way that also happens to improve my mood; bell walks away from her bumping into her shoulder coming over to me, I could tell she enjoyed it after mother does hate her and that's why she pretends she doesn't even know her. It must have been from that time mom pissed off dad and he decided to take bell to Italy with us instead, damn! I miss their pizza, I sighed at the thought.

Bell: " Madam the contract is broken therefore it is terminated, you no longer have to behave in the manner of the deal are you be more pacific a contract "

Mom: " what contract? "

Bell turns to her with a bored look on her face and answers.

Bell: " the one of your late husband miss "

She takes a step back after hearing bell words.

Me: " you say to get out of your house, but it's the other way around "

Mom: " this house is mine, your father bought it for me-"

Me: " the second I told him I want it...."

Mom: " you, your lying! It's an anniversary gift from your father to me, so it's mine and mine alone! "

I motion bell to take out the contract for behind the first family portrait in my rooms. She takes it down then takes out a hidden knife and starts cutting open, taking out the contract and my father's real will that's written in his handwriting.

Me: " give her the contract "

Bell walks over to mother and hands it to her. But she didn't take it and looked back at me.

Mom: " this must be a fake, I know you father-"

Me: " not well enough, now take the paper and read "

Mother hesitated at first then takes hold of it and starts reading it.

Mom: " ...."

Me: " out loud mother "

Mom: " I Peter Monnie son of Mr. and Mrs. Monnie married to Kerry Jonson Monnie which is the mother of my child Raven Monnie, has created this contract has an agreement between father and child that if anything were to happen to me, raven Will abide by these following terms: you are to protect your mother, run the family business in secret for four years before starting school at the regular age, therefore, you'll be older by the time you start, you will keep bell next to you at all times until her contract expires, you will show respect to those who deserve it, you will live your life with your mother as a normal mother and child if the main household head becomes my mother or brother don't hand over any one of the inheritance to either one of them unless someone or thing of equal value has to be traded. You are free to act to the best of your ability as long as you stay true to the contract. But this contract is to be terminated if any one of these acts or attempts happens: Family members try to kill you, force you to handover inheritance, any form of abuse by mother relatives or mine, force marriage, and if your mother abandoned you for the money and power or connection, if the last action happens at any time whether you want to forgive her or not you should abandon her immediately because no mother should disown her child especially when it's mine. With this I Peter Monnie whether dead or alive I'm making you Raven Monnie the true Heir of my legacy.

Sign: (P.M) Agreement: R.M"

Bell takes the papers from her and stands back by my side.

Mom: " why, would he... I loved him so much yet he.."

All of a sudden she looks at me as if she's disgusted by me.

Mom: " there's only one explanation to this, haha why didn't I see it before! you must have, you seductive bitch! You seduce your father-"

Bell slaps her mercilessly; looking at her as if she nothing more than a piece of s***! On the ground that she on.

Bell: " madam look at me! Raven?! Don't listen to her, she is no longer the person you used to know ok? "

I listen to Bell's voice as I slowly take in the fact that my mother never really love me at all and why my father said that being a child that blindly follows my mother because I love her makes me ignorant to the truth.

Me: " father knew, all along "

Bell: " yes he did, but the only way you'll accept it, is if you see it for yourself... "

Mother gets up and ran to her room; bell was gonna chase after her and I stop her.

[next day]

I woke up early and got dressed then pick my phone off the nightstand at my bedside.

As I leave my room a message from the bank with my personal savings and then one from the family bank with me and my mother's name on it.

I open the message and read it.

Me: " s***!....Bell!!"

Bell comes rushing up the stairs to my call.

Bell: "yes-"

Me: " My money's gone, check her room and see if she left any clues or credit cards behind then get info on everything she bought in the last 18 hours and if it is too much for you to handle call the others for help "

Bell: " yes ma'am! "

Bell left in a rush leaving me where I stand too furious to move.

Me: " how dare she "

[ 3 hours later]

Bell and two other familiar faces stand before me waiting for me to speak.

Me: " bell did you find anything in her room? "

Bell steps forward and starts.

Bell: " everything was tossed around in her room showing signs of throwing a tantrum and searching for something, there was also a hidden Seif that's left open and empty, thus completed my findings"

She steps back into the line.

Me: " JAzZ "

JAzZ steps forward with his laptop in hand.

JAzZ: " it's good to see you again little boss-"

Bell clears her throat and shoots him a glare that instantly puts him back on track, I wanna laugh so bad but I didn't.

JAzZ: " I track her credit card and the number of time and money she spent just before she draws everything, it turns out she bought suitcases, handgun, clothes, Pepper spray, clothes, and a plane ticket, but! Two hours before she milked the ATM she brought another ticket for a cruise ship that goes somewhere between Canada and Africa not sure where"

He steps back in the line.

Me: " Sam"

Sam steps forward with her tablet and keyboard in hand and attached them.

Sam: "I and a few buddies of mine can hack into almost every freaking surveillance camera in this town near to the location where she last was, heck we even google maps and the government surveillance system "

Me: " ooh?"

Sam: " a few friends in high places.... please stop thinking what your thinking "

Me: " okay... for now at least. So did you find her? "

Sam: " yes, she is on the plane to London "

Why would she go to London? After thinking about it for a minute, it finally hits me.

Me: " s***!!"

Bell: " miss what is?- the master's mother! "

JAzZ: " that old bat witch is still alive?! "

Sam: " she never died even though I prayed for it "

Me: " listen "

With one word everyone shuts up and listens, I miss being in charge of well-respecting people who know when to work and play.

Me: " I don't give a s***! Whether or not she goes to that woman, just make sure you get the money from her at all cost, because if she pays that sum of cash to her, she will not only get protection, but it's possible to start a war within the circle, especially when that woman finds out that have reclaimed the title of an heir "

Sam: " so technically she will possibly want to kill you "

JAzZ: " and take back the inheritance, but?"

Bell: " she, herself can't be the one to take over as the owner because-"

JAzZ: " right! I forgot she was kicked out of the circle but I don't know why "

All three of them stop talking and turn towards me. Like hello, I'm the youngest boss aka a child.

Me: " aren't you guys a shame to be asking me what happened?"

Everyone: " No"

Just great they turned into a choir, you know what halle freaking lujah.

Me: " I should really stop talking to myself cause my head killing me. Ok back to business, JAzZ, Sam, "

Both: " yes ma'am "

Me: " call the airport and find out what planes she's on and what seat she in, down to the clothes she wearing, after that contact anyone you know in London both people you can and cannot trust that way everyone will keep an eye on each other and as less space to breathe, just take a photo of her on your way out and send it to your people, they need to know what she looks like.... any questions? "

JAzZ and Sam look at each other then back at me. From the looks on their faces, o boi here we go.

JAzZ: " are you really still in middle school? "

Me: " yes, even though I look like this I'm actually old enough to start high school now- "

Sam: " omg? But what if we were able to catch your mother what should we do?"

Me: " if you catch her then fine, bring her back to me, But. Let's just stop and think for a second, if she's going to London to meet that woman she probably as to call in first since her mother in law is still old school or highly a repeated woman with links in different places, so to ensure nothing happens to her daughter in law or (pond) and free money along with information that value, there's no guarantee that you'll catch her therefore just get the cash and not waste your people life without reason "

Both: " yes ma'am "

Without another word all three attempt to leave.

Me: " bell stay behind "

She stops and the others left closing the door behind them.

Bell: " madam?"

Me: " you no longer need to call me that since I'm no longer your master, your free to leave according to the contract "

Bell: " I .. can I get some more time please "

Me: " why do you..*sigh* .. okay I'll give you some time to think about what's next on your list..."

Bell: " thank...raven "

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