
Chapter 57: Lily Charm

Hong Liu wakes up with a startl as the last night event hit her brain like a tidal wave, she had finally embarrassed herself to the point of no return, she would never able to face the First Lord ever again. She moans and hit the side of her head remembering what she said, the way she confessed to him. She poured her heart out in her drunken stupor and....and all he did was stare at her blankly. Does that man have no heart, compassion or feelings? Aiya! What she should do? She pinches the bridge of her nose, she has a slight headache, she drank more than she can handle last night. Her heart pounded in her chest and she pressed her lips 'alright,' she breathed. She quickly slides from the bed when she looks around, the room she uses to sleep in was exactly the way she left, it warmed her heart to see this. Did the First Lord keep it this way? she touches the pink petal of the flower in the vase.

Sometimes she so confused...and sometimes she is so sure, she opens the door and yelped, a man in an official light blue robe with a maid by his side holding a tray with a bowl.

"High Immortal Zhong Li, the chief steward of Ocean of Bliss palace greets Her Highness Bai Hong Liu," Zhong Li bowed.

Hong Liu nodded then frowned, she never met him before.

"I apologise that I startled you,"

"It's fine, I have never seen you before?" Hong Liu said.

"I mostly take care of The First Lord's official business,"

"Oh," Hong Liu nodded.

"First Lord told me to make sure that you drink this before you leave," He pointed to the bowl the maid was holding with a polite smile.

Hong Liu look at it before she leaves, is this an indirect order?

"What is this?" she asks looking inside the bowl, the liquid had a light reddish colour.

"Something to refresh you after last night,"

Hong Liu flinch again remembering her embarrassing act last night, she had completely mortified herself, she flushed. She clears her throat.

"There is no need, I will just take my leave but where is the First Lord?"

"He is in the study but I insist that you have this before seeing him," He said.

Hong Liu shook her head smiling in polite decline and passed him by, as Zhong Li and the maid can do nothing but bow in acceptance.

She enters the study but First Lord was nowhere in sight, oh, he must at the lotus pond? She went there but he was not there either, she looks in the gardens and the main courtyard. She frowns stopping her steps became quick and bells chimed a little louder as she looks for him everywhere but he was nowhere. She asked the maids passing by but they too had no answer. Where did he go? Her breathing was becoming heavier as she walks through the corridors where the First Lord private chambers were, cold sweat break and she coughed, heart-pounding ruthlessly. She wiped her brow frowning.

"Something is wrong," She whispers to herself as she leans on the pillar near Dong Hai's chambers, her bells ringing without her moments. She swallows feeling thirsty, she breathes to gather herself after a few breaths when it became easy to move. She straightens herself.

Dong Hai was sitting on his bed with eyes cold, why they are ringing a little louder? He opens his eyes looking at the door and the moment Hong Liu hand touch the door, it creaked open he waved his hand. Hong Liu eyes run through the room and she sighs in disappointment, he was not here either. Hong Liu was about turn to leave but then she stopped, as her eyes caught something and she stepped it. Dong Hai narrowed his eyes at her, nobody can look beyond his invisibility spell she can't possibly...? Hong Liu coaked her head a little studying something. Dong Hai slide on the other side of the bed as she comes closer and rested her one knee on the edge of the bed.

'How dare...?' Dong Hai thought.

Her hand extended to the pole of the bed on his side, her hand just touched away from his face and his eyes were studying her face that was getting paler as the seconds pass by as he sat there frozen, he didn't even blink as her hand reached for the red lilies stringed and hanged like a charm on the pole of the bed. Dong Hai finally realize what she was staring at, Hong Liu can feel the green forest essence from them, it couldn't be....she thought. They were the same Lillies that grow around her aunt's cocoon and she often decorates her hair with these, did she ever....? Her teeth sink into the lower lips as she thought. Dong Hai just close his eyes and stopped breathing as her peach blossom scent hit him, he leans further back on the headrest to put some distance between them. He notices her every move appear to relax waiting for her to move away.

It couldn't be...? She remembers having red lilies on her hairs the day she first come to Ocean of Bliss palace but that was three years ago, it possible First Lord took them two days ago after all he was in green forest. That's it. She is hoping too much, coming to conclusion she shook her head but then as she started to move away but she stumbles, Dong Hai eyes open and unconsciously his hand rise to her shoulder to stop her fall but she grabs the pole before she could fall. Her eyes widen at the impact, She breaths in and blew it in relief. Her breath brushed Dong Hai's lips, Hong Liu felt a sandalwood scent too close to her sense as she breathes, she blinked tilting her head a little unconsciously bringing her nose just a breath away from Dong Hai's, Dong Hai looked straight into her dark eyes and blinked while she stare through him but it was almost she was expecting something. Hong Liu heart skipped a beat, Dong Hai thought he would do this later but he might as well do it now. He flicked two finger of his hand that was resting on his side and the vase on side table fall scattering into pieces.

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