
Chapter 289: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

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Thus, Asahi didn't concern himself with the aftermath. As his hand descended, a sharp energy slashed toward the moon's surface. 

The solid ground split like tofu, effortlessly cleaving in two. In the ninja world below, those observing the night sky were shocked to see the moon split in half. 

However, Asahi wasn't worried; he could repair it later. His attention was focused on the woman now floating in space.

With the moon split open, the once-sealed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was released into space. Asahi's attack, powerful enough to split the moon, had also struck Kaguya. 

Yet, despite her tattered clothes, her body remained unharmed. Although Asahi had only used a fraction of his strength, this showed Kaguya's formidable power.

At this moment, Kaguya's body was free, but her spirit remained sealed. Despite her partially exposed state, Asahi didn't avert his gaze. 

Instead, he extended his hand toward her, sending a stream of energy into her body. 

Asahi swore that, although Kaguya was quite attractive, his intentions were purely to interact with the seal within her. 

Ever since he began his path, Asahi had maintained a disciplined and ascetic lifestyle. Besides, Kaguya's pale complexion wasn't to his taste. 

He genuinely wanted to release the seal within her. 

As Asahi's energy entered Kaguya, it transformed into countless energy threads, swiftly circulating within her body. 

Part of the energy flowed toward her head. These threads gradually eroded the seal within Kaguya without harming her. 

As all the energy was exhausted, the seal within Kaguya was completely broken. Kaguya, who had been in a long slumber, slowly opened her eyes. 

Initially dazed, her eyes soon regained clarity, and her expression turned cold. She channelled her internal energy, instantly restoring her clothes. 

At that moment, the moon fragments around her were sent flying. Seeing this, Asahi quickly grabbed the two halves of the moon. 

Although he could create a new one, letting the fragments drift unchecked could lead to unpredictable consequences. 

In space, objects don't simply stop. 

The massive moon, much larger than any meteor, could cause catastrophic damage if it collided with a planet, especially one with life. 

While Asahi wasn't directly responsible, he preferred to avoid unnecessary destruction. Therefore, he intervened to halt the moon fragments.

As Asahi intervened, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki finally shifted her full attention to him. 

Having just awakened, most of her focus was on assessing her physical condition. 

While she had noticed Asahi earlier, she only gave minimal attention to this black-haired man. 

She could surmise that he was the one who released her, but being naturally reticent, Kaguya didn't initiate a conversation. 

Besides, she assumed that Asahi, not being of the Ōtsutsuki clan, had power comparable to her two sons at best. 

Not knowing his intentions, she didn't see him as a threat, so she didn't even bother to assess his strength.

Even if she had attempted to gauge his power, she wouldn't have succeeded. 

Asahi had mastered techniques to conceal his strength, and his protective artifact, the Ogami Pearl, would prevent Kaguya from detecting anything significant. 

This led to Kaguya underestimating him. However, as soon as Asahi made his move, Kaguya realized that his power was far from ordinary. 

The energy and pressure emanating from him were enough to make even Kaguya feel a sense of dread.

Despite this realization, Kaguya didn't immediately attack. She couldn't discern Asahi's intentions and whether he was a friend or foe. 

Additionally, Kaguya wasn't inherently combative; she preferred a quiet and peaceful existence if her life wasn't directly threatened.

"Who are you?" Kaguya asked softly as Asahi reassembled the moon. Her voice was slightly unnatural, likely due to the long period of silence. 

There was a bit of a stutter as she spoke, but Asahi paid no mind to it. 

He effortlessly merged the two halves of the moon, the gap between them closing like flowing water. 

Now, the moon was whole again, save for Kaguya's absence at its core. In Asahi's hands, the massive moon was like a plaything, easily manipulated.

Placing the moon beneath their feet, Asahi finally addressed Kaguya, 

"My name is Asahi Ogami, the Master of the Ogami Clan. You can also call me Asahi."

Hearing his introduction, Kaguya searched her limited knowledge but found nothing relevant. 

Deciding she should introduce herself, she began, "I am Kaguya Ōtsutsuki—"

However, Asahi interrupted her, "I know you are Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. I know your origins." 

"There's no need for introductions. I released you because I have some questions for you."

Though Asahi had interrupted Kaguya, she did not take offence. Instead, her mind was filled with questions. Asahi knew her identity? Was that true? 

After a moment of silence, Kaguya couldn't help but ask, "Do you know who I am? Are you from the Ōtsutsuki clan? Or from 'that' world?"

Kaguya's questions were reasonable. Realistically, these were the only two possibilities. 

As someone born into the Ōtsutsuki clan, Kaguya couldn't imagine anyone outside knowing about her. 

Moreover, after stealing the Divine Tree's fruit from the Ōtsutsuki clan, they would have kept her identity even more secret. 

Her life experiences were limited to the Ōtsutsuki clan and the ninja world. If Asahi wasn't from the Ōtsutsuki clan, he had to be from the ninja world. 

In Kaguya's view, the latter was more likely since she had never heard of the Ōtsutsuki clan accepting outsiders.

However, no matter how much Kaguya pondered, she couldn't fathom that Asahi wasn't from this world. 

Seeing Kaguya's cold, puzzled expression, Asahi smiled gently and said, "No need to guess. You can consider me a person of 'that' world." 

"Although I've lived here for many years, I am not originally from this world. That's why I know your identity so well."

Hearing this, Kaguya was taken aback, her expression changing as she asked, "Not from this world? Did you break through the barrier?" 

Asahi paused slightly and then replied, "It's a bit different, but essentially, yes. Since you understand the concept of the world barrier, my questions relate to it."

Kaguya fell silent for a long time, visibly tense at the mention of the world barrier. 

Asahi didn't rush her. If Kaguya was cooperative, he preferred to avoid conflict. 

Peaceful discussions were always better. After a long pause, Kaguya finally spoke, "Ask your questions. I will answer them truthfully." 

"However, I have a request that I hope you can fulfil." 

Seeing Kaguya's willingness to cooperate, Asahi smiled. As long as she was cooperative, her request was a fair trade. 

"Sure, I agree. Let's hear your request first," Asahi said with a smile. Kaguya didn't hold back. In her worldview, there was no concept of politeness. 

"Since you can break through the world barrier, you must be very powerful. I hope you can help me fend off the Ōtsutsuki clan's pursuit."

Hearing this, Asahi's face showed a hint of amusement. The pursuit by the Ōtsutsuki clan? 

Did she mean the likes of Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki Ōtsutsuki? Those guys could barely put up a fight against her. 

Asahi silently scoffed. To be honest, Asahi had always doubted whether Momoshiki and the others had truly reached the Six Paths level. 

Aside from their ability to move through the cosmos, they hardly seemed like Six Paths-level fighters at all.

Naturally, Asahi didn't say any of this out loud. 

However, Kaguya couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart when she saw the fleeting, odd expression on his face. 

After running for so many years and finally seeing a glimmer of hope, was it possible that even Asahi wouldn't dare to stop the Ōtsutsuki clan from hunting her? 

Yet, she still harboured a glimmer of hope, so she carefully asked, "Asahi, do you have any concerns? 

Even if you can't defeat the Ōtsutsuki clan, it's all right. I'll still answer your questions."

Hearing this, Asahi's wandering thoughts came back to focus. He quickly said, 

"That's not it. I was just thinking about something. I accept your request, though I doubt you'll need my help. The Ōtsutsuki clan, to be honest, isn't all that impressive."

While saying this, Asahi felt a wave of empathy. Although Kaguya was the main antagonist in Naruto, she was a pitiful person. 

This was evident in her current behaviour. Everything she did was simply to survive.

While Asahi was lost in thought, Kaguya was unaware of his internal musings. 

Hearing his acceptance, a smile appeared on her face, which had remained unchanged for centuries. 

This increased her hope of fending off the Ōtsutsuki clan. After calming herself, Kaguya quickly said, 

"Thank you so much, Asahi. Ask me anything you want to know, and I will tell you everything I can."

At this point, Kaguya paused briefly, feeling that Asahi might be underestimating the Ōtsutsuki clan. How could the clan be weak? 

If she, a mere servant, could grow this strong from consuming the Divine Tree's fruit, the prominent figures in the clan must be extremely powerful. 

So, Kaguya couldn't help but remind Asahi, "However, don't underestimate the Ōtsutsuki clan. They are incredibly powerful." 

"You know my identity, but I was just a servant. By stealing and consuming a single Divine Tree fruit, I grew this strong." 

"The Ōtsutsuki clan has planted many Divine Trees over the years. Imagine the strength of those who have consumed multiple fruits." 

"Moreover, they can refine their clansmen into pills to enhance their strength."

Perhaps it was because she hadn't spoken to anyone in so long, or maybe because she had borne the burden alone for years, Kaguya found it hard to stop once she started talking. 

After reminding Asahi, she couldn't help but explain further. Despite this, as she spoke, Kaguya's pace slowed towards the end. 

It was as if she had remembered something terrifying, and her body shivered uncontrollably. 

To her, the Ōtsutsuki clan was like a nightmare that had haunted her for ages. 

Her past experiences left her with neither the courage to rebel nor to defy them.

<End Chapter>

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