
New Form?

Shiro took his spaceship out of his inventory, before he walked to it, opened the door, and went inside. With the help of the system, Shiro was able to set A coorse to a planet with no life, and since he does have eternal youth, Diseases, cannot harm him, and he can survive, the vacuum of space, with the system here, Shiro was able to find a planet lightyears away from his home planet earth, but also lightyears away from the others. Shiro looked around and smiled, ignoring the cold, he walked until he stopped and grew comfortable.

The Planet that he was on had on a rocky it reminded him a lot of the planet Murcury, if the planet murcury had rings around it like saturn did. Shiro took a deep breath, before he smiled, perfect, he could feel the power of the full moon, coursing through him, he quickly put the ship into his inventory, and said to the system, 'Alright i am about to transform, I need....I need you to give me control once I do, keep me calm and focused, let me be in control."

[Compliance] Shiro smiled, before he felt pain in his stomach, his power increased, the pain increased to its maximum, shiro saw himself expand his teeth grew fangs, his body expanded and became furry, he gritted his teath, and gave off a loud roar to make the pain more tolerable, it did, but it still hurt. Shiro grew taller and taller, his eyes flashed crimson, as he finally stood fully transformed,. Shiro glanced around, and saw that he was fully in control and not in the back of his mind. His Power, He can feel it, increased even more so than he already has, it was incredable, but what is more he felt in peace, his system has forced him in a calm mind, that calm mind was incredible

Shiro threw a few punches and kicks, did a back flip and jumped from one spot to another, Shiro then tried something, "This body it's strength is incredible, but it's massive body is too small, it needs to shrink so the power can be easier to use,.]

Wait a minute, System, can You?"

Before I could even think about anything, My body began to give off light, the light resembled a steam of sorts, that began to emit all around him, such a sight reminded him of Goku's golden great ape form, when he was beginning to shrink into Super Saiyan 4.

Shiro shrunk, and shrink, until he had been shrunk to a size of 6 ft 5 inches, Shiro could feell the power bulding up inside, it built and built and built, until it looked like it was about to explode, shiro screamed, and pushed the build up power out of him, the grey aura expanded, then blinded everything insight....

Once the light died down stood a lone humanoid figure, with his broad shoulders were surrounded by brown fur, his hair was also brown, and it came down to his shoulders, his eyes were blood red, his tail waved behind him freely.. Anyone who would recognize this form would see that it was like ssj4, but no, it is not ssj4, this form, it would be if he went SuperSaiyan...but he did not go ssj, so his form, is,...Something else entirely.

Shiro glanced at his hands in awe at the power he was feeling, the power coursing through his body. He only had one thing to say to that...



No, the system \, helped, but it was mostly him that allowed him to achieve this new form, how did you like it? The form was entirely fan made, If you like it Post comment,, let me know what you think, and vote powerstones, have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts
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