
Chp 5:Heroic Rescue

Evan's POV:

'I've just ruined all my chances with Lucas. There's no way he'll ever get close to me agian. He hates me.'

'No. I can't let that be the end. I'll apologize and explain things since my compulsion has no effect on him, which is very, very strange. I have never heard of a human immune to compulsion, it's just impossible.'

'I could always ask Layla. She is a much older vampire friend and should have some sort of idea. But for now I better go get him, its dangerous outside at this time.'

I bolt out the door with one goal in mind, 'find Lucas and apologize.' After all what else can I do. I was foolish and full of desire.

I dash across the area searching for his scent and soon enough I catch it. Courtesy of my vampireistic nose. Not long after I catch a glimpse of what seems to be Lucas getting attacked by a Vampire. 'What the hell, who does this old fart think he is? That's my man.'

I rush forward to attack and instantly get a whiff of a tantalizing smell of type O blood. 'This bastard tasted Lucas, he will not leave here alive!'


Yanking the vampire off of the now unconscious Lucas.

The vampire startled from the sudden attack holds nothing back and retaliates with a swing of his fist.

"b*st*rd, f*ck off. This is my meal!" The enraged vampire screams.

I dodged his punches with ease. They were slow. Way too slow to ever wish to hit me.

From the looks of it, this is a somewhat new vampire, from his clumsy actions and weak amount of strength it's no doubt he's only been a vampire for a few years. But he's picked the wrong guy to mess with.

With one quick punch to the chest I grab his heart out and squash it in hand. The vampire falls down and begins to disintegrate to ash.

'Thats what he gets for being foolish enough to think he could win this fight.' I chuckle at the deceased naive vampire.

I turn back around to see the lifeless looking body of Lucas laying on the road. He's covered in blood, tears have stained his cheeks and reddened his eyes. I carry him back to my apartment and clean him up, bandaging his neck wound and changing his blood stained shirt.

I did get a nice glimpse of his toned abdomen whilst doing so, no abs but well built and fit. 'What? do you expect me not to peek at his body whilst I'm taking care of him?'

I place him in my bed and I hopped on the couch, after all, he needs it more than me.

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