
Chapter 20

Elie dropped to his feet in pain as red strips appeared on his skin, they hurt!

He clutch to his chest gasping for air, with each pain he felt he dug his nails more in his flesh, blood creep from the now open flesh and drop to the floor.

His chest became heavier and breathing difficult. He coughed trying to get the invisible hindrance away but rather blood dripped from his mouth.

"It won't stop." A feminine voice came from the doorway. He looked up, a Lady in black robe and beautiful long dark-brown hair, she walked to him.

"You must be quick son, for your hour is near." She crouch down by his side pulling a kitchen knife she held out for him.

Elie looked at the knife, he raised his eyes to meet hers. It was just like when she died, chocolate brown and lifeless. He knew what she wanted.

Her lips parted, forming a dangerous smile of pure pleasure.

"You'll soon be with us, with me, Eli and your father, we'll be a happy family." She touched his cheek her smile only growing wider.

Her palm was cold and pale, her touch was icy enough to send chill down his spine. She hold the knife out and gesture for him to do it.

His end was way too close why postpone it? He was in great pain, and his heart was torn apart from years of conflict.

He slowly reach out for the knife. It must cease. But then a little voice spoke.

What of her? Brown eyes full of innocence and love, touch so warm you could feel all your body heat up instantly, words so smooth and sweat as honey. Voice so melodious and appeasing like a siren's.

He refrained, balling his fist he shook his head.

The smile on her face slowly faded turning into a hateful scowl. She grabbed his neck lifting him up.

"She is the one huh? That girl of ugly faith! She gave you false hope! She told you it will be over right?" She shoved him on the wall hands still holding his throat as her long black nail pierce his skin.

"No." He choked.

"Yes! I can see it in your eyes!" She roared, the bathroom window bursted open letting the strong wind in. "Oh son." She said calmly while tilting her head to her side, "you know I love you Elie, she doesn't love you, and she doesn't care, why live for her? She doesn't worth it, you must do this, I'm your mother, you love me right?" She stares deep in his soul with glossy eyes.

"I...I hate you, you're not my mother." He managed to say in between chokes.

"Arhhhhh!" She screamed, the opened widow clapped against the wall from the force of the wind, her eyes turn black, and her teeth grew longer, her hair became messy and her skin rotten.

"You'll die, sooner or tomorrow! You can't live! You belongs to us!" She spoke in triple voices. She stared at his arm causing three large cut that bleed, he screamed out in pain for the pain was mighty.

She released hold allowing him to drop to the floor, "your moment is near." Those were her last words before she disappeared. The wind ceased and everything returned back to normal.

Elie tries to catch up with his breaths as hands flew to his neck touching the new welts. He rose up with wobbling feet, holding the walls for support as he went to his closet, he yanked the doors open, digging in and retrieving a gray long sleeve turkey neck. 

He quickly slipped in to cover the red stripes and triangle that had appeared on his skin. no one must see.

He walked to the sink turning the tap open, he peered up at himself on the broken, mirror, all it took for him to break the mirror into pieces was his gray eyes, so ugly were they, he was a monster for sure.

With hands covered in blood from breaking the mirror he made his way to the window. His body starts hurting more and his chest felt like it was on fire.

Falling on his feet he held his chest as blood manage to make their way out of his mouth.

BANG! Brad came hitting hard. He had dark intentions.

"You must die!" The voices whispered.

Elie eyes rolled to the back of his score, and he shook from pain.

Brad was able to make his way in after breaking the lock.

He was met with Elie kneeling on the floor with his shoulders slumped, and back turned toward him, for he was shaking.

Brad pulled out his pocket knife. He wanted Elie to pay for ever touching his gorgeous face.

"Son of bitch. This is my little gift!" He sneaked up to Elie who was not moving, and strikes him.

He was ghost-white when Elie turn his head around with an inhuman force, his eyes were rolled to his skull with little red veins showing.

Brad's hand hung on the air, stuck. "Let go!" Brad screamed after trying to pulled his hand back and fail. "This isn't funny." He quaked when Elie stood up eyes still on him.

"Fuck! Let me off! Crap!" He struggle quickly this time his heart pounding hard against his rib cage.

"Jesus Christ!" With his word he was ejected to the wall, where he crashed on his back.

"Ah! Fuck!" He hissed.

Elie took off, floating in middle of the room eyes still stuck in his skull, the little room shook and a strong wind bursted in, ripping the windows in the process as everything else floated.

He started screaming in agony. It was a long loud high-pitch scream, blood drip from his ears, eyes, and nose, falling to the floor.

Brad was freaked out, he found the scream eerie and his eardrums were about to burst. He scrambled out of the room to the living room while yelling.

"Mum! Dad! Holy shit! You'll never believe me!" He spoke with eyes wide opened while panting.

"What again?" Hector rolled his eyes.

"I told you! I told you that pile of shit was too weird to be a normal person! I also told you he attacked me with an extraordinary power! But you guys said fucking!" He ran his fingers in his hair roughly, he was still shaking from what he had saw, heart still pounding and sweats still running.

"Stop your blah blah and go straight to the point." Tina sounded bored with her son's story, she was doing her manicures.

"Upstairs! He is flying! He is!" He gestured but his parents only rolled their eyes at his stuttering. "Damn it! Got see by yourselves!" He yelled.

They both got up with a loud hoarse sound from behind their throats.

"I swear if is a prank. You'll regret." Tina mumbled

"What is it that you've do-" Hector was cut off by the scene been displayed before him, just like he had lost his voice, he stood mouth wide open eyes too. Tina had a different expression she didn't seem shaken, she had the foresaw expression.

"I thought he was over this." She mumbled with her brows pulled together.

They all heard the loud sound of Elie's collar borns snapping as he looked towards their direction.

"Crap!" Hector back off.

Tina reach in her pocket holding her chaplet tightly.

He charged toward them with such a force the even felt it, just before he got too closer, Tina held out the chain where he saw, he let out a scream holding his eyes, as he was thrown to the wall.

The objects being suspended all dropped along with his unconscious body.

"What the hell?" Hector Mumble.

"We need to call the exorcist." Tina said firmly.

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