
Chapter 12


I was so happy to go home and enjoy my bed, as soon as I came in, nothing seem to have changed. Mum was spacing around while mumbling prayers under her breath holding a phone close to her ear.

I guess it was the doctor, what was I thinking, since I got out of bed John have been puking complaining of stomach ache and fever, Mum had to suspended all her meeting with patients to attend to him.

I followed her to John's room, she didn't notice me, she was very preoccupied by him.

I watch her walk to and fro with her phone still in a tight grip close to her ear, she was constantly sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose.

Now I know the source of her few gray hair, she is always worried and busy, never got time for herself, her once vibrant peanut butter skin was now dull almost turning to brown chestnut, barely visible wrinkles have started appearing on her eyelids. I felt bad for her, she had to do everything for us! She was currently on John's hair while speaking with some patient. Who says Mummies couldn't serve two masters?

She was a fighter and a proud black woman and single parent, she couldn't ask me for help cause I tend to say 'no' to her, what a bad girl.

I felt horrible for letting my Mum take care of him alone, I was his big sister, I gotta be there for him!

I walked up to John and sat beside Mum on his bed.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked while staring at John, something Elie taught me.

"Just a minor fever, he'll be fine." She smiled at me, to keep me from worrying.

"I got him you can go." I said, I knew my mother too well, she needed to take care of the food in the kitchen, when she has something on the fire she always tap her foot on the floor.

"Thanks honey." She kissed me on the forehead before leaving.

"Um.." John morn.

"Are you okay buddy?" I stroke his hair.

"You came for blessings before my death?" He coughed.

"Stop being so silly." I chuckle when he won't stop smiling, John wasn't a good actor and liar he always ruin it with his smiles at the end.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the tree house." I blurted.

"Is alright I'm cool." He said. "I wanted to tell you something." He paused his face going from a weak smiley one to a serious expression.

"What?" I frown getting ready for his not so cool jokes.

"Your boyfriend is a weirdo." He said.

I sigh in exasperation, "he is not my boyfriend and stop being so mean."

"I'm not being mean, I saw him in my dream yesterday, he was calling me on top of the roof of a high building, he begged me to jump down, I told him 'no' so he jumped down himself. His eyes were black!" John exclaimed as he squeeze his sheet.

I laughed, "the fever is driving you crazy."


"Shut up, it was just a dream."

"No it wasn't, I even saw the figure move and try to eat me." He shook under his cover.

"What figure?" I frowned. He pointed at his nightstand where Elie's creepy black figure stood.

"Why did you take it?" I quickly grab the figure.

"It was just too cool." He mumbled.

I sigh, "all that was just a dream, I'll drop this back where you took it." I started getting up when he stopped me.

"C, he told me he needed help, he was so scary. Please don't leave." He sniffed, I've never seen my brother cry over some nightmare and look so scared.

I slipped in his bed and hug him tightly, "is okay I'm not leaving your cute face." I mumbled.

"You smell good." He hugged back, his body was so warm, I didn't like it, but he was my baby and I had to stay for him cause I loved him so much even if I don't show it often.

I was standing on a roof top, the sky was very dark, and the wind was cold.

I looked around for anyway out but found none, wrapping my hands around myself for some warmth. I shiver.

I hadn't notice the figure curling in a ball till he stood up. And it was him! Elie! His eyes were black, no sign of his gray or white eyes, just darkness, blood dripped from his face like a stream of tears. He had purple circles around his eye sockets, he was bare from neck to waist, I saw the horrible scars, some still bleeding.

I gasp with a hand on my mouth, "Elie!"

"They're everywhere! Watching! I can't think! I can't be myself, the hold me down with their mighty chains!" He cried blood.



"Who are they?" I took some steps forward.

"THEM! STAY BACK!" He yelled and back off from me.

"Elie I won't hurt you, I just wanna help."

"You can't help me! no one can! They're too powerful." He shook his head vigorously.

"I can help you, I swear." I said holding my hand out for him to hold.

He shook his head and Mumble something under his breath before letting go and disappearing under the building.

"Nooo!" I ran to the edge of the roof and look down, he was laying there with blood everywhere, his eyes wide open.

I heard quiet sounds of sobs coming from behind me. I quickly turn around, a little boy curled up in a ball sat steps away from me crying. I slowly approach him.

"Hey don't cry little boy." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

He turn around with such and inhuman speed, his eyes were black just like Elie's and he too was crying blood, he smirked evilly before springing on me and biting my neck.

"Ah!" I sat up and pant while touching my neck for any bite but only found my clean flesh.

I looked at the figure in my hand and frown. John was still sound asleep, I sneak out of his room successfully.

I hurriedly ran the stairs and head to the door.

"Christy where are you going?" Mum pops out from nowhere holding some kind of plastic package.

"I'll be right back for dinner." I called out before running off to the woods.

"Elie!" I called once I was in the tree house, I haven't see him since the incident of the Bible, maybe he is trying to hide from me. "Elie?" I pulled the closet door opened, who knows? He might be hiding in there, he is a little too weird.

"Eli -" the little thud from the book interrupted my calls, I pick it up.

It looked old, and rough from years of usage. I brush the dust from it, and read the name of whoever owned It.

Elie Griffin

All my senses picked up in alert, this was not just a random book, it contained someone's secret, his secret I guess.

I needed to do it, I really don't know anything about him. I'll put it back when I'm done.

I opened the first page revealing a horrific drawing of a boy bleeding to death. Then I flipped to the next page, only coming across another scary drawing, I got frustrated and skip more pages then I stopped on the page with writings.

"Life is pain."

That's what I've heard during my entire life. And indeed is true, I've seen the terrible façade of life, it's so cruel!

I don't understand why people live so happily like the world ain't got no suffering and pain, maybe they're just being selfish.

Or maybe the world hates me! Life too, if not why did she take them? Why did it bring THEM into my life?

Each day and night I live in hell! Life is worthless! I rather die than continue this game of pure torment for too long.

They've broke me taken all I have made me miserable and chained my soul.

Still they won't stop till I draw my last breath.

Each and every seconds of my life are spent been lock in a strong cage of bondage!

They won't stop whispering! They won't stop hurting me! I begged THEM to stop but they just won't listen. At times I wish I was never born.

Escape is not an option in my world but death is the only way out.

No matter how hard I try I can't escape from THEM! They're too mighty.

I need help.

I flipped through other pages looking for any other writings that could answer my questions, but I couldn't find any all I saw was more terrifying drawings.

I was thrown in panic and fear, cold sweats sprang from my skin. I didn't stop turning the pages I came to a brutal stop and jumped when I saw it. It was like in my dream, the black eyes crying blood with the evil smirk, he drew it so perfectly, anyone would think they're real. I ran my finger on the eyes and teeth. Just to see if it will bite.

My gaze dropped below the drawing, T.H.E.M he wrote.

Now at least I know he is not only depressed, maybe oppressed and possessed.

I recall the rough paper I saw in his bag, depressed, oppressed ... Possessed? It could be anything!

What is the meaning of T.H.E.M?

Who is Elie Griffin indeed?

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