
The End of A Song of Ice and Fire : Part 3 - Game of Thrones 153

If you wanna read other novels, like Avatar Cold Paths or Twilight: We Are Venom go to my Patreón, https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer; see ya soon!


I slowly opened my eyes to see… I was alive… but what really mattered was… was the monster I had set to kill dead?

With hesitation, I looked down to see the Night King slowly reforming; grabbing both Dawn and Lightbringer, I tried to cut the reforming body of the beast.

Unfortunately, I had no chance to do so. In the split second that took me to take the blades from the burned ground, The Undead King reformed his right arm and caught me by the throat.

"You almost got me there," The Night King muttered as his head reformed, "I had to kill thousands of my minions to avoid certain death,"

For two brief and agonizing seconds, I hung imprisoned by the powerful grip of the undead monster as he continued to reform before cutting the hand that had me, prisoner.

"I share a life with every single one of my soldiers… you can't kill me… not until they are all dead… though I am surprised… that attack you just pulled out… cost me around two hundred thousand minions in exchange for my life…" The Night King stated, fully reformed by this point, "So in a way… you even out the playing field for your people, I suppose,"

Well, now I'm glad I didn't die with my self-destruction fire…. otherwise… he would've won the war already.

The monstrosity in front of me yelled, raising his fists above his head, mutating more and more, "I don't like having to sacrifice my peons for power…. but you proved to be… a nuisance,"

Not only can he exchange them to avoid certain death... but he can also sacrifice them to… get more power… I hate my life.

"Well… let's keep dancing, shall we…" I tried to sound cool and collected, but that last suicidal attack had taken a toll on me; I was tired, really tired… but all of a sudden… I wasn't… what the hell?"

Melisandre… I could feel her with me right now; I could also feel my blood boil; she had probably used blood magic. I felt better; my wounds and burn skin was slowly getting better.

"That witch sure is a nuisance, well… it matters not… Oak will kill her sooner or later," The Abomination stated, noticing how I looked more energetic and how my wounds were slowly starting to disappear, faster than my body could heal them.

I merely smiled at him. I was now glad I had given her my blood to do magic… it had come quite a hand, "Now… let's dance once again,"

"Very well," The Night King smiled, and immediately after, thousands of ice spears like icebergs started to protrude around him in every direction. I melted all of them with my fire, but for some reason, I noticed. The attacks seemed completely random, with the majority of them going towards other directions, instead of me.

The undead king rushed towards me like a behemoth trying to strike with all his strength using his spear. While he was faster and considerably stronger, I easily dodged by jumping over the giant who shattered the ground like glass.

And I couldn't help but notice; he was lacking something… but what?

The Night King turned as quickly as he could to give a violent backtrack elbow attack followed by a spear swing, but once again, I had been able to see through his attack, and since I was faster, I slipped under his arm and cut his leg, making him drop to a knee.

The Night King had somehow forsaken technique for power; there was no other explanation, with the raw force and speed he currently had… he should be more than able to push me… or kill me. But his attacks were now, like those of an almost mindless animal.

With a violent roar, the already enrage undead reformed his leg and stood up, trying to attack me once again with his massive spear, this time I ducked under the attack and cut his head in a singular motion, followed by a quick cut to his arms.

However, before his limbs and head fell to the ground, he reformed once again, attaching what I had just cut; unfortunately for him, he did this just to receive a storm of cuts that stopped him before he could even attack; there was no doubt now… The Night King basically traded intellectual prowess for physical prowess, giving him more power and me the lead on the battle.

This was unfortunate for him, but I wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste; I would keep on my assault until he stopped reforming.

If you can't solve a problem with violence, it means you ain't using enough violence, to begin with. For today, that was my motto.

"I… Need… more… power…" The Night King shouted, dropping his weapon to the ground, as he punched the ground with both arms like a gorilla, mutating once again, showing that even his cognitive abilities were starting to disappear.

Suddenly, with a roar and blinding speed. The Undead Colossus managed to grab me by the wrists and delivered a terrible blow with his watermelon-sized knee to my guts, sending me a few hundred meters away, with a trail of blood on my blood. I had been thrown so hard that most of my army stopped for a second to give me a look… to see if I was still alive.

"Nothing like a concussion to get the blood flowing," I chuckled as I stood up, giving my men the thumbs up while I puked some blood.

"I… will… kill… you…" The Colossus rushed at me like a futbol player, this time a little bit more accustomed to his speed; I dodged the brute by jumping to the side, cutting the giant with Dawn and Lightbringer, the Undead roared, throwing a deadly punch that promised me a painful death.

Once again, I dodged, taking a step to the side, grabbing his arm and with all my strength using it as a lever to nail the giant to the ground.

"M...o...r...e," The giant shouted, struggling to even speak the most simplistic words, and once again he mutated, taking the form of a werewolf-like creature, though I had no hair… just rotting flesh and ice around his body, around twelve foot tall.

*He is losing thousands every time he does that… if he keeps doing that, we will outnumber him…* Nick Fury cawed, flying above me, *Do you think you can keep him mutating?*

Could I? While it was easier to read him… it was also becoming more and more troublesome… a single punch from before broke bones and damaged some organs…

"I will try," I sighed; it's not like I had another choice.

*I think he can't die while he has lived to exchange for his… so this way… we will lower the number to one…* Nick offered.

"I...kill… you…" The undead colossus shouted as he rushed at me on a straight line; blinking in realization, I kicked a spear I found on the ground, piercing his skull and stopping his once again.

"More… I need more…." He roared once again, mutating once again… his body now sporting tendrils… and more than one month.

"I'm not gonna… I am scared…" I muttered, talking to myself; this shit had gone from one-two a million really quick.

The undead monster lunged forward, quickly sprinting towards me, jumping midway in an attempt to smash me like a bug.

But reflex kicked in. I moved the heck away from the impact before dashing forward, piercing his chest.

Instinctively I jumped backwards, waiting for the bastard to mutate once again… and like a clock.

"Me…. need… more…"

With a somehow even more animalistic form, the Undead sprinted at me again, this I jumped out of the way at the last second, using the momentum to cut him head off, he was stronger, faster and scarier than me… that much was true. But now it was a battle of mights, or strategies… It was a battle of timing.

One mistake on my part, one second of hesitation would end me… I knew that, so I had to time all my movements perfectly.

Once again, I jumped backwards, waiting for the beast to mutate…

And he did, but instead of asking for more power, he just roared, showing he didn't have any brains anymore, mutating his body once again with a simplistic yet terrifying roar.

The Undead King… was now on all fours, looking at me, once again resembling a wolf, like the one I had seen in my visions a long time ago.

"Holy sh-" I was cut short for the moment I blinked. The monster had blasted towards me, trying to attack me, barely dodging; I couldn't help but feel the cold embrace of fear as I saw the damage a single attack did.

The monster didn't let me recover and attacked once again, this time biting my arm off like it was fucking cheese, not resistance… nothing, he just ripped my left arm that was holding Dawn, like nothing, from the elbow down, he just… bit my arm like a cake, "Shit!" I snarled, jumping back to recover.

The Undead spit my arm to the side and roared in victory.

Well…. fuck you, buddy, I am right-handed anyway.

I was not going to lose like this; taking a deep breath, I burned the wound sealing it, and grabbing Lightbringer, I smiled, taunting the beast as I dashed forward, dodging his maw and razor sharp teeth as I thrusted my sword with just enough power to go through his head.

*Do you need any help?* I heard Fury inquired.

"I lost an arm Sherlock… what do you think," I rolled my eyes as I took my distance, waiting for the fucking Pokémon to evolve once again.

*Our forces are now outnumbering the undead… one or two more mutations… and we will win,* Fury stated.

"Hurray," I chuckled.

Once again, the wolf looking monster mutated, from a normal wolf to a monstrously with six mouths, two heads, and three legs.

"God, that is disgusting…" I muttered.

With a powerful roar, the Lovecraftian abomination darted at me, faster than before because why not… with the utmost care, I proceeded to methodically dodged all the attacks he was throwing at me, not because I was able to see them.

Ha! Not at all.

His attacks were a blurry of motion now... almost impossible to see them for me, but… thanks to his animalistic minds, his attacks were so… one-directional, that it was as easy to predict them, though unfortunately for me, not all of my predictions were accurate, for I failed to dodge newly acquired tail, which resulted on me being smacked with it, followed by me flying across the battlefield like a rag doll, landing close to Oberyn and Ned.

"Protect the King!" Ned shouted, running towards me.

"Don't be an idiot," I stopped him, struggling to stand up, "You lot won't buy me even a second…"

With a loud crash, the beast landed a few dozen meters away from me, growling like a feral beast.

"Holy…. shit," Oberyn muttered, taking a few steps back as the beast stared to walk towards us.

However, a sword stopped the monster from moving, piercing his head; the sword was no other than Longclaw, meaning Jon had thrown the blade at it.

"We have to buy Melisandre time to heal him…." Jon shouted, with Dawn on his hands, now where the heck he got that… you know what it doesn't matter, maybe the monster pooped the blade somewhere, and he go it.

"I need a few minutes to do so," Melisandre confirmed.

"Well… fuck it… this is a good way to die," Oberyn smirked.

"Aye," Ned smirked back.

"FOR THE KING!" My army shouted as Melisandre dragged me out of the danger zone.

Heh… fucking lunatics.


I stared at Melisandre with a questioning look, "How many undead remain?" I asked, struggling to speak. God, that tail really mess me up.

"Only him…" Melisandre answered, as she covered my body in the blood I gave her, "Your sons managed to defeat the giant dragon… with the help of the krakens, which means he couldn't exchange the dragon for power…"

"When?" I asked, feeling proud they managed to do so.

"At the same moment, you landed close to me…" Melisandre replied, "They are probably fighting the beast right now…"

"How long before I can go back?" I asked.

"I don't know… we'll see," Melisandre answered, clearly unsure about if she could heal me, "I already heal you… this time the damage is worse,"

Taking a deep breath, Melisandre started to chant in a foreign language; a little by little, I started to feel better, my wounds healing… my energy recovering…

"I'm feeling bett-" I stopped midway, seeing how while I was getting better, Melisandre was slowly getting worse, ageing, by the second.

"I waited … hundreds of years to serve you… and that I will…" Melisandre said, giving me a kiss, as her once beautiful crimson red hair went white, "Blood magic takes a lot… from the user and from the receiver… but unlike you….I don't have much to give… not anymore,"

I stood up, blinking in shock as Melisandre smiled with a sad overtone; she was now an old woman, a very old woman, "Win this war… end this cycle once and… for all," and like a pile of dust that the wind blows, Melisandre was dead, and there was nothing to say she even existed, to begin with, she aged to the point of turning to dust.

She gave all her life and magic… to heal me once again, and I was going to use this newfound energy… to end this.


I rushed back to the battlefield, seeing the beast laying waste to my army, with my sons struggling to keep the losts at a minimum; Rhaegal was badly hurt, with one of his wings sporting a gaping hole.

Neltharion was missing his front right leg and eye, and Qrow had lost the tip of his tail, being the least damaged of the bunch.

"I'm back!" I shouted at them.

*You were fighting this thing?!* Neltherion hissed in disbelief.

"Yes…" I shuddered as I remembered my fight…

*We can barely contain him…* Qrow added.

"How do you guys feel?" I asked as I focused on the monster, standing up.

*I don't know… it feels like there is a hole in me…* Rhaegal chuckled, showing his injured wing.

*EVEN NOW?!* Qrow hissed.

*Don't worry brother… now that we have father here… this will be a hole in one!* Rhaegal laughed.

*I will kill you if that unholy abomination doesn't….* Qrow muttered.

*Do you mean… the unHOLE abomination…?* Rhaegal offered with a slight grin.

"Funny but… let's focus on the monster okay?" I chuckled.

*He also took a bite out of you… huh?* Neltharion sighed, showing his left front paw, *Hate the motherfucker….*

"Yeah," I said running towards the beats with my sons behind me, "We have to burn him to nothing… so be ready to breathe the biggest fire in history!"

*Got it!* They replied in one voice at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, I did what I had instructed my sons, and once again I focused on gathering all the fire I could…. as the beast ran towards us, killing my men like they were flies on his way.

"*Go to hell!*" Me and my sons shouted at the same time as a hellish blast of massive proportions set the demon in flames burning him and everyone around him.

"I… I was promised... I was promised this world…." The Night King said within, regaining some of his cognitive skills.

"Well… me too… fucker," I replied, as I lighted Lightbringer before throwing it at him like a makeshift lance, shattering his undead body once and for all.

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