

The ship gradually stopped and descended down, a muffled thump followed and the ramp opened. A squad of officers all in navy blue uniforms and vests greeted us, my group and myself began unbuckling the straps we had on and carried our stuff outside, the place was gloomy and depressing with the sky nearing dark. The place was surrounded with a wall that was topped with wiring and some towers all with officers performing patrols around the HQ. The man who greeted us before the flight appeared unexpectedly behind us and gestured us to follow him.

The man opened the door and inside was messy as hell, papers fell to the ground and officers walked in a faster pace, all with fear or anger in their eyes. The room filled with the sounds of phones ringing or loud chattering as we walk behind the man.

The man opened a door ahead of him and a new room was introduced, this room was more clean than the other, wires and lights from screens lit the room, this place might be the server room. I looked at one of the screens and it showed some sort of security footage of one of the protests. The people in the room wore headsets and spoke into them as they watched the cameras, this is the surveillance room, the man opened a second door then stopped in the middle of the room and turned around.

The room had a light blue lighting and filled to the brim with weapon closets, radios, and grenade boxes. A table sat in the middle of the room with what looks to be a blueprint and some weird figurines resting on it with one of them in the shape of a rifle, next to the man was another group. They were an armed unit team with armor in black and weapons ready. After the man stopped, the team began walking out all with cocking weapons and muffled breathing from their gas masks.

"You will be alone in the attack, as of now we need to raid a house that carries weapons and hides them for the runners. Intel gathered suggests this is a goldmine of weapons and may have what we need to find the rest of these gunrunners." The man explained, he pointed at something on the map, specifically one with the rifle figurine lying on top of it.

"The house has 3 floors and is surrounded by houses from all sides, only way in is an alley. Due to the size of the house you need to split into multiple teams, but I will leave it up to you to decide who to pick," The man places 5 more smaller figurines on different sides of the house, "Split into 5 teams all of you will converge on different parts of the house and completely surround them to guarantee that nobody leaves, 1 team will be stationed to gain surveillance from afar particularly a sniper. The sniper will be stationed on a small building near the house, with nothing blocking your view." The man explained.

"Sounds like an easy job for me." Stephen muttered quietly to himself.

"3 teams will enter through 3 entrances of the house, the backdoor, the front door, and a door on the left side on the house. The last team will breach through the windows of the 3rd floor once the 1st and 2nd floor are cleared, the place is said to be heavily fortified and has viable info we need. The leader is most likely at the top floor so make quick work with the people at the bottom, we need to execute this fast and quick, to ensure that nobody knows what happened, our tech guys will shutdown communication in the area surrounding the house. If your done planning there is a delivery truck waiting for you outside, it can bring you near the protest. There will be a contact waiting for you, he will bring you to a room to wear your equipment and prepare, he is in front of the alley entrance next to the bar, the bar's name is-" The man stopped as somebody knocked at the closed door, as the door opened another officer appeared with a concerned face.

"Sir, sorry for interrupting but there's something going on at the shard office." The officer said.

"I'll talk to you over the speaker in the van, get to the van and I can explain more to you." After speaking, the man walked out quickly and closed the door leaving us inside thinking what to do next.

"So you guys wanna pick your buddy or we should draw sticks?" Sebastian sarcastically asked.

"You're the boss, you pick." Lennox replied. Sebastian sighed but regained composure.

"Fine, Stephen you go with Luna, tell us what you see from your eyes or Luna's eyes." Sebastian announced looking at Stephen.

"I'm fine by that." Stephen replied.

"Good, Thalia just go with Damon," Thalia nudges my shoulder as Sebastian spoke with a smirk on her face, "Both of you are on the rear entrance. Nora, Mary you two take the side entrance. Marcel and Alina take the front entrance. And lastly Lennox and I will stay at the windows and wait until our mark. Everyone agree?" Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"Great, let's meet the driver outside then." Sebastian announced. After the planning, we walked out and made our way out from the rooms that we passed to the exit.

The sky was black with some officers standing outside with rifles ready to shoot, and spotlights from the towers shining brightly at the outside ground. A sudden roar of an engine burst out from my right giving me a small fright, I looked and there with headlights on was the van, an officer walked to the back and opened the back door of the van like a shutter. Inside was the same blue tinted light accompanied with extra tools inside. After looking, the group began walking to the van with me at the back following them.

We sat at the sides of the van and the officer shut the door behind us. It was spacious enough we can have a decent amount of space apart, we heard the driver door shut and the van began moving. Lennox who was nearest to the equipment hanging pulled out one of the tools on the wall.

"Shit they have seeker door cameras," Lennox exclaimed, "These things look like the new model than before." Lennox explained while toying with the device. It looked like a under door camera used by the military before the war but had a bigger monitor and the end was just a small flat square with a small camera at the tip, the camera looks more compacted and small than the normal equipment, possibly for easier carrying by soldiers and officers.

Lennox chucked the camera at me, "Take it, I'm not on door duty and take the others that you can use." Lennox sarcastically said. After this, Thalia stood up and reached for other stuff on the wall grabbing anything she can. When she sat back down she placed some of it on my lap, after this Thalia sat down while the rest followed suit grabbing what equipment is required.

On my lap was an assortment of equipment from picklocks to a special door wedge, a static noise emanated from the top of the van and a voice came on after the static slowly faded.

"Get what you need and place it in your bags, the driver will bring you near a protest but do not worry as you can slip through and into the alleyway, rest assured though as there is a contact that can give you some time to change and prepare. You can find outside of a bar, the bar is called "Happy days" bar, as of now he is awaiting your arrival in the entrance so don't keep him waiting." The communications cut and the van goes quiet again.

The van comes to a screeching stop and the driver opens his door then closes it, the officer opens the shutter door and motions us to get out.

"I can go this far, the bar is over there," The officer points at a sign not far from where we stopped. In front of it was a crowd of protesters all moving like waves of the sea, my team began stepping out of the truck, the officer shut the van door and went back to the driver seat, with that he drove away.

"Well this is it I guess, make sure all of you manage to get there, we will be blind from seeing each other so focus on that sign." Sebastian ordered.

We began walking into the crowd, and as we dipped into the waves of protesters we lost view of each other. The crowd moved relentlessly almost making me stumble, the people walking almost had no care as I tried to wiggle myself through the tight wave of people in my way. I looked up to see the sign and I was near to it but my position moved constantly as protesters continued moving without stop.

I finally got out of the crowd with my bag behind my back and the man in front of me with a phone or radio in hand, some of my teammates were already there while others are just emerging or still stuck in the crowd. The man finished talking to someone on the radio in a language I cannot understand and puts it on his waist.

Another chapter for the team of Prabellum Academy enjoy!

Razedealercreators' thoughts
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