
Chapter Seven - The Kid

The crusaders made their way to the harbour, where they had to find the boat Mr. Joestar talked about, at the restaurant. He said that it would be only them and the crew on board, so there wouldn't be any other Stand incidents.

There, Polnareff surprised them with his presence, saying that he never got a chance to thank Avdol for freeing him from Dio's mind control.

"No need to thank me, thank Jojo..." the Egyptian man spoke looking at the bulky student.

Jotaro kept his hands in his pants' pockets. "I'm good." he said only bending his neck a little.

Even though she didn't say anything, (Y/N) waited for at least a mention from Avdol. She was used to be there for people without getting any credit for it, but her hopes had never died.

"(Y/N) helped you too..." Jotaro continued after a short pause. (Y/N) gasped when she heard the student's words. She smiled widely waving her hands in front of her face, signing that there was no need to thank her.

All of sudden, a menacing atmosphere fell between them. Polnareff looked with narrow eyes at Mr. Joestar, clearly making him feel uncomfortable.

"Monsieur Joestar, I hope you don't mind me asking... I know it's none of my business, but I noticed that you never take off your gloves... Your left hand wouldn't happen to be a right one, would it?" he asked the weird question.

The old man looked at his hands, probably making sure that he had both right and left ones. "Hm? What are you talking about?"

They were all looking at the French guy confused, as his face darkened. "I'm searching for the man who murdered my sister!" (Y/N) and the other men gasped after hearing about Polnareff's loss. "I don't know what he looks like," he continued, "but I know he has two right hands..."

With no more hesitation, Mr. Joestar took off his left glove, letting his prosthetic hand be shown. He explained everyone that he got the it from an accident that happened fifty years in the past. Polnareff apologized bending his neck. In exchange, Mr. Joestar asked the white haired guy to tell everyone what had happened with his relative. He accepted, stepping forward, looking at the sea, then started speaking.

Hearing what had happened to his poor little sister and her classmate made (Y/N) almost tear up. She had always had a weak point for people who had lost someone, especially someone so important to them. And knowing that a murderer had such power like a Stand made her feel even worse.

"A Stand user..." Mr. Joestar approved, making Polnareff turn around.

Continuing, the Frenchman told them that that was exactly how he had met Dio. He had been haunting the killer, after he had sworn with his life that he would find the the man with two right hands and revenge his sister. Dio had found him and then he had implanted the flesh bud inside the Frenchman's head.

"I was ordered to kill you all... I felt like it was the right thing to do..." Polnareff ended the story.

With a thoughtful expression, Kakyoin put his hand under his chin, holding it. (Y/N) turned her face at him, willing to hear what the boy was thinking about. "Based on your story, it seems like the man with two right hands is already Dio's underling..." the pink haired student finally spoke.

Polnareff suddenly turned around from the sea, facing all of the others. "I've made up my mind! I'll come with you to Egypt! If I can find Dio, I can find my sister's murderer as well!"

The girl and the boys stared at the French guy for a moment. No-one had any objections, so Mr. Joestar happily greeted him on their adventure.

"Yare yare..." Jotaro sighed. He couldn't take another breath, because two girls came next to him. They asked him politely for a photo. (Y/N) groaned silently, knowing what was going to happen next. There was no other ending for some girls who fell for Jotaro's appearance, other than him destroying all of their dreams. The girl noticed how her classmate's face changed from neutral to annoyed, when the women didn't stop talking.

"Shut up already!" he yelled at them, the poor girls taking a step back.

When her prediction came true, (Y/N) grabbed her nose bridge and shook her head completely disappointed. "Yare yare daze..." The girl gasped when she heard herself saying that phrase. She covered her mouth and looked away like she was going to puke. 'What have I said just now?' She didn't even know if she should've laughed or cried.

Finally getting over, she acted like nothing had ever happened, turning around to see Polnareff taking the girls away from Jotaro's jerky behavior. The French guy was so charismatic, he could literally make any girl fall in love with him. 'If only he was a bit younger...' (Y/N) thought giggling.

Kakyoin interrupted her thoughts as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?" he asked softly. "You looked like you were going to vomit just now..." The boy seemed worried, but the girl immediately explained that everything was fine.

"Oh, no! I... I remembered something funny and I was laughing!" she reassured him. Kakyoin smiled smoothly with his eyes closed and patted (Y/N) on the head, gently.


The wind was blowing through (Y/N's) (H/C) hair, making her middle length skirt wave within the air. She was looking back at Hong Kong's harbour, resting her arms on the railing, as the two other students were chilling on two sunbeds. The girl was having her earphones on, so she couldn't hear Mr. Joestar's steps coming in their direction.

"Why don't you three switch these uniforms for something else?" his loud croaky voice drew (Y/N's) attention. She took out one earphone so she could hear what the old man wanted to say. "Aren't you burning up?" he continued, pointing them with his hand.

Without taking his eyes off the book he was reading, Kakyoin spoke for the three of them. "Well, we are students, and a good student always dresses a part... Too much of a stretch?"

As Jotaro hummed in agreement, (Y/N) giggled. To be fair, she felt really hot, but she couldn't be the only one undressing, could she?

"So Japanese students are such stiffs, huh?" Mr. Joestar stated. Avdol seemed amazed by this thing they were doing, calling it 'Bushido'. Polnareff, on the other hand, mocked the students, saying that that wouldn't get them any girls. (Y/N) smiled and shook her head. When she was ready to put her earphone back on, she was stopped by a high pitched cry.

"Let go of me! Let me go, jerk!"

Gasping, just like the others, she turned her head into the direction of the scream. It seemed like a little boy, with a pink shirt, a jean overall and a hat, was trying to get away from one of the crew member's grip.

"Oi, oi!" Mr. Joestar tried to stop them. "I thought we agreed that we'll be the only ones aboard!"

(Y/N) put away her recorder and earphones, turning around, but still resting on the railing.

"I am sorry! He's a stowaway." The man looked at the boy. "This little brat was hiding in one of the storage holdings below! I'm gonna call the captain and we'll see what we can do with him..."

He didn't stop struggling to get away. "Let go of me, or I'll break you balls!" (Y/N) couldn't help but snicker when she heard what that child had just said. The other ones had the same surprised reaction, Kakyoin even taking the book away from his face. The only one who had absolutely no reaction was Jotaro, who kept chilling in the sunlight, with his thick arms behind his head.

"Oh yeah? Tell that to the coast guard, when we get you back to Hong Kong, you little shit!"

When he heard about the police being involved, the kid jumped out of the man's grip. "Please, just let me go! I have to go to Singapore to see my dad!"

(Y/N) knew something was off with that boy, so she stepped forward to him and the crew member, being ignored by the others. She didn't even get to put her hand on his shoulder, because he threw himself on the crew member, grabbing his arm and biting it. The girl gasped, as the boy immediately jumped into the water, after finishing with the man.

"Woah! This kid has got some guts!" Polnareff exclaimed, looking down the railing. (Y/N) immediately made her way next to him and Avdol, looking after where the boy had landed.

Kakyoin got up from his sunbed as well. "Is he trying to swim to the shore?"

"What should we do?" (Y/N) asked.

"Forget'em! He wouldn't have thrown himself into the water if he wasn't at least a decent swimmer!" Once again, Jotaro was the only one who didn't care about the poor child. Looking back at him, the girl felt the urge to punch the student in the face. 'Will you ever stop being an asshole?'

Her focus changed when the crew member yelled that the water was infested with sharks. (Y/N) shrieked, then leaned on the railing and, waving her arms desperately, she started shouting.

"Kid! Come back! There are sharks in the water!" she started. There was no use. Even though the others were screaming as well, the boy couldn't seem to hear anything.

The shark was moving forward to his next victim. Seeing the animal moving so fast, with tears in her eyes and even more desperate cries, (Y/N) leaned even more on the edge of the boat, losing her balance.

"(Y/N), don't!" Kakyoin screamed as he tried to catch her, but failing, the girl falling into the water as well.

Or so they thought, until they saw Pure Silence's hand grabbing the railing. When (Y/N) got back on board breathing heavily, the first thing she noticed was that Jotaro wasn't on his chair anymore. Ignoring the others asking her if she was alright, the girl looked around the boat, trying to find the student. She got back next to the edge of the boat only to see the shark who was attacking the kid flying into the air, followed by Star Platinum, who started punching the huge animal. The boy watched, amazed and confused at the same time, the shark falling from the sky. (Y/N) sighed in relief when she saw Jotaro coming out of the water. She couldn't really tell what the two were doing, but she caught the moment the student took off the boy's hat, letting his long hair fall into the water. Or better said, hers.

As they were swimming back to the boat, Mr. Joestar saw something following them from behind. "Jotaro! Bellow you! Something is coming after you from underwater!"

Jotaro swam as fast as he could, still holding the girl with his arm. (Y/N) gasped when she noticed that the creature following them was much faster than Jotaro. When he almost made it to the lifebuoy, she looked terrified at Kakyoin, the boy understanding what she wanted. "Don't worry, that distance is no problem for me!" he said, making Hierophant Green appear. With Kakyoin's smallest hand gesture, the Stand bounced off the edge, grabbing Jotaro and the little girl and pulling them aboard.

They knew that there was no way that thing was an actual creature. It had to be a Stand and everybody agreed to that. The men and lady were all staring at the small girl who was trying to regain her balance. She had to be the user, knowing that they had already checked every member of the crew.

"Why are you jerks looking at me like that?" she snapped backing away, next to the edge of the boat. The kid took out of her pocket a knife, pointing them with it. "Don't get any closer or I'll stab you!" she cried.

Seeing that knife and knowing the probability of that girl being a Stand user, (Y/N) wanted to get closer, ignoring the warnings. She was stopped by Kakyoin putting his arm in front of her body. Only by looking at him, she realized that it was a bad idea and that they were already having a plan.

"Oi!" Avdol said. "How's Dio doing these days?" the man asked to test her.

"Dio? And who the fuck should that be?" the kid responded, looking confused, but still full of determination.

Kakyoin smiled, chuckling slightly for a moment. The small girl frowned, pointing her knife at him and gesturing with her hand, daring him to come closer. "What's so funny, you jerk hole?!"

"Jerk hole? I don't think she's our Stand user..." Kakyoin kept smiling. Even though she wanted to seem tough, it only made the little girl look even cuter.

One moment later, a huge bulky man, dressed as a sailor, with a cap covering his eyes, came to the deck, probably wanting to see what was going on. When she noticed that the other crew member was not with them anymore, (Y/N) realized that he was the captain.

"So you are the stowaway?" the captain asked, everyone's attention moving to him. The man grabbed the girl with the knife with no hesitation, not letting her move. The kid continued her struggle, dropping the knife on the floor. "I'm pretty strict when it comes to stowaways..." he continued switching the girl's arm, making her moan in pain. "Don't care if you are a girl."

(Y/N) couldn't stand that man hurting the girl, even though she was a stowaway. She looked around, everyone else seeming unbothered by the captain's behavior.

At the other side of the boat, next to Mr. Joestar, leaning on the railing was Jotaro, smoking a cigarette. "Captain," Mr. Joestar caught the man's attention. "I'd like to ask you a question!" He let go of the girl, coming straight to the old man. "You've verified all of the ten men aboard, right?"

"Of course. They're all men who have worked for me for over ten years!" The captain looked with narrow eyes at the smoking student. "Oh, and..." Moving faster than anyone could imagine, he took the cigarette from Jotaro's mouth, keeping it between his pointing finger and middle one. Pointing him with his still burning cigarette, the captain spoke to the boy threateningly. "I must implore you not to smoke on the deck. What did you plan to do with the ashes and the butt? Just toss them aside into these pristine waters? You may be a guest on this ship, but you will abide by my rules, tough guy..."

With the last words said, the bulky, blonde man extinguished the cigarette on Jotaro's cap. (Y/N) looked at Kakyoin, who looked at the two and then back at her. They both covered their mouths snickering, knowing what was going to happen next. Jotaro was going to end the man's whole career for that act.

Once done with the student, the captain turned around to his crew, but he was stopped by a strong voice.

"Hold it, pops."

The man stopped suddenly, just like he had frozen.

"Then why didn't you say so?" he continued, acting calm, even though he was burning of anger inside. "You didn't have to act like a prick about this whole situation!" Jotaro was holding his hands into his pants pockets, as usual.

The others had their mouths open, except (Y/N) and her friend, who still didn't know if they should've worried about the captain or kept laughing. Mr. Joestar, on the other hand, immediately stopped his grandson. "Oi, Jotaro, don't be disrespectful to the captain!"

Of course he didn't care. "I'll be as rude as I want."

'Oh God, is there anything you don't do your way?' (Y/N) thought sighing, finally being able to stop her laugher.

Jotaro continued, looking straight at the sailor. "I've already figured out that he is not the captain. He's the Stand user!" Everyone around gasped.

Avdol came next to the student. "Jojo, that's impossible! We chose Captain Dragon because he came recommended with verification from the Speedwagon Foundation!"

"Do you even have any proof?" (Y/N) asked, knowing that he couldn't have just been randomly guessing.

"Calm down, I've found a way to identify Stand users." They all looked at him surprised. He then told them that when a Stand user takes even the slightest whiff of cigarette smoke, a vein pops on their nose. Gasping, all the others touched their noses, except for Jotaro and (Y/N).

The girl huffed, knowing that it was probably all part of his plan. 'Fucking liar!' She had smoked enough to know that there was no way a vain could pop on her nose without her noticing. With her arms crossed and smirking, she walked next to Jotaro.

Triggered, Polnareff came there as well. "You can't be serious, Jotaro!" That man really cared for his appearance.

"Relax!" (Y/N) took the words out of the student's mouth. "He's lying." Somehow proud of the girl's intelligence, Jotaro pulled his cap over his eyes slightly smiling, but not enough for everyone to notice it.

"Apparently, someone fell for it..."

The men and little girl gasped. The so called 'captain' took off his cap smirking, making the atmosphere even more menacing than before. Here they went again, fighting another enemy Stand user.

No moment had passed and the creature that had followed Jotaro into the water jumped, grabbing the stowaway's leg then pulling her into his arms, lending on the railing. He looked like a blue water moster. The little girl cried out confused. She couldn't move, yet something was holding her still, into the air. After talking about his Stand, Dark Blue Moon, the captain let go of the edge of the boat, falling. Fast enough, Jotaro sent Star Platinum after the enemy Stand user, punching him repeatedly in the face, shouting 'ora' over and over again, as usual. In the end, he caught the little girl by the hand.

While the others were so happy about defeating the captain so easily, (Y/N) noticed something weird: Jotaro kept holding the little girl, but he wasn't bringing her up. "Jotaro, what's wrong?" he asked, catching everyone else's attention as well.

His whole body was shaking. She wanted to put her hand on his back, but she was stopped by his rough voice.

"Don't touch me!"

She immediately took her hand away, holding it next to her chest. Jotaro kept struggling to bring the kid up, but failing. Leaning even more on the railing, Jotaro managed to talk. "Damn it... Something is pulling me in..."

As some rocky things started crawling up Star's arm, blood bursted from Jotaro's hand. (Y/N) gasped.

"These are... Barnacles!" one of the others said, after Polnareff shrieked. Mr. Joestar grabbed his grandson's back, trying to pull him away from the edge of the boat, helped by Avdol and Kakyoin.

"He's still got some fight in him..." Jotaro said. (Y/N) immediately understood that he was talking about the captain. There was no way that man would have been defeated that easily. "He must've attached them when I hit him!"

The old man got an idea. "Jotaro, pull in your Stand!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!"

(Y/N) felt Jotaro's face straining. She knew he couldn't hold any longer, but she once again didn't know how to help him. She was getting stressed not being able to do anything. 'I can't just let him struggle like that!' The girl got out her Pure Silence, starting to hit the barnacles with her Stand's claws. However, there was no use. One moment later, Jotaro fell off the edge. Before crushing into the water, he threw the little girl into the air, letting (Y/N) catch her.

"Jotaro!" she screamed loudly. After bringing the kid back on the boat, the girl crawled on the railing, only to be stopped by Kakyoin before throwing herself into the water, after the student.

"(Y/N), calm down..." he said softly taking her away from the edge. "Jotaro can come out of the water himself!" He was right, Jotaro was old enough to know how to swim. Besides that, he was the one to save that little kid as well. And why did she even care? He yelled at her not to touch him, when she only wanted to help, and yet she had just wanted to jump into the water to save him.

Around thirty seconds had passed, and there was still no sigh of Jotaro.

Worried, Mr. Joestar spoke. "It's been too long! He's not coming out yet?"

A giant whirlpool appeared in front of them. When Avdol stated its existence, the two other students came back next to the railing. Determined and not wanting (Y/N) to do it before him, because she might've gotten hurt, Kakyoin got out Hierophant Green. "That's it, I'm going in!" However, when his Stand touched the water, blood bursted out of his hand as well. "These are scales! That guy's Stand has scales as sharp as razors!"

"And the whirlpool is full of them!" the other student gasped.

Suddenly, something looking like a human appeared on the surface of the water, still caught into the waterspout.

"It's Jojo! I see Jojo into the whirlpool!" Kakyoin exclaimed while his hand was being healed by (Y/N). Hearing that and being finished with the pink haired guy, the girl looked into the water, seeing Jotaro's limb body as well.

Full of hope, (Y/N) grabbed the railing with both hands and, leaning forward she screamed to the top of her lungs. "I know you can do it, Jotaro!" She knew he couldn't hear her being caught in that thing, but it was the last thing she could do.

They waited. They all waited to see Jotaro coming out of the water alive. And so he did. They were all so happy to see him, when he finally got his head out of the water. All of sudden, when Mr. Joestar wanted to throw him the lifebuoy, the boat started to explode. The captain had planted bombs on the ship.

"Everybody hurry up to the lifeboats! Send a distress call!" Mr. Joestar commanded. Fortunately, everyone, including the crew members, made it to the lifeboats on time.

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