
Introducing Destiny to my Maidens

When Ji Yuan had been acquainted with Destiny, he had wasted no time to bring the other maidens that he had known to his room to make a formal introduction to Destiny. 

Actually, he did not go beyond the normal kissing and hugging with Destiny, if anyone wants to know.

But he had felt that this was something that the maidens should know since they were all his maidens.

Very soon, the 5 maidens Bai Qianfeng, Yu Jingjing, Yang Mi, Chu Lixue the Smiling Divine Maiden and Little Princess were in his room as they were startled to see Destiny in the same room as them too.

Ji Yuan was excited as he proudly introduced Destiny to them, "From now onward, the Goddess Destiny shall be your sister too. She is my maiden too."

When he had said that, all the maidens were startled; the most stunned was actually Bai Qianfeng.

Since they had already been introduced during the banquet or earlier, Ji Yuan did not introduce them one by one. 

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