
Chapter 12: When Covers Removed

We made it to our current destination, the city of Atonis, and at the same time, the sun started to rise. There's never been any information about this place in books and atlases other than it was one of the cities under the rule of the Deravon Kingdom. But if this is related to that kingdom, then this is a dangerous place.

"Stay here. I'll go in stores." Dalary said and walked away, leaving me alone with the wagon.

Unlike the capital, the streets weren't that crowded, so I felt comfortable.

The houses were almost the same as the other homes at the capital, and but not following the same palette anymore. Except for the large manor that was standing so tall at a faraway distance.

The town surrounded a statue of a man at the square, standing with great confidence as he held a cane in his hands, despite his large stomach. If my assumptions are correct, this must be Count Livenis, one of King Gandior's loyal partners in terms of politics.

I grabbed the hood of my cloak and covered my face, trying to hide my identity from any signs of authority. I've never been to anywhere other than the capital and Coira. And I always welcome traveling as long as I don't get into trouble.

And speaking of trouble, a man was walking in my way, holding empty bottles of beer in his hands. His whole body was covered with tattoos.

I tried to turn towards where my friend went, but he dashed in front, covering my way as he rested his arms in the wall beside us. His unpleasant smell reached my nose.

"Hey, girl! Wanna come with me?" He flirted, as he moved his eyebrows up and down, much to my disgust and fear. I never faced this kind of guy before, since Coira isn't a town to be free, and the capital is stricter with their rules and knights.

"I-I'm sorry," I said, started to walk towards the wagon, avoiding the man. "I have something to do…"

"Don't be shy!" He shouted and grabbed me by my shoulders. My body hairs started to stand on their own, as I twitched my eye. "Let's have fun!"

I was about to say anything to excuse, when suddenly, he shouted in pain as his eyes were closed, trying to endure it. At the same time, the weight on my shoulder is finally gone.

I turned around behind to see what caused the man to scream this loud and there, I saw a hooded lad with a pale cold skin the same as mine, grasping his arm until it reached his own back, which is really a painful posture to have.

But I didn't care about the maniac that had been trying to flirt with me, and only focused on the man who saved me. He may be wearing a hood, but I can still see his familiar golden eyes, and his snow-white hair.

"Didn't you hear her? She said she had something to do." Cainne glared at the man.

"W-Who are you?!" The man asked.

He didn't answer his question and just turned his head around to see me instead. His eyes were stuck at mine, as I was stuck at his. None of us ever averted or blinked. The strange feeling that I've encountered the first time we met came back to me again. Why do I always have this sensation?

After the staring contest, I saw him smile. I didn't expect him to do it so I smiled at him in the most awkward way ever. I felt my cheeks burning out of embarrassment.

"I'm her lover." He said which made me more shocked. When he saw my red face, he winked at me and it unexpectedly explained everything. I thought he claimed me to be his lover, but I guess it's just a play for this man to go away.

"So if you lay a finger on her again, you can't only taste my fist." He threatened.

"Tsk." The man admitted defeat since his arms started to depart from his body. Once he fought off a strong man like Cainne, he wouldn't stand a chance now with his weak arm and body.

He started running away, never coming back again. I sighed in relief. I turned around to see my savior.

"Never expect to see you sooner." He said as he rested his hands on his waist. A sheathed shortsword was now hanging on his back, a property of his that I've never seen before.

"Me neither," I replied.

After that conversation, he started to turn his head around in any direction, searching for something.

"So where's your tendrin friend? Dalary, was it?" He asked me. I've never expected him to look for my tree friend. Tendrins' features are very eye-catching since they're completely different from humans so they're mostly the ones that people remember.

"Ah. She's–"

"Looking for me?"

I was about to say her location when I heard Dalary's voice nearby. I turned my head to see her standing beside us, giving each of us glares of suspicion.

"Listen" She spoke, turning her attention to Cainne that was just standing in front of me, stunned by my friend's sudden appearance. "I'll be honest with you."

"I don't want anyone approaching Meria that easily, so I'll be watching you…" She added as she walked forward to the man who was smaller than her. "…for a very long… long time."

The tension between them started to get heavier as Dalary tried to bury him with her massive height, while the other just stepped backward. According to the books, tendrins should be friendly and joyful to every creature they will see, but when I met her, I don't know if the references are reliable anymore.

"Umm…" I tried to stop their tension. "...why should we go eat first?"

Both of them agreed, so I let out a sigh. We walked through the whole city, trying to find the perfect restaurant to feast.

Cainne insisted on paying the meal we were about to have. No matter how many times I have to resist it, he won't give up so I just stopped.

"Atonis is not a very friendly city." Our new friend started to speak as he munched on the steak that he just ordered in a tavern, making his voice to be unclear.

Speaking of meat, this is actually just my second time having a taste of this and the last memory I had with it was in my childhood days when my parents were still alive and well. I also took a bite, happy that I can eat a meal like this once more. Dalary just ordered a glass of water. Unlike us, humans, tendrins are just feeding to the sunlight and water in order to keep themselves healthy.

I never thought that we were invited to a very nice tavern. The timber frames and arches inside to support made it more decorative, as oil lanterns hanged on them. The small glass windows and lamp holders removed the boring parts of the clay walls.

Each table had its own candle and chairs. The counter was separated from us, but anyone can see the shelves behind, filled with drinks and beverages.

"There are bastards on the street, thieves, robbers, all kinds of evil." Cainne said, still continuing to chew some food. What he said was true. I found inappropriate-looking men giving me stares as we entered this city, and not to mention the encounter I had earlier. It seems like this city had too much freedom.

But he is still staying inside this city, when there are dangers lurking around. He should be with his father in the capital. I wouldn't dare to live here if I were him.

"Then why are you staying here?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be with your father?"

"W-Well…" He stuttered, started rubbing his nape. He averted his eyes as well. "…about the father thing…"

"Yeah. I know." Dalary said, drinking the remaining water in her glass.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"That's just an excuse to enter the capital." She explained, which made me more surprised and shocked.

"Oh." I was stunned at my seat, thinking about the things that I should've noticed. It seems like I'm not that much of a guesser.

"And I'm staying here because…" Cainne continued to talk, answering the question I asked earlier, which I almost forgot. "…there's freedom."

"I can't fight back if I'm inside the capital because of the rules." He added as he finished his meal.

He already paid the bills for the food, and I'm still guilty of him treating us.


As we were about to leave the pub, someone called our friend's name from afar with anger. I turned around to see a man with a very big build and a lot of tattoos. When both of them looked at each other, the man immediately rushed to our direction and grabbed him by his collar.

My eyes widened as I witnessed the scene while Dalary was just standing there. I wanted to help him, but I don't want to be in trouble.

"You a**hole! Get your f***ing hands off of my money!" The man shouted with glaring eyes as the improper words sliced my eardrums into titbits.

"I won the game fair and square. There's nothing you can about it." He said, not even got affected by the menace.

He then rested his hand on the guy's shoulder and jumped over him with just a swift motion. This made everyone around the tavern to be amazed by the stunt, even myself. If I'm correct, no human could be able to do a technique like that, unless you're part of a fighting guild. He landed behind the man, which made him more irritated.

"You piece of trash!"

The man turned around and attempted to grab Cainne by the back. But instead, he pulled his black hood away from him and threw it to the ground, now seeing the full appearance of our new friend.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

I knew that his characteristics are so familiar. Those pale cold skin, those silver hair flowing in the wind, that extraordinary strength and stunt he just did earlier, I couldn't be wrong. And now that the hood that had been concealing him since the time we met is gone, everything about him had finally exposed.

He had no human ears in both sides and instead, had two long small white angel wings and a golden hairpin with carved wings attached on the back of his head, wrapping some of his messy hair to one side. His golden eyes are more glowing than before, now that the light hits them.

Everyone inside the tavern, including costumers and staff, continued to stare at him in both shock and disgust, while I was just staring at him, trying to enjoy the beauty that I've been seeing right now while it lasts. I can only see them in books, but the real ones are better.

He is one of them. He is one of their race, the creatures of majesty and loyalty, the encantors.

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