
Make or break a promise

Aaron cupped her face and caught her teary eyes. When they were on a night call he had mentioned Shea Morris for some reason so Aaron knew Aarvi can't be sad for anything Shea did. 

In fact, it wasn't Aarvi's behavior to cry for trivial matters. She was fine till they entered the mansion so he was clueless without understanding what hurt her that could bring her to tears.

Concerned, "Aarvi?" He lifted her face to look at him and saw her pressing her lips trying to hide away her tears. Despite knowing her efforts to hide, he didn't let go of it, "Look at me…"

He got her complete attention before he asked, "Tell me what happened?" He was extremely anxious.

Aarvi contemplated, it wasn't the first time she felt the problem with her memories. The numerous times she felt she might have known Aaron before she woke up from comatose, but she never found out how they could be related.

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