
The Story of Claire Black

Bücher und Literatur
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It’s a what if story. What if Sirius had a wife and kid. What if Sirius captured Peter and Peter went to Azkaban. What if the Dursley’s were actually nice. What if Harry and Ron was friends before Hogwarts. Hope you enjoy the story.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1

Hi my name is Claire Black, the daughter of Sirius and Yumi Black. I'm 11, and I just got my Hogwarts letter. This is my Hogwarts journey. My god brother Harry, has already started school, he is best friends with my best friend's brother. We hung out a lot as kids, I'm just a few months younger then Harry, but at least I'm in the same year as Ginny, my best friend.

My dad was famous for catching the man responsible for Harry's parents death. A man called Peter Pettigrew, that use to be friends with dad, Harry's dad and uncle Remus. He got on the front page of the daily prophet for that, but dad was angry because someone told him to let a muggle family look after Harry. But we still saw him every summer, the Dursley's are nice, always kept Harry well fed and he likes them.

My mum is from Japan, Gran and Grandad were in families that hated each other, when they got together they had to flee Japan and come to the U.K. They both had special eye related abilities, when my mum was born, she had a weak version of both. She could see magic and see how a persons magic flowed, but it wasn't as powerful as the separate ones.

Mum and dad made a bet, it was if I would have my mum's eyes but a more powerful version or not. Dad bet I would have it, but my mum didn't think I'd get it, because she had a weak version. Dad won that's why I'm called Claire, mum wanted to call me Kasumi. Oh I have long black hair, almond shaped bright blue eyes 'a side effect of my eye ability' and the same shape face as dad.

Mum was friends with Lily 'Harry's mum' and Mr Snape. I haven't met Mr Snape yet, but mum said he works at Hogwarts. Dad hates Mr Snape for some reason, but he won't tell me why. I like to research things and to make things, mum said I'll definitely be in Ravenclaw, but dad thinks I'll be in Gryffindor. I don't mind any house as long as Ginny is with me.

I look up trying to think of what else to write about when I hear a shout.

"Claire come on, get ready we are going to pick up Harry, then go to Diagon Alley." Dad shouted up the stairs.

"Ok dad, I'll be down in a minute." I shout back, looking at my new journal, I sigh and close it.

I really need to think of something to write, I'll see what dad and Harry think. I start getting dressed into a jeans and a t-shirt, I put my hair into a ponytail and look at myself in the mirror. I'm looking good, ok it's not good to make dad wait. I start walking down the stairs and see dad with a big smile.

"All ready then, let's go get Harry, and get to Diagon Alley." He said looking at his watch.

"Hey dad, I'm writing a journal and I don't really know what to write in it." I say, as we make our way to the car.

"How about the time you took apart the radio to see how it worked." He said with a smile.

"Well that's not really relevant, and I was only five years old then." I said pouting and opening the car door.

"It was a strange sight, seeing a five year old with a screwdriver, taking apart a radio. But according to your grandparents, your mother was exactly like that at your age." He said laughing at the memories.

"Why isn't mum coming with us?" I ask, I haven't seen mum this morning.

"She had to go into work, your mum is rushed off her feet. That woman she works with keeps taking days off." He said annoyed.

"Will she be able to see me off to school?" I asked, worried that mum won't be there when I leave.

"I think even if that woman doesn't show, your mum is not missing that." He said with a smile.

When I see dad's confident face, I calm down a bit. I start looking out the window, to see loads of big buildings, then a hour later the building start getting smaller. We get to The Dursley's, dad park's up, I got out and ran to the door. I knock three times and wait. The door opens and I see Harry's uncle.

"Hello Mr Dursley, is Harry ready?" I asked with a smile.

"I told you, you can call me Vernon. And Harry is just saying his goodbyes." Vernon said with a gentle smile.

"Okidoki Vernon, hows the family?" I ask.

"They are doing well, Dudley is first in his year, he makes me proud." He said with a big smile.

"That's good, is he still doing boxing?" I ask thinking back to what Harry told me.

"Yes, he has a very promising future." He said, with a look of pride.

"Hello Claire, goodbye Uncle Vernon. See you next summer." Harry said giving Vernon a quick hug.

"If you need anything just send Hedwig ok?" Vernon asked Harry, who nodded and smiled.

"Good, then I'll see you next summer." He said waving as we head to the car.

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