
Chapter 348: The Same

Ian did not expect for Mina to open up to him about anything at all, but there she was, telling him things about her that he did not realize he wanted to know. He wanted to be suspicious, and in many ways, he was, but he could see that Mina's words were not meant for her benefit, they were said for the benefit of twenty-three.

"We usually cannot control him," President Lee said, and Mina shook her head.

"Is that all you people know? Control?" Ian walked deeper into the room and stood closer to Mina, but she still had not looked at him.

"What I meant was that he doesn't listen to anyone's advice. Since I met him, twenty-three has-"

"Since you have met him, how many times have you listened to him?" Mina asked, catching Ian off guard.

"He doesn't make sense when he speaks."

"He does to someone who understands what he is saying. If you are not going to treat him fairly and let him work himself to death, then you should at least be humane and kill him in his sleep." Ian stared at Mina, who he did not think could be so cruel, but the way she looked at the man in the bed let him know that it was not cruelty driving her words, it was compassion.

"What if it were you? Is that what you would want?" he asked. He had stepped closer to Mina hoping she would look at him, but her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her. He looked exhausted and almost sickly.

"Mina, trust me, they are fine. Rebecca sees to it that they get what they want and need."

"Doctor Rebecca is an arrogant and jealous woman who is threatened by people who are smarter than her. You might as well have put your girlfriend in charge of that area." Ian smirked. He liked when Mina spoke her mind freely.

"Mina, Rebecca is only jealous of you."

"And aren't I the same as him? What is living if I cannot determine what my life is?"

"Is that how you feel?" Ian asked, he did not like what Mina was saying and he feared what her answer might be, but he still wanted to hear it.

"I keep asking myself the same question, but I haven't settled on an answer." Mina finally looked up and seemed surprised that President Lee had gotten so close. She stood up abruptly, but she was careful not to wake the man, who Ian realized was holding her hand, not the other way around.

"What happened to your face? Where is Dom?" Ian felt his jealousy peak and he spoke without regard for the fact that Mina had just opened up to him in a way that was not forced or coerced.

"Dom is being dismissed from my employ. He will be leaving this facility today." Mina's face looked shocked.

"I told you, he-"

"Do I have to listen to you? Mina as you have said, this is a business arrangement. Don't forget that." Mina was taken aback by President Lee's words, but they were true. She had said it many times, but somehow, it sounded so final coming from his lips.

"Understood.��� Mina sat back down and watched twenty-three sleep.


Ian returned to his office where he proceeded to swipe everything off his desk in anger. He had spoken to Mina carelessly because he hated how concerned she was for other people, but as soon as the words left his lips, he regretted them. He needed a drink, no he needed multiple drinks, but more than that he needed to hurry up and get over Mina, who had too much control over him without even trying. She did not care about him and it was painfully obvious, the best thing for Ian to do was to stop caring about her.


Twenty-three awoke from sleep and panicked, but Mina produced his paperwork for him, and he settled down almost instantly. She had been afraid that the man would snap at her, but he did not. He started to speak incoherently again, but Mina hushed him. She asked him if he wanted to die, and it was not a hypothetical question. She was more than willing to aid him if he told her that he was tired of living, but that was not what the man said.

"I see it like you do sometimes, but I see it like me always. I want the best, but the best isn't always right." Mina brought the man a glass of water and ordered him to drink.

"It's the same for this," Mina said while pointing to the man's printed papers. "The best isn't always right."

"But this is life."

"No, that is a punishment that you have given yourself. Twenty-three grabbed his hair and Mina stopped him. "Twenty-three, what is your name?"

"T.C," the man replied. He thought harder and then answered correctly. "Terrence Clay."

"Terrance, it is okay to create; but do not destroy. Do you know how many lives your invention could save? Imagine corruption free police?" Mina was mildly aware that Terrence had no concept of what she meant. She pulled out her phone and pulled up a few articles for him to read.

The man seemed absorbed and did not stop clicking until Doctor Rebecca entered the room. She instantly narrowed her eyes at Mina and moved to snatch the phone, but Mina tried to block her path resulting in a scuffle between the women. Rebecca was trained and she was able to subdue Mina without much effort, but twenty-three pulled the women apart.

"Police can be good," The man said, and Mina rubbed her wrist as she answered.

"Yes, and you can make them better."

"What are you talking about? Twenty-three, do not listen to her. She is not what she pretends to be." Mina looked at Rebecca like the woman had three heads.

"What have I pretended to be?" she asked, and Rebecca wasted no time in telling her that she did not believe Mina had a high IQ. She went on to cite the numerous social disabilities that she assumed Mina should have.

"I told you. I had a good teacher. The only other person who has been able to explain things to me the way she did since then is Dom." The statement was not exactly true, Mr. Zane was also good at putting things into perspective for Mina, but he was not as blunt.

Twenty-three looked back and forth between the women feeling as though a headache was coming on, it was too much for his senses and he wanted to run, but he wanted to take Mina with him.

"Too loud," he said as he covered his ears, and both women shut their mouths.

"Sorry Terrence, it's almost time for me to leave anyway. Can you sleep more? When I next come to visit, I don't want you to hurt me again." Mina raised her hand and showed off her pathetic paper cut, and Rebecca rolled her eyes.

"Can I keep this?" Terrence asked and Mina nodded. It was just a phone, and she cleaned it out regularly. All of her photos had been backed into the cloud, and the only thing twenty-three had access to, were her old texts, which she did not mind.

"I will get a new phone, and I will call you sometimes. Deal?" Mina asked, and twenty-three settled himself into the bed, but not before he shoved his documents under his pillow. Mina could not help but to feel pity for the man who had probably not experienced warmth from anyone since he was taken by the Lee's.

Don't worry, the dialogue heavy chapters are coming to an end soon. ;)

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