
|| Chapter 152 || Warmth Within The Cold

"If you lie to me, I will make you cry..."

The threat sank into the wells of Moulin's stomach. It was accompanied by the ticklish sensation brought forth by the man's husky voice. There was the feeling of being suffocated and pleasured at the same time. Strangely Moulin felt less threatened. Silver eyes were wide open. Glistening with the moister in the air. Bright, round, and dazzling. Reflected in the golden liquid that swirled within Hadrian's deep eyes. With his flushed cheeks and the vivacious liquid that dripped from the youth's lush lips, he looked beyond captivating and enchanting. 

Moulin winced when he felt the tightness on his hair as his head was secured in the man's grip. Teary drops layered his eyes as he furrowed his brows. The look was especially seductive to anyone's eyes. Particularly, to the man holding Moulin.


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