
First day at U.A.

A few weeks passed by since U.A. held their entrance exams. All Might informed Shun that Midoriya actually passed the exam and how he did it as well and once he heard how badly he broke his hand from Chiyo he was glad that he didn't have that quirk.

"It seems like if your body is not able to bear the power then you are destined to break apart..... doesn't that mean that this quirk won't be able to be passed on after a few generations...Well whatever it's not my problem." said Shun as he stood in front of a mirror checking himself out in his new U.A. uniform.

"...Well, I look handsome." said Shun as he brushed his hair with his hand.

"Shun you will be late if you don't hurry."

"I know grandma." said Shun as he picked up his bag and phone and went out of his room.

Shun also shifted into his new apartment once the regular students who got into school through regular entrance exams got their results as well and started living with Chiyo.

Sorahiko did tell him that he will be fine living alone and that he was happy that he will get more space to live, both Shun and Chiyo knew that the old man would feel lonely and decided to visit him every week as well as letting him stay in the apartment as well from time to time.

Shun ate his breakfast that Chiyo prepared for him and said, "Grandpa would be back to his Taiyaki life..."

"Don't worry I made some for that old coot as well, go and give it to him." said Chiyo as she placed a bento in front of Shun.

Shun who was familiar with his old house teleported the box on the living room table and called Sorahiko to tell him about the breakfast.

Once he was done Shun stood up and asked, "You sure you are not coming with me?"

Chiyo nodded her head and said, "I need to look at some hospital patients first. I will come later so good luck on your first day Shun.

Shun nodded and cleaned the utensils with customize create and placed them in the shelf and soon left the house.

Once he got out he met Kei and Miyuki who too were dressed in their uniforms and were going to their school.

"Good morning Shun-san." said Kei with a smile.

"Good morning Kei, Miyuki." replied Shun.

"Good morning Shun.....never thought I would see someone I know in U.A. uniform" said Miyuki as he looked at Shun's uniform.

"Well not as impressive as Shuchiin's uniform but still it looks good, your uniform is made from the best material afterall, you know?" said Shun.

"It better be, this was very expensive." said Miyuki as he looked at his uniform.

"S-Shun-san, you look good in that." said Kei as she looked at Shun from top to bottom.

Shun smiled and said, "Tha k you Kei, you look great as well." said Shun making the white haired girl smile.

"Anyways we are getting late, Kei-chan you will get late if you waste too much time." said Miyuki as he went to take his bicycle and sat on it.

"I know that. I will be going then Shun-san." said Kei as she waved her hand.

Shun raised his hand as well and said, "Have a great day Kei."

Once she was gone Shun sat behind Miyuki and said, "Let's go then."

"...What are you doing?" asked Miyuki as he looked at the person sitting behind him.

"Drop me at the station, I will be punished if I directly teleported to the school." said Shun making Miyuki twitch his brows in annoyance before he sighed and just did what Shun asked.

Dropping Shun at the station Miyuki left for his own school while Shun went inside the station and got into the train.

After travelling for a while Shun got off the train when he got at his station and soon reached the school as well.

"Now, let's find 1-A" said Shun as he used his customize create to check the entire building and soon found where his class was.

He stood in front of his class door and checked if there were any traps or something placed in there.

Once he made sure that everything was fine he entered the class.

"Good morning." said Shun greeting the students present inside the class.

In there he found 4 people other than him who were in there, a boy with blue hair wearing glasses, the youngest Todoroki he met at the recommendation exam, a par of flying clothes, and a girl with green hair and expressionless face.

'...Wow, what do you know? Natsu and Fuyumi's brother is in my class.' thought Shun as he looked at the boy in question.

"Good morning ribbit."

"Good Morning!!"


"Good morning I am Tenya Ida. Nice to meet you." said the blue haired boy as he came towards Shun.

Shun shook his hand and said, "Shun Kazami, nice to meet you as well."

"I am Hagakure Toru, nice to meet you."

"My name is Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu."

The two girls introduced themselves as well to which Shun nodded and said, "Nice to meet you two as well and feel free to call me Shun if you are not uncomfortable with it."

All three of them except for Todoroki nodded their heads well Shin just assumed that the invisible girl nodded her head as well.

Shun then started looking for his seat and soon found it and sat on the second last seat of the last row.

He then looked behind and saw Todoroki sitting diagonally to him and gave him a nod.

Todoroki returned then nod and then both of them looked away and started doing their work.

The two girls soon started talking which was joined by both Ida and Shun while Todoroki gave his insight from time to time.

Shun also kept a glance towards the teachers table where he noticed an oversized caterpillar but decided to leave him be as the person was sleeping.

Soon the other students started coming in as well and started getting to know eachother, though Shun didn't understand why a boy who had spiky blond hair scowled as soon as he saw him.

'...Do we know each other.....he reminds me of 35....' thought Shun as he remembered his days with the children whom he escaped with and gave a sigh.

He then saw Ida bickering with the blonde boy about keeping his legs at the desk.

'...It's not a leat bit comfortable sitting like that, so he is probably doing this to stand out.' thought Shun as he looked at the blond boy and just shrugged his shoulder.

"...And here comes the one the successor." muttered Shun as he noticed a familiar green haired boy entering the class.

He just ignored them and focused on the caterpillar whom seemed to have woken up.

"...If you are just here to make friends then pack up your stuff now." said the caterpillar shocking everyone in the room except for Shun.

Midoriya and the girl near him looked towards the caterpillar with shock evident on their faces seeing which the caterpillar opened the zipper of the sleeping bag a bit and said, "This is the hero course you know..." and sipped some juice that he took out from his bag.

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