

"My name is Jean Garfield the IV. I am the Director of this "Project." That is the official story. Unofficially, This area had been passed down in my family for 500 years. We have been ordered by the Church to protect this area. In the very depths of the Facility is a gate. This gate leads to another world. In this world there is magic, Dragons, and adventure. It is the biggest secret of our nation, and right now it is our biggest weapon against our enemies."

"Unfortunately we are not the only country that has access to this other world. Most major countries have access to different regions of this other world through a gateway. Each of these gateways will put the travelers in a different location. Each of these locations have distinctive features."

"Furthur the gateways will have an effect on your bodies and minds. You will still be you, but in a way you will not. I hope that this will be something you can accept. The alternative is to end up like the individuals from group 2. You have already signed the contract. From the moment you arrived here you ceased to exist. Your friends, your family, nobody has any recollection of who you are. For the more troublesome of you, a cover story had been provided. In short the world of earth is no longer your home. "

A shiver went down the four of their spines as they listened to the words coming out of the old man's mouth. The most terrifying part of it was the the old man spoke with the smile still on his face. A smile that did not reach his eyes. Behind him the three hooded figures slowly lowered their hoods. What could be seen were not entirely human features.

Their faces mostly resembled humans, though their appearance could be considered strange. One of them had pointed ears, and their eyes seemed to be slanted. Their complexion could only be considered pale. She had long blond hair, and emerald green eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous. Of course the girl in front of them could only be called an elf.

Next to her was a large man with a main of red hair. He had curved feline ears sticking out of his unruly mane. His pupils were feline in appearance. The rest of him seemed mainly human, if you ignored the large canine teeth protruding from his mouth.

The last of the three was not as overly impressive as the other two. It was a short man with a long beard. He was stout, but not overly so. What stood out most about him was his bright green hair and short stature.

The teens could not help but gawk at the beings in front of them. A beastman, and elf, and a gnome. Any person who had played a fantasy game would easily recognize the beings in front of them. The three did not seem to be bothered by the staring of the youth, but rather gazed back proudly.

"As you can see the races that belong to this world are not human. Upon entry through the portal one of the many things that will change is your race. There is no way of knowing what race you will end up as, so there is no point in thinking too much about it. These three belong to some of the more human looking races, but do not be surprised if you encounter or become a creature that is not so human."

"Along with your race changing each of you will recieve what is called a class. The class determines your path of growth, but there is no true limitations. A swordsman still has access to magic, so if they wanted to develop to become a wizard it would be possible. I would not recommend this however, as the class that will be assigned to you is what is most suitable for you."

"The last piece of advice I have for you is that each of you will recieve a cheat like ability when you enter. It is decided much like your class. If your cheat like ability falls into a different category than your class, you may want to consider finding a middle ground between the two. As the cheat like ability will be your life line. and your main source of power in that world. Only by utilizing it properly can you hope to defeat our enemies."

"In short, much like in this world you will have no choice as to how you are reborn in this new world. Everything will be decided for you. But rest assured all of it will be to bring out your maximum potential. The path you walk after your arrival in the new world will be up to you, but you must always remember that you are citizens of this world. That you are employees of this organization, and that we serve our wonderful country. If any of your actions are deemed damaging to any of the three you will be put down like the dogs you are."

The man paused as he looked over the youths in front of him. "From the moment you signed your contracts your fate was sealed. You are privates of this organization. The lowest ranked pawns. But your fate may not end there. Work hard and get strong. Make contributions. If you are lucky, your rank may reach high enough that you will have room to breathe. But for now, follow your seniors in front of you. They will take you to get registered."

The man finished speaking and did not spare a second glance at the youths as he turned around. His position was soon taken up by the 3 figures that had stood behind him. With their hoods removed, some of the mystery behind them had been lifted. and the group of teenagers were able to truly examine them.

Their uniforms were pure black, much like the soldiers that had escorted them here. However, unlike those nameless soldiers, on their chest were printed both Their names and their ranks. The ranks seemed to be similar to those that were issued by the military, and each of them had the rank of lieutenant.

The three figures each stood in front of one of the three numbers. The gnome stood in front of the first group. The Lion Beastman stood in front of the empty spot, and the elf stood in front of group three. Even though the lion stood in front of an empty spot his actions did not seem foolish. Rather they could tell that the three of them were extremely well disciplined.

The lion man was the one who spoke. As Izzy and the rest Focused on the speaking lieutenant they noticed that the single bar on his chest was dark gold, which stood in contrast to the silver bars on the other two. His voice was much more rough than the old man's had been, but at the same time lacked the overwhelming pressure that had assaulted them previously.

"As the chairmen said from this moment on you are peons of the coorperation. You will eat, sleep, and shit for the coorperation. You have no choice in the matter. You have already signed your life away."

The lion man paused for a moments as he looked over the teens. "The consequences for failure are high, and the consequences for betrayal are death. However, as long as you put in your best effort, and strive to better not only yourself, but the company in general, you will recieve as much freedom as you could desire. The company may own you, but you are not slaves. You are free to do as you wish, as long as you complete the missions you are given. How you complete those missions is up to you, but your performance will be graded."

"The rewards for completion of a mission involve a simple algorithm. The level of the mission timed the grade of completion. An SSS ranked mission With a f performance will result in no rewards, Even if it is the highest difficulty mission out there. Likewise an F ranked mission with an SSS ranked completion will likewise give no rewards, because an F ranked mission would be far below you. The criteria for reards would be a C ranked mission with a C ranked completion. Anything higher than one of those scores will result in better rewards, however if either is lower it voids rewards"

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