
Beyond the Womb

'This really sucks. I really don't want to experience this again.' Adam thought in the womb.

As Adam was a grown man in a fetal body, he was in a state of awareness during his prenatal development. Embryos develop neurons within 4 weeks of conception, this means that for 8 months Adam would be stuck with only his thoughts in total darkness.

A few days after his initial thought. Adam's mind became unbalanced. He was starting to feel the effects of being alone in a place where you can't tell the difference between night and day.

'I must have been here for 3 months now?' He was wrong.

'Only a few months left. I can do this.' He was still mistaken.

A month later, he became deranged. He can no longer hold a conversation with himself and is officially crazy.

'Hehe. Must be nice to touch this.' He thought as his body floated within the womb.

You might think he was holding something but in fact he was just a fetus clutching his own hand.

As crazy as he may be, he does recover from his state of insanity in short periods.

'What. W-where the hell am I?' Adam thought a proper thought. He thrashes in the womb and hits the walls with his feet and arms but to no avail. This act only brings joy to his new mother.

But he immediately loses it when he remembers his current situation. This continues until he is either killed due to miscarriage or is birthed.

Month after month passed and his torture continues within the womb.

'Augh, agguugh' His thoughts now devolved into nonsense.

He has been successfully reprogrammed to a baby. His maturity reached rock bottom and soon his body finished getting its nutrients from the womb. He was ready to be born.

Until finally.

"Congratulations. It's a healthy baby boy." A man wearing a surgical outfit said. He looked towards a resident and said. "Go get the umbilical scissors and the towel."

"Yes doctor." The resident replied with a crying baby as background music.

The woman surrounded by people in scrub suits and masks was cathartic. Her strength that remained strong and valiant for hours was no longer necessary and so she relaxed. She looked towards the baby that has now separated from her and smiled a very sweet smile.

"My boy. You're finally awake." The mother said softly as she offered her hands to hold her baby.

"Dear Ralof, the world be yours to experience." The father on the mother's bedside said with a very wide smile.

He was obviously joking with the name since they have long decided on the child's name. The mother was not pleased with his untimely jokes and she gave a frightening glare towards the father. During this time, the baby was still crying loudly.

As the baby was given to the mother, the crying that was a constant within the scene slowly stopped. The baby slowly opened his eyes and showed blue almond shaped eyes.

His eyes shone a blue light that it shocked the mother a bit. It faded away soon after so the mother rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

'I'm just hallucinating. Yes, I'm just tired.' She thought as she held her child in her arms.

She relaxed as she felt the baby's heartbeat and so did the baby. The curious eyes of the baby closed soon after he then fell asleep.

'We'll be a great family, Adam' The mother had a conversation with her baby in her mind.

The birth was a success and a beautiful blue-eyed boy was born. The people in the operating room cheered and soon cleaned up. With the mother and the baby both fast asleep, the father was the one to discuss things with hospital staff.

The event ended but there was still one certain entity observing the mother and the boy. It was not one of the staff and it was not the father.

'I look forward to playing with you. Adam.' A mysterious thought from an entity.

Adam once again opened his eyes in shock. His dementia was put on hold and his blue eyes looked for the owner of that voice. This was the first time he ever regained his sanity moments after birth.

'What in oblivion was that?' Adam fearfully thought.

His body shook, his blue eyes shined a dull blue light. Then due to his emotions, he cried once again. His regained sanity instantly shattered and he became a mindless baby once again and his shining eyes reverted back to only reflecting light.

No one noticed this anomaly as the closest person with Adam, his mother, was sound asleep and looked very peaceful.

Once baby Adam cries were heard. The father soon came over and lifted his son into the air. Due to this, he was reprimanded by a resident and was told to just hold the baby normally.

Baby Adam calmed down and once again looked around the room. This time, he took his sweet time looking around with his eyes. Seeing this, the father walked around the room and carelessly touched apparatuses.

"This is a giant cylinder." The father pointed towards a gas canister.

"And this one is, uhh, a what is it called again?" He touched a metal container that contained different hand tools.

"It's called a tray, a surgical tray." A resident replied to his nonsensical question. "Stop touching things."

The father showed a helpless smile.

"Sorry about that. I'm just showing him around." He said as he removed his grubby hands from the tray.

He continued walking around the room that was full of things that a baby doesn't need to see.

"Huhu. We're gonna be such a great family Adam." The father said with a single tear squeezing out of his eye.

Adam was Adam's name. It will always be Adam and could not be anything else. In cases he is born in a country with a different language structure, his name would be a word that meant "soil" or "earth".

"Nice to finally meet you Adam. I'm your dad!" He once again held Adam in the air.

And thus in the year 2035, Adam was born again.

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SquareGoatcreators' thoughts
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