
If I Die, So Be It

Rean was just about to move when he stopped with Kentucky and Aelrie. That was a very good way to prevent them from leaving this place immediately. "What do you mean?" Aelrie was the one to ask first.

Lotar stretched his paw forward, making it enter the one-kilometer range from the city wall. Immediately, a huge amount of Light Energy converged at that point, creating some kind of barrier that prevented Lotar's paw from moving forward. Not only that, he had to give his all to prevent that Light Element from harming his paw. Finally, he pulled back and began to heal his injuries. 

 "As you can see, we Shadow Ferals can't approach this city," he began to explain. "The power of Light Element behind it is too powerful even for me. No doubt it was created to keep our Feral Race out. The same power exists at the exit of the Chasm, so we can't exit either."

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