
Miracle Child Ezekiel

A loud cry rang through the whole palace, signifying the birth of a new life. Following that cry spread out an unrestrained, powerful aura. The aura was filled with two normally conflicting energies. One part was of purity resembling the holiest of energies that is typically wielded by angels, their fallen counterpart, and the servants of the Christian church. The other part was one of utter destruction, which would send despair in even the most battle hardened and mightiest of warriors. The mixing of these energies unexpectedly resulted in a prefect fusion and something never seen before.

Inside the chamber were only four people, the new-born child, the mother, father and an older lady helping throughout the birth of the child. The father had a youthful appearance with a loving gaze plastered on his face. Apart from his current looks he seemed to exude the presence of an experienced man with an aura of pure strength and destruction even stronger than his now youngest son. With only a wave of his hand the aura of the new-born receded into his body and the child began to calm down.

He turned to the older woman and ordered her in an authoritative voice: "You won't speak about what you witnessed today."

The old woman obviously did not mind and answered reverently while bowing slightly: "Of course, master Shiva."

"Alright, then you are free to take a rest, I will take care of everything from now on." He shortly replied.

The woman only gave a short bow in acknowledgement before leaving the couple alone. Shiva turned around towards his wives and took in the sight. His wife seemed exhausted but nonetheless happy. She did not look any older than he himself did. Her most outstanding features were the 12 unblemished white wings on her back spread throughout the room. Her golden hair was sticking to her skin while she only concentrated on the bundle in her arms.

Her son, just like her, sported 12 wings of his own. His however were not white but golden with a slight red hue mixed in. His hair was a carbon copy of her own if the little tuft of golden locks was any indication.

"Jequn did you already think of a name?" Shiva asked his wife.

Responding to his words, she shifted her focus towards him, obviously in thought. Both already talked about the topic more than once. With her being one of the strongest angels and him being complete freak of nature and one of the strongest beings in existence, their offspring would not be mediocre. A demigod and seraph hybrid had seemingly endless potential. Once he masters his powers and divinity it is not even out of question to ascend into being a complete god, a god of angels. Coupled with the frail balance between Shiva and Indra, the existence of another powerful god on their side would definitely cause a war.

"I will contact Michael and ask him to look after our son until he grows strong enough to defend himself." She answered, getting a complicated nod in response. "As for his name, I thought of Ezekiel. It definitely has the sound of a seraph and he wouldn't have any problems mixing in with humans."

"I like the sound of it, then it´s decided. His name is Ezekiel son of Shiva and Jequn." Shiva exclaimed while taking the boy into his arms and giving Jequn the chance to rest after the hours of exertion. "Take a rest now. I will make sure our son is taken care of and everything else can wait until tomorrow."

Jequn nodded before slowly closing her eyes and falling asleep shortly after.


Michael was terribly busy since the end of the war. Tragedy struck and he had to step up and become the leader of heaven to manage the system left behind by his father. As if it was not enough, one of his fellow seraphs contacted him just this morning.

Jequn was one of the strongest angels and without her the losses in the last war would have been even heavier. Just like him she was one of the first angels, her character that of a warrior and her faith not inferior to any other angel. After the war she was at a loss at what to do with her life and she wandered the world to find answers. Maybe she thought mingling with humans would help her better understand her feelings. Unexpectedly it wasn't the humans that helped her in her uncertainty, but one of the most powerful gods in existence. Shiva and Jequn were both accomplished warriors and easily found common interests. After spending a few years together their feelings grew, and Shiva took her in as one of his wives.

Michael could only sigh at the ridiculousness of the situation. After the death of god, the system in place had multiple errors and was barely functioning. Together with her being in another pantheons realm it seems she had a bit more freedom without falling. Now he was holding the result of everything in his arms, wrapped in a blanket. Children born from an angel and another race are called miracle children. Miracle children born in history are few and can be counted on ones hands. But one born between an angel and a god is completely unheard of. The little guy might as well be a chance for them. A future god and angel at the same time, he probably had more qualifications leading heaven than he himself. On the other hand, he is just a innocent new-born and it shouldn't be his responsibility to solve their own problems.

With his journey coming to an end he walked into a study inside the Vatican´s headquarters. Following his call three people were already present, waiting for him. Vasco Strada, currently the Cardinal Priest, was a big man who exuded the presence one could only describe as the apex of humanity. Even with his advanced age he still exuded the invisible pressure of an experienced fighter. Ewald Christaldi, the Cardinal Deacon, was a talented individual, that already reached his current position in his mid-thirties. Griselda Quarta looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. She is currently one of the best exorcists and a master markswoman.

"Thank you all for coming shortly after my call, I know all of you must be very busy with your duties." Michael spoke in his usual kind tone.

All three of them quickly stood up and bowed slightly. Vasco was the first to respond: "It is an honour Seraph Michael, how can we be of assistance?"

"Just Michael is enough, all three of you don't have to be so stiff." He responded with his calm smile never leaving his face. He himself did not think to be worthy of excessive respect, but if he put himself in their situation, he understood why they acted like this and could not act relaxed around him. Without wasting any more time, he began to tell the tale of Ezekiel and why he was taking care of him now.

The trio just now realized that their leader was indeed not alone and brought a new-born boy together with him. The further Michael recounted who Ezekiel is and why he was with him, the wider their eyes became.

When he came to the end his look became stern and he addressed all of them: "I don't have to remind you that everything you heard today is not to leave this room. I told you about Ezekiel because I want you to take care of him. The happenings in heaven are monitored even more than inside the Vatican. And since I am not able to leave heaven frequently, I will have Uriel come to look after the boy from time to time. Do you have any questions?"

Ewald and Griselda kept quiet. For them, there was no reason to question direct requests, from the leader of the angels. All of them clearly understood what kind of existence Ezekiel was and his importance for the angels. In the end Vasco only nodded and waited for Michael to continue.

"It would be your responsibility to educate him and when he becomes old enough, to train him, preferably in tactics and different techniques. I will instruct Uriel to guide him in the use of his innate powers, since he has some experience with unique energies."

Afterwards they discussed the details for while longer before Michael had to return to heaven, leaving behind three resolved followers with a heavy burden on their shoulders.

Hi there! The first chapters will be a bit info and him growing into his later teenage years until he steps into the main plot. The story will mostly follow the plot with some other stuff in between.

Tardigradacreators' thoughts
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