
Just a little poke

Sitting up I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Taking in my surroundings I was in one of the medical tents. All around me were unconscious Shinobi, some looked fine, others not so much. Guess this is the place for stable but injured Shinobi. Next to my cot was my stuff. Grabbing my stuff I slipped out before Shinsetsu realizes I'm awake and doesn't let me leave. Feeling no one outside the large tent I left.

It was night time.

Grabbing something to eat, I made my way to Orochimaru as he was the only person I could talk to about what happened. 

Pushing my way through the command tent flaps I didn't see him. "Orochimaru-sensei, you here?" This would be alot easier if I could sense the bastard.

Orochimaru wasn't here and I didn't feel Like looking for him so I took a seat in her spinning chair. Nice to know these things exist here. Spinning around I couldn't lean back due to my size so I just slumped to the side. I also couldn't reach the bottom so I had to wait until my momentum carried me around so I could kick off my desk again. Why does Orochimaru have such a large chair? I'm pretty sure this thing is big even for most adults. 

I guess I was still tired as I dozed off without realizing. 

Waking up I was still in Orochimaru's chair except for some reason I was facing the corner of the Command tent. Hoping off I pushed the chair out of the way. At the desk I was previously at stood Orochimaru who apparently had another swivel chair. I find that he had two comfy chairs, kinda inspiring for some reason. Seems like the kinda thing I'd pull with Kakashi. 

Walking up behind him i had to climb his chair to see what he was doing because you know, I'm fucking five or am I six now? I don't actually know when my birthday is, well this one at least. "Whatcha doing?" He didn't respond instead he collapsed into fucking snakes. 

"What the hell!" I said falling off the chair. 

Scooting away form the snake they didn't slither in my direction thankfully. 

"Something wrong Sozo-kun," said Orochimaru who just entered the tent. 

Not responding I got up and returned to the swivel chair in the corner. I'm not afraid of snakes, I was just surprised. Orochimaru took a seat in his chair before turning to face me. 

"Sozo, why were you brought back unconscious?" He asked. 

"Sleep deprivation," I responded casually.

Orochimaru took a moment before continuing. "And why didn't you sleep?"

"I physically could not fall asleep for the entire duration of my assignment, Sensei. In the past there have been times when no matter what I did I simply could not get tired. In the past they only lasted about an hour this time it lasted two weeks," I explained.

"So for two weeks you weren't tired until the return trip?" Orochimaru asked.

"Yep… any ideas what could cause this? 

"Unfortunately, no."

"How long was I out?" 

"You were brought back four days ago." 

Four day power nap huh. Should I start carrying around an IV? It would kinda suck to die of dehydration.

Hopping out of the chair I began to pace back and forth with Orochimaru staring at me.

"Ok let's go over potential… triggers? You assigned me this mission. Not long after the boundless energy started but I didn't notice. Four Shinobi were assigned as an escort. My escort had to slow down because I could not keep up. I didn't notice I wasn't getting tired until about half way to our destination when I gave up trying to go faster as I simply wasn't used to the speed. Plus I was a little antsy about tree hopping given how tall the trees out here are. I arrived, was briefed on the situation and my responsibilities, which I performed perfectly by the way. While on duty the energy never stopped coming so I was wide awake for the next two weeks. Nothing happened so I was just sorting chakra."

"Sorting chakra?" Orochimaru asked curiously.  

"Tracing chakra in the air back to its corresponding Shinobi," I explained, Orochimaru nodding in response.

"The previous sensor came back. With my job completed I left. On my way back I collapsed and passed out," I believe that's everything. 

"So any ideas?" I asked.

Orochimaru took a moment completing an entire slow spin in his swivel chair before speaking. "How did you feel when I first assigned you the mission?" 


"And when you were being escorted."

"Well there's the tall tree thing. I felt kinda guilty I was slowing everyone down. And… hmm… dread? I think. The closer we got the worse I felt." 

"During your sensing duty."

"I was both bored and on edge the entire time."


"So stress? I've been in less than ideal situation before and it didn't trigger then," still unsure i looked to Orochimaru for insight. 

"I have an idea but it will have to wait. You just woke up so rest up i'll summon you its time," Leaving the tent I was still tired. 

I found some folded up cots. Taking one I set it up in a less populated area. Taking off my cloak I used it as a blanket covering my head as it was day. 

I've yet to dream sense the day I arrived in this world. Even then I wouldn't call it dreaming. It was flashes of memorable moments, the face of a Shinobi I do and don't know. The smell of a sterile hospital room, not being able to stand on my own, the hope of being able to live a normal life taken away and ending up back in a hospital room again and again. The rest is a fractured mess of emotions and blurred images but there is one memory that is still clear. The day a different Shinobi showed up to tell Akinori his father wasn't coming back. Its strange I love Akinori's father but at the same time he's a stranger.

These are the memories of a dead five year old who just wanted a normal life.

Then there's the possibility that an entire new person was born. Not the child who died in his sleep. Not the unfortunate bastard who died slowly, alone, long dead anyone even noticed he was gone. But something new. Now obviously one side has considerably more influence but both are present. 

Funny both gave up at the end of their lives accepted their death's and yet here we are, what was once two is now one. 

At least maybe? I don't really have any way of knowing what kind of impact Akinori had on me. I've changed or maybe I've always been this way. The effort of putting on a mask simply is not worth it anymore.

Why live if you're not gonna be yourself? 




Turning over I buried my head in my cloak ignoring the shouting nearby. 


Doing my best to tune out the noise I tried to drift off back to sleep.

"Sozo!" Unfortunately this time the sound was accompanied by someone ripping away my cloak leaving me at the sun's mercy.  

Shutting my eyes tightly I sat up to confront the fool who dared to disturb my slumber. While I may not have any authority myself I did have something. Unless told otherwise I only answer to Orochimaru.

"Shinsetsu?" Of course the only other person I'd actually listen to would be the one who disturbs me. 

"Sozo, why did you leave the field hospital? Asked Shinsetsu, who was clearly agitated with me. 

Hmm? How to answer this as tempting as it would be to say that's classified ill just give him a partial truth. 

"Too many Shinobi."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm a natural sensor. Being around too many Shinobi is a bit much," that should get me off the hook.

"Oh… sorry." 

"I appreciate the concern Shinsetsu, now think you can teach me medical jutsu?" 



Two weeks later I as well as many teams were sent out to poke the enemy perimeter in various different places. Well expect one team who were going to infiltrate. Of course no one knew about the other teams, especially the one responsible for infiltration. Except me of course. I was in the room while missions were given out spinning dutifully in Sensei's chair. 

I was nervous again this time my mission was to actually engage with the enemy. With me was nine other Shinobi. In charge was a Jonin named Higeki. He seemed like an alright guy; he keeped me close. My job was just to be vigilant and notify Higeki the moment I sensed anything. 

We arrived at out designated poking spot without incident. There was a fortified camp.

"Sozo what are we dealing with," asked Higeki.

That can't be right. Sitting down I closed my eyes, expanding my radius as well as my sensitivity. Nothing changed.

"There's only one Shinobi in that camp sir," my answer was met with looks of equal confusion. 

"Maybe it's a trap," said one of the other Shinobi. 

"This place isn't exactly valuable i already expected a low number of Shinobi to be present," said Higeki 

"But only one? the kid gotta be wrong." 

"Hey the only Shinobi who I can't sense would be Lord Orochimaru himself and others of equal caliber so unless this place is full of Shinobi just as capable as Orochimaru there is only one Shinobi in that camp," I said defensible. 

"Higeki sir, I have a suggestion."


"We could plant these near the camp and set them off accomplishing our objective without too much risk," I said, pulling out a few C4 seals. 

"Explosive," Higeki said reading the Kanji label in my seals. I want to just put C4 but then others wouldn't know its and explosive.

"These are explosive seals that I made; they are quite a bit stronger than normal explosive tags," I explained. 

"You made these?"

"Yes sir Fuinjutsu is one of my other skills but right now this is the only combat seal I have. All you need to do is fill them with chakra and I can detonate them from a distance," handing the seals to others with larger chakra reserves they followed my instructions, filling them up with more chakra then I used during my test with Obito. 

Moving further away Higeki with another went to plant the seals as close as they could get it. The two of them joined us once the seals were planted.

"Sir permission to detonate." 

"Granted," Smiling, I activated the seals. 

The explosion was massive. the entire camp obliterated.

"Damn kid you made those."

"Sozo repo-."

Higeki disappeared, a hulking figure smashing into him before slamming his head through a tree. What was left of his body was a mess of mangled limbs and broken bones, his head gone. 

Standing there next to Higeki's corpse was a massive man with grey skin and dark orange hair. 

What the hell is that thing? 


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