
Gu Yao's Intentions

The possible chance that Gu Yao might have found a way to use the invader to rapidly increase his cultivation base was a bit unnerving to Lin Mu. While he was fully confident in being able to deal with Dao Treading realm experts, it wasn't the same for the Immortal Ascension realm ones.

Especially one that would be as strange and sly as Gu Yao. There would be no lack of unknown abilities that Gu Yao might end up with. There was always a chance that they might be able to threaten Lin Mu.

And even if Lin Mu himself was safe, there was no guarantee that the people he cared for and the world would be safe from it.

"We need to hurry and find the Yang Qi store. That pure yang crystal I got from the destroyed base should have been one of them." Lin Mu said recalling the red crystal he had fed to the grey egg.

While Lin Mu hadn't found much information about that headquarters yet, there were still some slivers of it present here.

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