
Fire And Tribulation

The Head Priest turned to look at the children, "Please accompany his highness to the others. Don't forget to be very polite."

The two children who were so terrified, I could see them trembling. They were androgynous and nearly identical so I couldn't if they were boys or girls. However, it was clear that they didn't want to go with Simon.

One managed to whisper out in a stutter, "B-But…"

The Head priest frowned, "Now children… You must not act so improper in front of the Royal Family."

They bit their lips and looked down. I felt a bit bad for them. They look so pitiful like an adult was bullying them unreasonably. 

I bent down to them with a smile. I spoke in a warm tone, "There, there. Don't be afraid. Simon won't hurt you; I promise."

They both glanced up at Simon then looked back at me. The one who spoke earlier spoke again, "But… If we mess up, they will kill us."

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