
Chapter 73: Undead Allies

Mom was home when I stomped in the kitchen door, but it didn't mean she was available. Every time I tried to talk to her she was hauled off by some conversation in her head or another so I finally gave up and retreated to my room to sulk.

When she did reach out at last, I slapped her away, too wrapped up in my own pissiness to care if I hurt her feelings.

We're meeting tonight, she sent. Be ready at dark.

It shook me loose from my funk. Already? Well really, what did I think? That Mom would sit on her hands over this? I slid from the bed and rummaged in my closet for my robe, just in case.

I did my best to stay out of her way, but help her at the same time. I know she forgave me for my bad humor because when I came back downstairs with my rumpled cloak in my arms she pulled herself free from a family argument long enough to kiss me on the cheek and shake her head.

Whew. No robe. That was a blessing. I hated the damned thing.

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