
Chapter 204: Not My First Dead Body

Okay, so it's not like this was my first dead body or anything. And I'd had a guy die on top of me, after all, so there was precedence set. Still, there had been tons of people around and while I'd been trapped under Skip Anderson briefly, the fact I was on the ground and rescue was quick to come had at least limited the physical contact to maybe a minute, tops.

Yeah, not so lucky this time, was I? Instead of a quick and easy whoopsie dead man crashing, I hung there, panting and doing my best not to throw up all over his slowly cooling corpse, his bulging eyes staring at me like this was all my fault for at least fifteen years.

Maybe ten minutes. It just felt like half my life. The only glimmer of a silver rim to this particularly uncomfortable and nightmare inducing process was the fact Crew was there with me the whole time, his cool, calm voice never once letting me go.

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