
Chapter 119: Erichtho of Aeolia (98-21 BCE)

The Witch

Erichtho of Aeolia (a region of Greece north of Athens now known as Thessaly) was an exceedingly dark witch. Driven from the city of Pharsalus, she lived in an abandoned tomb and performed her magic in a sacred cave in the foothills above Pharsalus.

Erichtho was ugly, lean, and deathly pale. She was also filthy and wore dirty rags. She often weaved vipers into her uncombed hair, keeping them handy for use in magic rituals and spells.

Erichtho was so infamous because she would steal the bodies of the newly dead and then use necromancy to force their ghosts back into the bodies. If necessary, she would use incantations and even whip the dead body with vipers if a reluctant ghost refused to reenter its dead body. Once the undead had arisen, she would force them to do her bidding or to foretell the future so that she could prophesize. Her most famous prophesy was the outcome of the Roman Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BCE.

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