
Chapter 16: Landfall Part 2

They pulled up in front of the hotel, a building which lifted bright and airy above them. Balconies dotted the face of the building. The pink stone was something she'd never seen before. It wasn't as smooth as marble. She checked into a room and immediately investigated the washroom. It had a wash stand and large bath. Cal rang the bell for service and asked the girl who responded for water for a bath.

"I send up men with water, then wait with you while they fill the bath."

"That's all right, I'm sure they won't bother me."

"Pardon, Miss, but is for their protection too." Her lovely dark skin grew darker.

"I understand, thank you for your consideration."

True to her promise the girl came up followed by a man carrying a bucket with great care. Another followed, then another until the bath was three-quarters full.

"What's your name?" Cal asked the girl while they waited.

"Meireka, Miss." The girl ducked her head.

"Please call me Miss Cal." Cal smiled at Meireka. "It will help me know you are talking to me, not some other Miss."

"Very good, Miss Cal." The girl bobbed in a brief curtsey.

"Tell me a little about your city." Cal turned to look out the window. A door to her right let out onto a balcony.

"We are blessed to live in beautiful place. The rains are plenty. Lots of flowers and birds. You see in morning. Lots of ships come here, bring wonderful things, and take away wonderful things. I live up there." Meireka pointed up toward the mountain. "My daughter is happy, and we eat well because of the work I do here. My man works on the mountain."

Cal looked at Meireka and tried to imagine her having a daughter. She didn't look old enough.

"What's it like being a mother?"

"Is most lovely thing. A smile on Cericia's face is worth more than gold. She has learned to walk and keeps her grandmother chasing her from morning to night." Meireka's face crumpled. "I miss her every day, but if she is to go to school, I need money to pay. We play in the evening."

"Your bath is ready, Miss." One last man stood in the doorway and bowed to her.

"I leave you now." Meireka curtseyed again.

"May I give you and the men something for your trouble?"

"If you please, Miss Cal."

Cal pulled some of her money from her pocket and peered at it. She had no idea what would be appropriate. She thought there were at least three men, and Meireka. A sovereign was the largest coin in her hand. Cal handed it to Meireka.

"Please share this with your co-workers."

Meireka's eyes went wide as she stared at the coin in her hand.

"Is too much for a bath." Her hands were shaking.

Cal took the young woman's hands.

"I would pay gold for a bath right now. It is not too much for me to give."

"Thank you, thank you, Miss Cal." Meireka's fingers closed around the coin. "You need anything you call." She gave a deep curtsey, then left the room.

Cal stripped all her clothes off, sank into the bath and sighed. For a long time, she lay in the water staring at the tiled ceiling. The water started to chill before she took the soap and scrubbed away at the accumulation of grease and grime.

Reluctantly, she climbed out of the bath and dried off. She found a dressing gown and wrapped herself in it then sat at the window. Even in that time the sky darkened.

A gentle knock at the door disturbed her reverie. Cal wrapped the robe tighter around her. She opened the door and saw an older woman.

"Do you have any clothes you wish cleaned, Lady Cal?"

Cal's lips twitched at her promotion. Maybe a sovereign had been a little excessive.

"I do." She gathered up her dress and other clothes which she'd scattered across the bathroom in her rush to get into the bath. Cal carried the bundle over to the woman. "Here, my thanks."

The woman handed her a folded bundle in exchange.

"Meireka said these should fit you. You can't wear a bathrobe to supper."

"You are most kind." Cal took the bundle. The women bobbed and vanished down the hall with the dirty clothes. Closing the door, Cal unfolded the bundle. It turned out to be a long skirt of some incredibly soft, light material. A white underskirt felt even softer under her fingers. Embroidery ran around the skirt's hem and waist. Flowers and birds in bright colours. The blouse was a match to the skirt with a gossamer light shirt to wear beneath. Cal dressed quickly, then admired the effect in the mirror. She spent more time than usual on her hair, trying to get it to suit what she wore.

Yet another knock at the door.

Cal opened it to see a man frowning at her. He wore a white suit which showed off his swarthy complexion. His coal black hair was oiled or waxed into place.

"One of the staff tried to change this into smaller coins." He held out the sovereign.

"I gave it to Meireka to share with the men who brought my bath water up the stairs."

The man looked a little uncertainly at her.

"It is a lot of money, Miss."

"Miss Shillingsworth," Cal said. "Sir Shillingsworth's daughter. I am here with the scientific expedition."

The man's discomfort grew.

"But Miss, you can't - "

"Miss Shillingsworth." Cal shocked herself with how much like her father she sounded. "And I will give what I please, if this upsets you, I will return to my ship."

The man paled, then wilted in front of her.

"My apologies, Miss Shillingsworth, but I have already sent the girl home. It is most unfortunate."

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