

The armed forces of Soul Society consist of three independent main branches: the Gotei 13, the Kido Corps and the Onmitsukido(Secret force)


GOTEI 13: The Gotei 13 is the organization which most Shinigami join. It is split into thirteen divisions (hence the name), with several divisions having certain specializations. The 4th Division is the medical/supply division, the 11th Division is the combat division (specialization in swordsmanship), and the 12th Division is the research/scientific division. The 9th Division is in charge of newspaper and magazine-related duties. It's unclear if the other divisions are specialized, as the four above are the only ones who receive any significant attention apart from their members. Additionally, it should be noted that Sui-Feng(AN: It's Soi Fon, original name, yeah because she is Chinese of sort. I was also surprised. Though I will use Soi Fon in my story since I am more used to it.) is in charge of both the 2nd Division and the Onmitsukido. The Gotei 13 somewhat seems to have superiority and little authority over the two branches.


ROYAL GUARDS: Also known as the Zero Division, it is made up of former captains of the Gotei 13 who have been promoted to this level. Only captains of the Gotei 13 know of their existence. They are said to have considerable power and tactical knowledge. Only the King presides over them, the Central 46 have no say in them what so ever.


KIDO CORPS : There is currently little information on the Kido Corps, due to the secrecy in which they operate. The members all excel in Kido.

ONMITSUKIDO: There is little information about the operations of the Onmitsukidō. They are currently lead by Sui-Feng, who is also the captain of the Gotei 13's Second Division. She succeeded Yoruichi Shihoin in both posts.



The ultimate law is to maintain balance.

It is against the law for a Shinigami to give their spiritual power to Humans.

It is against the law for a Shinigami to use forbidden Kido.

It is against the law for any citizen of Soul Society to create weapons of a dangerous nature not sanctioned by the feudal government. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to commit terrorist action(s) or attempt to overthrow the balance of Soul Society. To do so is treason.

It is against the law to commit murder.

It is against the law to kill a Human that a Shinigami has not been ordered to kill.

It is forbidden for a Shinigami to acquire or attempt to gain Hollow-like powers.

It is a crime for a Shinigami to remain in the Human World longer than a certain time limit.

It is against the law for the Gotei 13 to meddle in the affairs of the noble families unless the family in question breaks one of the laws of Soul Society beyond a shadow of a doubt.

It is by ancient law that two Shinigami cannot hold the same Zanpakuto. They must fight for the honor of bearing the spirit, with the spirit going to the winner, and the loser being executed.

It is forbidden for a Shinigami to intervene in anything that is related to Hell.

It is a crime to lose a sacred treasure.

It is against the law to alter the Dangai records.

All Modified Souls must be scrapped.


Exile: Certain crimes allows for the punishment of exile, commonly stripping a Shinigami of their powers and banishing them to the Human World.

Detention: A punishment not well known among the citizens of Soul Society is the detention of Shinigami. It is commonly reserved for those who have either broken the law, quit the Gotei 13, or those who just seem dangerous and mentally unstable (as per the government's interpretation). This is carried out by the Onmitsukido.

Imprisonment: The Central 46 can sentence a Shinigami to be held in the Central Great Underground Prison for a set amount of time. The prison has eight levels which prisoners are confined in based on the severity of their crimes.

Sealing: If a renegade Shinigami is resisting arrest and proves to be too powerful to be restrained or executed, they would be opted to be sealed away to prevent further damage.

There are two known forms of execution in Soul Society:

Spirit-Sealing Pit: The Spirit-Sealing Pit is an ancient form of execution in which Shinigami criminals are thrown into a pit walled with sekki sekki rock – a type of stone that absorbs spiritual power, preventing those nearby from using their powers. Hollows are then thrown into the pit with the criminals as the means of execution. The practice was considered too barbaric and discontinued, and the Spirit-Sealing Pits were converted into garbage dumps.

Sokyoku , (Twinned Punishment): The "ultimate punishment", Sokyoku is a form of execution usually reserved for those with extremely strong spiritual powers, namely Shinigami captains. The Sokyoku is a giant halberd that utterly destroys a soul on contact. When released, Sokyoku takes on the form of a phoenix, its true form, called Kikoo. The Kikoo has the destructive power of a million Zanpakuto, and that power is multiplied by a factor of 10 at the moment it pierces its victim.

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