
03: SABRINA - Spooky Day At School

The next morning I was heading off to school when my mom Came up to me and said "Sabrina please try to be more creative when writing stories Today. You only have one week left before summer vacation. Olivia's dad also called last night and said that you are really scaring Olivia and he wants you to stop."

Olivia is my best Friend and she always loves my scary stories when I tell them at Lunch and on the bus. A bunch of other kids also came over to hear them too! Well I guess not that many kids have been coming over anymore, and Olivia has also been acting a little scared and annoyed when hearing them.

I just couldn't believe how much my mom was telling me to stop!

"I'll try to write "better" in class. Olivia and everyone else loves my scary stories! I'll try not to tell stories today, but if anyone asks me to tell one I have to!" I said as I walked out the door. My mom didn't look very happy though.

I walked down to the bus stop to see Olivia there. Lily took a different bus cause she still goes to elementary school.

"Hi Olivia! Are you ready for the last week of school? I think some ghosts come out at this time though." I said, but Olivia just rolled her eyes and said "Come on Sabrina! Your stories are really starting to drive me crazy.".

"I'm telling the truth! Ghosts of kids who got expelled return to our school to get revenge on the teachers and our principal Mrs. Newman." I Said in a scary voice.

Suddenly the bus arrived and we got on. Olivia and I found a spot where we sat together, and then I continued my story.

"I'm not joking around this time! Evil spirits of expelled kids come and mess things up. Teachers come into the room to find their stuff all over the floor. Students like us also notice that their stuff is missing." I said.

As I continued my story a few kids sitting in the seats in front and behind us came a little closer and started to listen.

After a little while of telling the story we arrived at school, and as the kids got off the bus they looked pretty scared. We went into school, put our stuff in our lockers, and then Olivia and I headed off to English class.

We came in and Olivia and I sat down. Our teacher Ms. Malthaner always has us start off by writing something in a journal and then reading it out loud if we wanted to. I love to write creepy stories to scare the other kids in class but Ms. Malthaner isn't very happy about it. As soon as I picked up my pencil Ms. Malthaner came over and said "Sabrina can you please try not to write a scary story today? If you do please don't read it out loud.".

"OK. I'll try to see if I have any "good" ideas in my mind today." I said.

After a while of trying to think of something to write I got pretty bored. Then suddenly I got a pretty sneaky idea of how to scare Olivia.

I raised my hand and said "Ms. Malthaner can I please have a hall pass? I have to go to the bathroom."

"Ok. Here you go." She said and then she handed me a pass.

I went out the door and then snuck up to Olivia's locker. Our lockers don't have locks on them so I opened Olivia's locker and took out her lunchbox. Then I hid it in my locker.

I didn't have to go to the bathroom that much but I still went so that I wouldn't need another hall pass later. Then I went back to class.

Olivia and I sat next to each other for the rest of English class. I was pretty bored most of the time but after a little while I started to get more interested in it. Olivia was sure into class and wrote a lot though. After English came Science and then it was time for lunch.

Olivia opened her locker and started searching everywhere for her lunchbox.

"I know that I put my lunchbox right here!" She said.

"Yeah. I saw you put it in too. Maybe the ghost of an expelled kid came and took it." I said in a creepy voice.

"Oh come on! Stop telling so many stories Sabrina." Olivia said as she rolled her eyes.

"Fine. If you don't believe me I feel bad for you though." I said.

Then I opened my locker to see Olivia's lunchbox.

"Hey Olivia! Your lunchbox is in my locker!" I said pretending to be surprised.

"I bet one of those ghost teenagers came and moved it!" I said.

Olivia looked terrified at first but after a minute she just rolled her eyes and said "Oh come on Sabrina. I bet you just moved it in English class when you "went to the bathroom"."

"No I didn't!" I said.

"Come on Sabrina. Let's just go to lunch." Olivia said and then we headed off to the cafeteria.

When we got to the cafeteria Olivia and I found an open table with a bunch of other kids there. Then I went up to the line and got my lunch for 2$. Today's lunch was chicken patties. There was a new chef that had changed the menu back to the old meals. I like the old menu cause when the last chef changed it they were only making salads and "healthy" meals.

I went to the table and sat down. I didn't recognize the other kids sitting down cause they weren't in any of our classes. When I sat down at the table I looked up and said "Hi guys! What's your name?"

They said their names were Jill, Catherine, and Brian.

Olivia was the only one at the table who had brought her lunch so as I played around with my food I got a scary story idea. I knew Olivia would just say that I was being annoying and tell the other kids about my scary stories so I waited for her to go to the bathroom before I started talking.

"Do you guys like your lunch?" I asked.

"Yeah. I guess so." Jill said.

"Have you guys noticed that our new chef has changed the menu back to the older meals and was really mad that it had been changed?" I said.

"So what? I like the older food." Catherine said.

"I do too but isn't it a little spooky? The new chef also seems pretty old, and I think that she's a ghost of one of the older chefs!" I said.

Jill and Catherine looked pretty scared and Jill said

"R-Really?" In a terrified voice.

"Oh come on! Of course not!" Brian said as he rolled his eyes.

Suddenly Olivia came back and when she looked at the other kids she said "what's wrong guys?"

"Sabrina says that the new chef is a ghost of one of the older ones!" Said Catherine.

"Oh come on Sabrina! Will you just stop with the stories?! I'm sorry guys but Sabrina loves to try to scare people with scary stories. They AREN'T true." She said in a pretty angry voice.

"I'm not lying. It's true!" I said.

Suddenly lunch was over and it was time for Social studies. Social Studies was my least favorite subject and I was always secretly asking Olivia for help, but when I asked Olivia for help today she just ignored me. Probably because she was really annoyed and angry at me for scaring everyone.

After Social Studies came math and art class (my favorites) and then it was time to go home.

I always get off the bus before Olivia does and My parents always want me to wait at the bus stop for Lily and then take her home. It took a while for Lily's bus to arrive but it finally came. Then Lily got off the bus and we headed home. On our way back we always pass the giant abandoned house that I mentioned earlier. We were passing the house when I suddenly said "Did you hear that Lily?! I think I heard something rustling over there."

"Really?!" She said nervously.

"Yeah! Let's go check out the house. I bet there's something inside." I said.

"Come on Sabrina! Will you stop it already?! There's no way to get in anyway." Lily said.

"I bet we could find a way to get into the garage." I said, but as I walked up to the garage Lily just rolled her eyes and walked away.

When we got home Lily went up to mom and said "Sabrina won't stop trying to scare me mom!!!".

My mom looked at me with a pretty angry look on her face and said "Sabrina! Will you EVER stop torturing your sister and friends?! Olivia's dad called and said that you scared her and new kids again!".

"I've been trying to stop but it's not easy. It's like a ghost keeps overshadowing me to tell the stories." I said in a creepy tone of voice. Lily ran off to her room with a terrified look on her face and my mom just rolled her eyes and left.

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