
A letter

The next day…

Liu Yang, Cilia, and Dalaris were having lunch while the five maids were at the side waiting for them to finish.

The mood in the place was one of happiness.

Cilia's goal was accomplished without Liu Yang having to do anything.

But how did it happen? They do not know.

The third prince was mysteriously killed the night before, but the news has now spread to all nine kingdoms on the Xinia Continent.

The most incredible thing is that the king did not seem to care about the death of the third prince. No one knew why, and the royal family was silent. So everyone could only try to imagine what was going on.

The group lunch was going on without a problem, until…

Shuoooo !!!

A strong wind blew into the dining room and a letter flew towards where Liu Yang was sitting.

"!!!!!!" Everyone is shocked to see the letter, but the only exception was Liu Yang. He understood that the letter was a message on the other side.

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