
Chapter 58

I'm sure you're all wondering what happened next, what we discussed after Clayman was killed and dealt with and I'd love to tell you, I really would but, well, there's a small problem with that. I am currently in one hell of a predicament and am unable to focus on anything except for the rather overwhelming embarrassment that I am currently feeling because of a certain pink headed individual.

Milim, who was back to her normal personality, had seemingly decided to take it upon herself to make up for all that time we spent apart. Even though we were currently in a very important meeting she insisted on sitting on my lap throughout the rest of it, despite the fact that she already had a sheet of her own. I was a complete mess to be honest, a fact that I was absolutely failing at hiding from everyone in the vicinity. I mean seriously, I get flustered from just talking to her every now and then so how do you think I was with her sitting on me. And the mischievous smile plastered on her face wasn't helping the situation either.

========Rimuru pov========

(Well Suu's out for the count.) I chuckled to myself, the sight of Suu trying her best not to pass out from her current situation was quite amusing to say the least. (I guess the rest is up to me for now.)

(I just wish Veldora hadn't pissed off that vampire chick...) I sighed while glancing over at the white haired woman in question who had changed from her maid outfit to a black gothic-like dress.

Turns out that the blond vampire guy was just a stand-in for the most part and the real demon lord was the maid that he had brought along with him. She was apparently trying to hide her identity until Veldora and Milim spilled the beans on that little secret.

Anyway, we were all currently sitting back around the table in the center of the room and had once again begun discussing, not before we had all been given some refreshments however and said the blond vampire was sent home by demon lord Luminous. As for the current topic of conversation, well, Guy was the one who was currently speaking at this moment in time.

"Now that that's all out of the way and done with, does anyone have anything else that they believe we should discuss?"

"I have something, although it's more of a request on my part." The one who spoke first was Frey.

Guy for his part simply nodded in acknowledgement. "Go on then."

"I have decided that I'm going to serve under Milim from now on." She announced with a smile, taking me completely off guard.

(Huh?) I definitely wasn't expecting that, and well, neither was Milim if her face was anything to go by.

"Wait, really?" The giant Dagrule hummed, he was clearly taken aback and he wasn't the only one, in fact even Dino started somewhat paying attention to what was going on after that.

"In fact I'd like to completely relinquish my status as a demon lord." It was one shock after another with this lady.

"Well Frey, all of this seems rather sudden." Guy also sounded somewhat surprised by all of this but to his credit he kept his composure rather well to be honest.

Milim, who had been listening to all of this, finally couldn't stand it and stood up. "Wait a minute, I haven't heard anything about this decision before now."

"Of course you haven't, after all I didn't tell you."

(The least you could have done is give the girl a heads up beforehand Frey.) I thought while feeling somewhat bad for Milim.

"T-this took a surprising turn." Suu managed to get out now that Milim had finally gotten off of her.

(That's for sure...)

Apparently Frey believed that she was no longer strong enough to be considered a demon lord, a decision that she had come to after watching Clayman, someone who was equal in strength to her, get absolutely demolished even after he had so suddenly awakened. Of course the other demon lords had something to say on this like Dagrule, however they weren't being aggressive about it, in fact they were acting more like a group of individuals trying to encourage a friend not to give up on their dreams. I was somewhat surprised with how everyone was acting to be honest, I guess even demon lords can have their sweet moments at times.

The surprises didn't end there however, as before anything could be decided upon things took another turn for the unexpected. This was caused by Carrion who had spoken up out of nowhere, and we all soon learnt why this was. It turns out that after getting rather brutally defeated by Milim awhile ago and hearing exactly what Frey had to say, Carrion now also wanted to give up his position as a demon lord and follow Milim as well.

"And here I was hoping that you would eventually awaken as well..." Guy mused as he looked at Carrion before finally letting out a sigh. "Oh fine, have it your way I suppose."

"From here on out the two of you are no longer demon lords and may serve under Milim as you so desire." He announced with a wave of his hand.

Before anyone else could say anything after all of that Suu slightly raised her hand catching the attention of all those that were present. "I have a question."

"What is it little bird?" Guy asked while chuckling at the annoyed look that she ended up giving him.

"If there are only nine of us now then doesn't that mean that we can't be called The Ten Great Demon Lords anymore?" Honestly I was also somewhat wondering the same thing.

"Oh no..." Ramiris muttered, she, as well as most of the people that were present looked rather uncomfortable after hearing Suu's question.

"Y-yes, I suppose you are correct..." Dagrule muttered with a nervous expression. "As a matter of dignity I suppose will have to come up with a new one"

"Fortunately for us we are currently in the middle of Walpurgis, all the demon lords are present currently so I'm positive we can come up with a formidable idea." Luminous mused but I could tell she wasn't exactly happy with the current situation.

"We went through hell the last time this came up, we had to hold Walpurgis over and over again for around three months to finally come to a decision." Dino groaned and I couldn't help the look of disbelief I gave him.

(It took them how long?!)

Unfortunately Veldora spoke up next and completely threw me under the bus. "Why not let Rimuru or Suu come up with a name then?"

"That's right! Bestie and birdy are super good at naming things." Milim smiled in agreement and so did Shion.

"That's right, thinking of names is one of Lord Rimuru's and Lady Suu's many talents."

As for Zeref and Fuyuko, they only ended up throwing more fuel to the fire. ""Indeed.""


"Well then, Rimuru, Suu, you both stand before us as new demon lords and as a gift I will grant you the great opportunity to give us a new name." Guy announced and almost immediately got rejected by the both of us.

"I'm good, thanks."

"We're not worthy of such an honor."

"Oh come now." He hummed as he proceeded to cut the table in half with a single tap of his hand. With that done he slowly walked over to me, a fact that creeped me the hell out. "I'm giving you such an amazing opportunity, and like you said, it truly is an amazing honour, one that shouldn't be so quickly refuse~"

"And besides, it was the two of you that caused this current predicament we find ourselves in." He whispered while getting way too close for comfort.

"Fine, fine I'll do it, just don't blame me if you don't like it..." I sighed and he nodded.

"Now then..."

Guy was seemingly about to try and do something similar to persuade Suu but quickly stopped when he noticed the death glare that Milim was giving him from across the room. "Well, isn't that interesting." He chuckled before walking back to his seat.

With that decided upon I got to work thinking of a name but apparently there was no need for that. "How about something like Yggdrasil?" Suu hummed without much thought.

"What's an "Yggdrasil"?" Milim asked, causing Suu to pause as she thought of a way to clarify.

"It's a massive tree from a certain mythology." She mused before explaining further. "Basically it was so massive that it connected nine different parallel worlds together, so in a way it kind of fits our current situation. Nine worlds connected together via an immeasurably large tree, nine demon lords all connected together via an absurdly powerful alliance or whatever you want to call this little group of ours."

'How the heck do you know Norse mythology?' I asked through a telepathic link I suddenly opened up.

Hearing me, Suu just shrugged before responding. 'I did end up picking up some things from my sister in my previous life, even if she was a bitch about it. Actually though, from what I remember she was pretty into all that mythology crap to be honest.'

'The more you know I guess...'

(A/N. So yeah, I decided to go with Yggdrasil, mostly because I liked the analogy that I had thought up for it. I know it's kind of basic considering how many franchises use it at this point but I couldn't think of anything better so whatever.)

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