
[Arc 1]Chapter 9

Arno F. Fabian's POV

'No survivors.', I thought as my eyes grew cold.

I brought out [Noir Blanchette] from my wristband - which essentially acts as a hidden blade - and began to move.

I eliminated all signs of my [Aura] because it would be troublesome if someone uses their [Aura] to detect mine.

I jumped on top of the wall and climbed towards the tower that was in the village. When I reached towards the top, I went behind towards the observer and covered his mouth while slitting his throat with my [Noir Blanchette] in its dagger form.

When I confirmed he was dead, I left his body and climbed down the ladder. There were already a few bandits who served as observers there, hence I stealthily jumped down and turned my [Noir Blanchette] in its longsword form.

"Hey.", I stopped when they began a conversation.

"Yeah?", The other bandit inquired.

"Do you think that guy would be able to apply that creepy sword to the boss' soul successfully?", The bandit asked.

"I hope so, then we can continue to pillage more villages.", The other bandit replied.

"Imagine the power that--", Before the bandit could finish his sentence, I chopped his head off and began to choke the other bandit by utilising the rest of my body to keep him still.

Once I confirmed that he was dead, I stabbed my [Noir Blanchette (Dagger Form)] in his heart to make sure that he was completely dead.

I threw their corpses to the corner of the room and continued to descend the tower. When I came across more bandits, I killed them and dumped their bodies where it was hard for someone to notice.

As I was two floors away from ground floor, I heard some grunting noises.

"No! Please no!", The desperate feminine voice rang out from inside.

"Hehaha... I'll eat you up.", A rough disgusting voice replied.

I already knew what was happening, I silently opened the door and closed it. Before the bandit could pierce the young woman with his 'son', I chopped it off and then his head came next.

I let the woman scream, so it would make other people who listened in too to think that nothing suspicious was going on.

Before she could scream again I covered her mouth, while she looked at me fearfully.

"Calm down.", I gave a soothing voice to which she visibly did calm down.

When I confirmed that she calmed down, I searched the drawers in search of clothes and when I found some I threw it towards her.

"Wear it.", I ordered her.

When she put the clothes on she questioned me.

"Who are you?", She tilted her head hopefully.

My blue cloak was still on me - covering my face - as I replied.

"Hmm... You can just call me Blue Enigma since that's what people are calling me nowadays.", I responded.

When she heard what I said her face brightened.

"Thanks Blue Enigma.", She responded to which I ruffled her hair.

"Thanks but first, do you know how to fight?", I asked her.

"Hmph. Of course, I do.", When she replied pridefully my eyebrow tilted.

"D-Dont look at me like that. They ganged up on me 10 on 1.", She responded nervously. "If it was 1 on 1 the I would've definitely won."

When I heard her say this with determination, I looked into her eyes.

'Seems like she's not lying.', I thought since unlike many others I can determine someone's thoughts by looking at their eyes.

"Okay, I want you to go around and find a weapon you can use.", I ordered her.

"Huh, why?", She questioned.

"It's because I want you to free the villagers while I deal with the bandits.", I explained to which she nodded.

After we discussed a bit of the village's layout, we put our plan in motion.

She went towards the top of the tower and began to climb down by climbing, while I continued to stealthily head towards bottom floor.

When I noticed that no one is here, I headed towards the basement.

"Oh that's not the right way.", The voice murmured while someone cried in pain.


"Neither is that.", The voice sounded troubled while casually ignoring.the scream.

I didn't rush myself and continued to observe the room. I noticed there was a box labelled 'Anti-Grimm', which probably worked by inducing suppressants towards someone since Grimm are attracted towards negative emotions.

I grabbed a nearby cloth and wrapped it around the scientist's mouth. I stabbed [Noir Blanchette (Dagger Form)] in the lower half of his spine, which took away his ability to move his legs. His screams were muffled as he had his mouth covered by the cloth, I then replaced the cloth with a nearby rope and tied his hands together tightly.

I look towards the the torture victim and noticed that he was shocked. I untied him from his bindings, and then informed him to sneak away and help the woman free the villagers. He agreed and left, now it was just me and the scientist.

"Hey.", I called out to him.

His attention was drawn to me as he glared at me spitefully.

"You like experiments right?", I asked while manifesting my [Semblance].

"Then become my experiment.", I then opened his mouth's rope and covered his mouth with my palm.

I circulated my [Aura] and transformed more of 'it' into my [Semblance]. What I created was a highly toxic substance which induces pain which never gets numb and slowly erodes the victim. I then wrapped his mouth with a rope again, then I threw his muffled screams to the back of my mind.

No one should've noticed my [Aura] since it was a low amount, unless they are sensor-types of course.

I inspected the room I was in. I opened drawers which had papers and then stacked them onto each other, I also took his lien because why not?

I scanned his papers with my Bracelet and then put them in my library which was sectioned 'Pillaged Information'.

I was going to leave but I noticed something. There was something that resembled a glass sword next to the desk. I picked it up.

Next I knew it, I found myself in another place. I looked around and observed the area. The area I was in was something that resembled a paradise that was technologically advanced. It's like the garden Adam and Eve had before God kicked their asses out, except this version has technological advancements.

"Like it?", A woman questioned me as she left the mansion.

"Where is this?", I questioned the blue eyed woman.

"Your in your [Inner World].", She answered.

'Inner world? What is this, Bleach?', I thought with a tinge of sarcasm.

"No, an [Inner World] is the inside of your soul. It's what makes you what you are. It's the culmination of your experiences, desires, aspirations and so on.", She explained as she walked towards me with her black hair flickering in the surroundings.

"So why am I here?", I asked.

"To make a contract.", She responded.

"A contract?", I questioned while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. You see, I'm one of the 10 swords of Samsara. The [Spirit Sword - Reiken].", She stated.

Since its a legendary sword, I decided to think that it would be useful if I had it.

"What's your use?", I asked.

"My use is the ability to manipulate [Raw Aura], and I'm also the only humanoid Samsara sword.", She clarified.

"What's the contract entail?", I asked.

She seemed visibly happy when I started to consider the contract.

"The contract is two things. One, you supply me with [Aura], and two, you visit me every so often.", She explained.

"In my [Inner World]?", I questioned.

"You will know how to visit in due time.", She responded.

"Anything negative?", I asked.

"Hmm... Your left eye's pupil will change colour and it will get better vision depending on your wishes.", She stated.

'So it's only the colour change, which I can hide with an eyepatch.'

"Aight sure.", I confirmed my desire to make the contract.

She reached her hand out - which I'm guessing is to initiate the contract - and I took it.

The moment I touched it I was thrown out of my own [Inner World], however I'm pretty sure she said something at the end.

"...It seems fate as brought us together, Ignotus..."

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