

[AH, it finally calmed down.]

Ruto was relieved when Crimson, the God of Wrath, was knocked out after he absorbed Neoma's anger.

The angrier Neoma got, the stronger Crimsom became.

But the God of Wrath would only be a hindrance, so he had to knock it out. He was a little worried, though. After all, to absorb Neoma's anger without her noticing, he needed to hold her in his arms.

This actually reminded him of the past.

[But it was a bitter memory for me since Neoma chose to grab Crimson's hand back then instead of mine.]

And in the first timeline, the God of Wrath wasn't a Soul Beast.

"Ruto, do you know why the cinnamon roll type of heroes has become popular in the romance genre?"

Neoma's question snapped him out of his thoughts.

Ruto shook his head, trying to focus on their conversation again. "No, you tell me."

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