
Heavenly Abyss III

Cyra instinct told her that she was facing vampires. After the story with the ghouls, this explanation seemed to be the most reasonable as nothing else came to her mind: drinking blood.

She couldn't feel anything coming from them with force Control she determined that they were dead completely dead, with no heartbeat, no oxygen intake, and no body heat.

The most noticeable change was their Essence. Yoshi had five times the Essence of his realm while Lia had 4, and the others had three times more Essence.

As Yoshi was still angry, his Essence count slowly decreased, and his battle power rose to that of a Saka.

It seemed that he wanted to finish their fight with one strike, but Cyra sensed it in time and released, but instead of fighting head-on, she began running away.

She needed time to use her full strength. She was incapable of directly jumping as Yoshi did. Also, she doubted they would wait until she became more robust. As such, she ran towards the forest.

As her Force control came into action, she became a Crowned Hun, further increasing her speed and earning her more time.

In the meantime, the group of 5 was catching up to her while unleashing various long-ranged Essence techniques.

From the missed shots, the Asuras burst, and their surroundings became a large cloud of spores.

While Cyra was immune, the group of 5 was dead; the spores didn't target them either.

With her brain limit break, Cyra's movements became much more precise. They could easily avoid the incoming attacks. As an Emperor Hun, her chasers could barely get closer to her other than Yoshi. The others could no longer get closer to Cyra. Some even were left behind.

She didn't stop there and further increased her battle power as her symbols have lit. They could be visible through her bandages.

As a conqueror Hun, she was still no match to Yoshi, but her chances were more significant than before.

She could increase her strength further, but her mental restrictions didn't let her. Her driving forces acted as another limitation unless all of them agreed this couldn't be removed no matter how hard she wanted it.

Cyra eventually took out her other ax, and her powers also reached the realm of Saka. When that happened, she suddenly stopped and slashed behind her, as she knew Yoshi would hit her if he didn't react fast enough.

Unfortunately for him, he got hit by the 2 Axes, and an X appeared on his torso, and blood split everywhere.

"H-How dares you to cut me?!" Yoshi's wrathful screaming could be described as horrific as with the loss of blood, his voice and looks changed.

Having just arrived, Lia looked at Cyra, and with the restoration of her Essence, she began sending pictures inside Cyra's mind. The rapid changes in her iris had a hypnotic wave effect.

This act was her worst possible idea because it's reminded Cyra of Kyan, not to mention her reflection ability almost wholly nullified the skill.

After becoming a Saka, the reflection was already strong enough that Cyra would only receive 1% of the Essence related attacks.

But after becoming one with her body, she completely ignored anything Essence related because it was useless against her as it couldn't damage her.

Yet, it still could slow or blind as such. Cyra still prefers avoiding them.

All of her driving forces agreed that anything related to Kyan must die, but before Cyra could make a move, she sensed something coming towards her with a strong force, she had to dodge.

After she dodged the object arrived just 1 second later, it crushed the vampires to bits, nothing less since Cyra was the one who fought them, she received the points for killing.

Spreading her Force control to see where this pink spike originated, she saw a colossal behemoth standing above the forest.

Looks like she found the Apex predator of the forest. It was a giant whale.

It seemed that the large crowd of spores forced it to lick it up so the spores won't go to waste.

[Analyzation complete]

[Mammoth Whale] [23% Matching]

[Side Note: Huge!!!!]

[Origin: Whales evolution split in 2, one strain started living in gas oceans and feed on waste, while the other became a land mammal, thanks to spores, this guy has an endless supply of food and could reach the maximum size of a whale]

[Body Analysis: The whale baleen was still present, probably to filter the air and keep the spores inside, the skull has overgrown to defend its head, and sharp claw like bones appeared in the upper jaw.

It also has five pairs of flippers on its back and a tail to communicate with other family whales.

The giant animal is also walking on six legs that could bear its weight]

[Estimated Battle Power]

[EBP: Emperor Saka]

In the meantime, the outside world was shocked to learn that another 2 Seats has fallen under the Weird one's hands.

The weird one has proven herself again and again as a formidable foe or ally. Still, the wrath she will have two faces also increased with another ancient family pressing the collider set to give up their elder to them.

Yet everyone was still varied as her name implied that she was from a family, but where or who could that family be? No matter how hard they tried to search, they couldn't find it as if it didn't even exist.

Yet the bracelet deemed her with that name, and the bracelet cannot lie. As such, they gave up killing her and decided to make her life miserable.

In the meantime, Cyra Rank jumped even higher on the rank list as she killed five competitors, namely rank 2789th place and 340th place together with another 3 top 10 000.

With these kills, Cyra's rank catapulted into the top 100 with relative ease, and she was rank 54th. For the outside, the Weird one became the main competitor as for the inside. It meant that they gravely underestimated her.

What further increased her rank was the killing of the Asuras. As such, she idly occupied the spot without a chance to lose it as long as she continued killing them.

After the whale withdrew its tongue, Cyra went to pick up the leftovers that the whale didn't collect.

Then decided to head deeper inside the forest to avoid headaches like these, while as long as she only collected a few of the mushrooms, she would be fine.

As Cyra ventured deeper and deeper into the forest of Asura, she came across a strange valley. Inside the valley, there were tens of human shaped statues guarding a shrine.

Whenever she walked closer, a statue's eyes would lit up and release a strand of killing intent, which could crush whoever wasn't strong enough.

When she reached the end, she faced the killing intent of someone who killed billions, under this kind of pressure, even she didn't dare to look up and bent her head to the statue.

When she did that, a panel appeared on the floor, instructing her to pick a difficulty of Normal, Painful, Last Breath, Fatal or Infernal.

Without thinking much about it, she picked infernal then a bridge formed in her path, granting her access to the shrine.

But upon trying to enter, she was rejected by a simple yet painful massage.

- insufficient number of participants need nine more-

Cyra was a force to completely forget about cultivation for 25 whole years as the only thing she did was creating four small pathways to the forest at each side.

Then spent another ten years trying to keep the paths open until rumors head spread about this place. The fallen weak ones could completely block the paths. As such, Cyra usually killed them before they could even move.

Then she returned before the gate and waited as an invisible sentinel; after 15 years of constant killing and fighting, the rank list considerably changed, but she finally got into the top 10.

[Lothar Valentine the Strongest] 1st

[Toma Ziya Senseless] 2nd

[Mathias Storm the Clever] 3rd

[Adam Saxon the Wild] 4th

[Darell Linos the Snake] 5th

[Maya Valentine the Strongest] 6th

[Zoey Ziya Senseless] 7th

[Cyra Ember the Weird] 8th

[Dani Saxon the Wild] 9th

[Selena Storm the Clever] 10th

Fifty-seven years into the competition, the top 10 have come together for the first time, waiting for the temple's opening. The weird one was the first to appear as Cyra only had to undo her reflection.

Lothar was the second person to reach the valley. He emitted the endless might of a king and bravely walked to the bridge together with his younger sister Maya.

They were the strongest among the top 10. Even after so many years, everyone was only an Awaken Hun as it was getting harder and harder to further progress.

At the sight of the weird one, Lothar was happy as it seemed that he was stronger than he originally estimated, even he had to acknowledge that her feats were nothing small.

Walking beside her, he sitter down as if he wasn't affected by the killing intent at all.

One by one, everyone has arrived safely at the entrance. The people could hear the booming sound of angry whales in the distance, but it slowly died down.

When the last person also arrived, the shrine's gates have opened, and they were given access immediately.

Cyra didn't say a thing about the difficulty as she thought it wasn't that much of an importance as it shouldn't affect such a strong group at all.

This statement didn't last long as Darell was the first to make a move. As he attempted to attack one of the creatures, only a pile of bloody mess remain from him.

Since there were 9 of the present, every one of them received 1/9 of his points.

The temple had even more potent killing intent inside, causing everyone to lose one realm worth of battle power.

On top of that, the monsters emitting energies that of a Hun weren't Hun at all, in-fact. They were Saka-s.

On infernal difficulty, every creature inside was six entire realms stronger than they were initially intended to be.

Not long after his death, the group took their time to raise their battle powers as much as possible, including Cyra. Everyone took out their weapons, and through unknown means, all of them became Saka.

They slowly began clearing out the first level of the shrine, one by one, they pulled away from the monsters and, with great teamwork, got rid of them.

Then the remains were split, and everyone took part; everything went rather well on the first floor, but not so much on the second.

Unlike the first floor, the second was filled with Awaken Saka-s, who were somewhat sentient and always walked around in groups making it impossible for them to separate. As such, the group had to fight off an entire group of monsters without an end.

Their fighting spirit dimmed as they were presented with the fact that they had to sacrifice one of their lives to open the door.

After working together for one whole year, the shrine was the one that reminded them that they were each other's competitors.

There was currently 9 of them. Cyra had to find a way to kill the younger siblings of each and everyone present without realizing her intentions.

Luckily the senseless was the first one to voice out his opinion, "I think we should just kill Selena; she is the weakest among us!"

"Did you lost your mind from the killings? She is my sister!" Mathias completely lost it and has prepared to fight for his sister, but Lothar was faster and struck first, killing Mathias and granting them access to the next floor. "No need to thank me, Now let's go!"

I didn’t realize so much time has passed... I should play after writing next time...

MrLazyFluffycreators' thoughts
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