
Tell the Real Irving

[This chapter is dedicated to FlynnShin for being the top 1 reader of my book for the month of June! Thank you so much for the support! ^^]


Miranda died a very peaceful death here in Irving's Metanoia compared to when she died in the past.

With Irving sobbing silently, Aranea watched him and also prayed silently for her fellow Summoner to rest in peace.

The love that Miranda showed towards Irving is unconditional. It is a love that she wholeheartedly gave him—sacrificing her life just for the Lightning Familiar to live and for him not to suffer anymore.

With Irving giving her one last hug, he whispered the poem that Miranda let him memorize before—the Lightning Familiar still remembering the contents of the poem even though it was only part of a silly bet.

It was Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe.

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