

Cody blinked at Karli in disbelief as he tried to recalibrate his brain. She seriously loved him? Why? He hadn't exactly given her much to work with. He followed her lead on things but rarely took the initiative himself.

It was the first time she said something like that. All this time she had said she liked him and that was supposedly quite different. His friends had explained the difference to him at one point. Finn and Carmen loved each other but Michael and Sarah liked each other. Like was far less severe than love.

Fantastic. His girlfriend was in love with him when he barely tolerated her presence in his life. What was he supposed to do about that?

He couldn't stop the next question from coming out either. "Why?!"

Karli sighed, obviously still frustrated with him. "Well, when you aren't being as dense as a brick you're smart, funny, easy to talk to, and surprisingly sweet. There's something relaxing about being around you."

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