
You Look Fantastic, Ladies!

The girl came back with two baskets of breadsticks that were demolished before the soups even arrived. Five noticed that all of them had ordered soup, most likely because they were curious about it after watching the squash and apple soup be made on TV. 

The cafeteria back at headquarters didn't offer a very wide variety of foods and soup had never been on it. Primarily the Numbers ate plain chicken breast, bread, eggs, cereal, fruits, and vegetables. They were told it was because those things had high nutritional value to get them through their training most efficiently. 

Deliciousness was not part of the equation. Numbers ate what they were given without complaint because otherwise they would starve. 

When the soups did arrive the girl brought more breadsticks along with it and cleared away their empty ones. Everyone took a cautious spoonful before practically inhaling it. Soup was every bit as delicious as the woman on TV had promised it would be. 

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