
Chapter 261


Tywin looked at the letter, his hands shaking with anger. He controlled the urge the rip the letter into and passed it on to his brother.

"What did Cersei do now?" Genna asked from the other side of the table "Or… was it Tyrion this time."

"Jamie." He said, trying to reason how his eldest son could have done something so monumentally stupid.

Genna frowned at that "Jamie… I didn't take him for a troublemaker. Didn't take him for anything really."

He growled but she continued "The boy has no ambition of his own. The only thing he's good at is swords and he use that talent to be a glorified door guard to a whoremonger of a king."

He would have refuted her if he did not believe the same thing himself and if he was not so angry right about now.

"Enough." He said in a tone that brook no argument.

Genna still looked like she wanted to say something but then she thought better of it and just shrugged, as if arguing with him was not worth her while.

"This… this is a disaster." His brother declared with a resigned and tired expression once he read the letter. Emotions that he himself was starting to feel whenever he thought about his legacies nowadays.

For he might have brought his house to the pinnacle of prosperity but he had no successor to carry on the torch for him.

His eldest son wouldn't give up that blasted white cloak. His youngest son was thankfully gone from his life and none of the Lannisters in the branch houses showed any promise.

His house might be wealthy, strong and prosperous right now but he worried for how it would fare once he was gone.

Genna took the letter from Kevan's hands and started going through it quickly.

Both him and Kevan waited for her to finish and once she did, she scoffed and shook her head in disappointment.

"Foolish boy." She murmured to himself "I know you don't want me to say it but I did warned you against giving the Valyrian sword to Jamie. He has always been far to irresponsible with just about everything in his life."

He wanted to refute her. But how could he do so when she was in the right once again. Something that was starting to become a norm these days.

After so many years, so many decades and centuries, his family finally had a Valyrian sword of it's own.

And now… now his irresponsible son lost it in a gamble.

"But still… Lord Bolton." Genna said "I don't think I ever heard about him participating in any tourneys. Only that sworn shield of his. People even thought that he doesn't even know how to hold a sword. To think that he would be skilled enough to defeat Jamie." She paused and looked at him "Makes me wonder what else he's hiding."

"The sword is lost to us. At least for now." Kevan said "Cersei sent the Red Cloaks after Lord Bolton, something that almost caused an incident between the Crown and the Starks. But none of the men she sent ever returned."

Genna scoffed once again "Expecting Cersei to be competent. Have we really become so desperate now."

"Enough." He said, some of his rage leaking through in his voice and Genna wisely shut up though not without an annoyed look toward him. As if his rage was some child's tantrum.

Only Genna, his little sister would ever dare to look at him like that. And he loved her for it but that didn't meant that she didn't irritate both him and Kevan to high hell.

"What is done is done." He said "Now we need to think about how to get the Sword back from the Bolton boy."

"Are we contemplating exchanging the Swan ships for the sword?" his brother asked.

"No." He replied without any hesitation "The boy has crossed the line with this stunt. He'll pay for this."

"And how do you intend to make him pay?" Genna asked "His castle is on the other side of the continent. And no Southern army has ever crossed Moat Cailin. So you won't ever reach there by land. And his fleet is 10 times larger than our own. How do you plan to attack him Tywin. With your non existent dragons."

He did not even bother replying to her. There was no point. She was correct in her assumptions. They cannot attack Dreadfort from either land.

And Lord Bolton's fleet gave him naval superiority against every other house in Westeros except for the Redwynes.

If he wanted to attack from the sea, then he would need more ships and allies.

Allies that hated the Bolton boy just as much as him.

And didn't he already knew a few people like that.

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