
Chapter 73

"Alright. Give me the monthly report about the current situation of my fleet." He said with a tired yawn as he saw at the main chair in what he called his 'Meeting Room'. Or Planning room as he met with his subordinates here on a bi weekly basis and made plans regarding the future of his domain.

He has been sitting in this meeting for the past two hours and was starting to feel the affects of his young body.

Children were not supposed to work as hard as he did. He really needed to get even better at working on his 'Delegation' skills. But considering that he was the Lord of the Bolton Lands as well as the only wizard in his employee, there many things that he do on his own. Things that just could be delegated to others.

Aunt Barbrey nodded and took the list from Maester Wolkan. "The current Bolton Fleet has 124 ships. 44 Carrack that we bought from Braavos. 60 Galleons that were created in our Ship factory by our Ship wrights and 20 War Galleys."

"That's what… 6 Galleons more than last month?" he guessed and she nodded at him.

"Yes. The shipwrights had gotten more experienced at making ships in the factory. Along with the help of the new workers, they are now able to craft a Galleons with five days. An improvement from the time when they were only able to Craft 1 ship in ten days." She informed him.

"Good." He nodded "Tell them to continue making new ships for me at this rate. With how successful the Ice trade has become these past few months, I'm afraid we'll have to loan some trade ships from the Redwyne if we are not able to keep up with the demands."

Then he turned a blond middle aged woman with exotic features and asked "Celly. Give me a report on the various businesses and the profits we're earning from them."

Celly, the daughter of a very successful merchant who was captured in her youth and sold into slavery and a woman who had a bright mind for business and was working as a CEO for his various branches in business spoke "We've opened 8 new book shops in total in the past month as well as 13 new Ice Cream Shops. The business, as you guessed is gaining more and more profit for now and I don't think that we'll reach the plateau any time soon. For now we need to focus on expanding as much as possible. Here's the profits gained form the various businesses in the past month." She said and handed an opened ledger to him.

Product - Profit

Food - 36,800Gold Dragons

Books - 14,400 Gold Dragons

Ice - 18,570 Gold Dragons

Weapons - 8,800 Gold Dragons

Silver(mine)- 300,000 Silver Stags = 1400 Gold approx.

Copper (mines)- 500,000 Copper Star= 350 Gold approx.

Glass - 23,000 Gold Dragons

Fleet Trade- 7,200 Gold Dragons

Taverns - 3,400 Gold Dragons

Brothels - 7,900 Gold Dragons

Total Profit- 111,020 Gold Dragons.

So he earned about 110,000 Gold Dragons in a month.

That number was huge. Like, really huge. From what he knew so far, even the Starks only gained about 4,000 gold dragons per month from the tax collected from their lands and the other lords. And the Manderlys also only earned about 10,000-20,000 due their the port.

And those were the richest houses in North. He was sure that the poor houses like Umber or Karstark only earned about a thousand Gold Dragons per month.

Compared to them, he earned a lot more.

But then again. Compared to them. He spent a lot more as well.

Creating a town, creating roads, opening schools, building new ships, building a port, building canals, building an army, paying the sailors, etc. It took a lot of gold.

About 120,000 gold. So instead of gaining any wealth, he was losing about 10,000 gold dragons per month.

But he wasn't discouraged in the least.

After all, many of the things he was spending a lot of money on like creating road, building new ships, building canals, etc were investments that would start paying for themselves after a time and start increasing his profits.

And even then he had stolen enough gold by this point that he had about 4.4 million gold dragons and 1 million Braavosi Gold coins.

With such a large amount of wealth in his possession, he didn't need to worry about running out of gold any time soon.

"Master Nycho Nystoris." He spoke.

"My lord." The leader of the Guild of glass makers said.

"I want you to increase the production of the glass you make by 100% by the end of the year."

"100% my lord… that's…"

"Entirely Possible. I'll pay for the infrastructure you need to build more glass and you won't lack for any workers either."

"I… that's… very generous of you mu lord." The man spoke cautiously "I know it's not my position but… do you want to further increase your Glass Business my lord?"

"No." He replied while shaking his head and took out a paper from his bottomless bag and gave it to the older man.

He opened the scroll and read through it quickly. "This… my lord."

"Yes. Glass houses. Like the one that we have in Dreadfort." He spoke. "I want to make more glass for me Master Nycho. But instead of selling the glass. I want you to horde it and make new glass houses with them. I have already carved out a new piece of land with the city being built around Dreadfort. I want you to erect at least 100 glass houses within that piece of land."

Everyone's eyes widened at his declaration.

"But… my lord… that would be…"

"Very expensive? Unprecedented? Wasteful?" he asked.

"I… I…."

"You don't need to speak Master Nycho. I know what I'm doing. Just complete the order." He spoke while using some compulsion charm and the man hesitated for a moment before nodding his head.

"Very well then. That'll be all." He said and everyone sitting in the table stood up and bowed to him before leaving the room.

Everyone except for his aunt.

"Dom." She said carefully "Why do you want to build so many glass houses within the city?" she asked.

"For Growing spices, exotic fruits, rare magical plants and coffee." He said. "These are some of the things that can only be found in hot climate like Reach, Dorne or Summer Islands. Once the glass houses have been completed, I'll carve runes on them to make them sturdy so that they won't break easily while controlling the temperature inside."

"I know this new project to make so many glass houses might seem extravagant, impulsive and wasteful. But I've given a lot of thought to it and have found that once they start working properly, we'll be able to make a good amount of profit from the plants we grow and sell within those glass houses."

His aunt thought about his words and nodded at him. "So what kind of plants have you decided to grow in these glass houses."

He took out a paper in which he had made the list of spices, exotic fruits and coffee that he want to grow and started telling about it to his aunt.

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