
Chapter 978 Bodeir VS Bodeir

At exactly 1:00am there was a deep rumbling sound as the ground shook. The large wall that kept the Floating Rock penned in slowly lowered. Kat couldn't see them, but it was the work of three teams of cultivators working together with an Earth mage to bring the wall down. The Captain Creshe headed off to start operating the shift with the other captain, or captains. 

The demonic trio, Kat, Lily, and Sue, all stood nearby and watched as the boat started to move. The oars were slowly paddling from the side and they did actually seem to be moving the boat. Eventually, the boat left the docking section and got onto the main straightaway… but instead of going forward it started to drop backwards. A confused glance showed that all the scurrying crew members weren't reacting at all. Apparently this was intended?

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